
  • paranoia;paranoid;delusional disorder
  1. 哈佛大学教授、美国外交政策分析领域的老前辈约瑟夫奈(JosephNye)将谈论美国的衰落视为知识界一时的风尚&可以和早些年认为日本正超过美国的妄想症相提并论。

    Joseph Nye , a Harvard professor and doyen of US foreign policy analysts , regards talk of American decline as an intellectual fad – comparable to earlier paranoia about the US being overtaken by Japan .

  2. 士兵普遍患妄想症,一个原因就在于此。

    And this is one reason why soldiers commonly suffer paranoia .

  3. 他患了妄想症,认为自己是拿破仑。

    He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon .

  4. 在拒绝了患有妄想症的贝卢斯科尼后,三个主要政党同意支持总统乔治纳波利塔诺(GiorgioNapolitano)一手挑选的更为冷静且更有能力的领导人马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)。

    After dismissing the delusional Mr Berlusconi , the three main parties agreed to support Mario Monti , a more sober , competent leader , handpicked by president Giorgio Napolitano .

  5. 对,我有严重的青春期妄想症。

    Yeah , I 'm having lots and lots of puberty .

  6. 没有得妄想症的人普遍注意力不集中。

    Anyone who isn 't paranoid simply isn 't paying attention .

  7. 银行家才是患妄想症的,而家庭主妇是压抑沮丧的。

    The bankers are paranoid , and the housewives are depressed .

  8. 看,我是有些不安或许妄想症,亲爱的。

    See , I ` m nervous and paranoid , man .

  9. 如今我们在思考人类的自动化未来时也犯了这样的妄想症。

    So it is today as we contemplate our automated future .

  10. 你现在不仅是自私自利了而且还有了妄想症

    You 've clearly become as delusional as you are selfish .

  11. 我以前认为她有妄想症。

    I used to think that she was purely delusional .

  12. 不!你是不是有点儿…妄想症之类的?

    No. Are you , like , whatever , delusional ?

  13. 我父亲不像是有妄想症。他是完美主义者。

    My dad didn 't seem delusional . He was a perfectionist .

  14. 将芳香疗法当成一种生活方式不应导致妄想症或产生不必要的过虑。

    Implementing aromatherapy into your lifestyle shouldn 't cause paranoia or undue worry .

  15. 有点儿妄想症是有益的。

    ( A little ) paranoia is also healthy .

  16. 老兄,我好像也有妄想症了。

    Man , I wouid be paranoid , too .

  17. 我不知道,也可能是妄想症。

    I don 't know . obsession , maybe .

  18. 你是否知道最近关于妄想症的理论

    Are you aware of recent theories concerning what is known as paranoia ?

  19. 整天对付沮丧的投资银行家,还有患妄想症的家庭主妇?

    Depressed investment bankers , paranoid housewives all week ?

  20. 有没有认跟你说过你有点妄想症?

    Has anyone ever told you you 're paranoid ?

  21. 精神病院可能把受害者诊断为妄想症。

    Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional .

  22. 但我是那个有妄想症的?

    But I 'm the one who 's paranoid ?

  23. 他自己的长官也承认他有妄想症。

    His own Lieutenant acknowledges his obsessive paranoia .

  24. 她变成了或者一直是难以界定的精神病患者和确诊的妄想症患者。

    She becomes – perhaps she always was – borderline psychotic and over-the-border delusional .

  25. 我觉得我有妄想症了。

    I think I was just being paranoea .

  26. 采用奥氮平成功治疗寄生虫妄想症

    Successful treatment of delusions of parasitosis with olanzapine

  27. 凡高患有突发性受迫害妄想症。

    Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania .

  28. 他的健忘症、妄想症还是存在。

    His amnesia and his delusion have persisted .

  29. 也许就是他,他有妄想症

    Maybe he did . He is delusional .

  30. 你有妄想症吧

    Blair : Then you must be delusional .