
  • 网络fundraising
  1. 上周,高盛的V基金(VintageV)在募资10个月后,不再接受新投资者的资金,该基金超出了50亿美元的融资目标。

    Goldman 's Vintage V fund last week closed to new investors after 10 months of fundraising , having surpassed its goal of $ 5bn .

  2. 与此同时,Airbnb正向投资者展开一轮规模为15亿美元的募资。这些投资者以美国私人股本公司泛大西洋投资集团(GeneralAtlantic)为首,还包括总部位于北京的高瓴资本(HillhouseCapital)以及投资机构老虎环球基金(TigerGlobal)。

    The partnership comes amid a $ 1.5bn fundraising round from investors including Beijing-based Hillhouse Capital and investment firm Tiger Global , and led by US private equity firm General Atlantic .

  3. 今年初,Path进行了B轮募资,共筹集到2.5亿美元。

    Earlier this year path raised a series B round of funding valuing it at $ 250 million .

  4. 据复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)统计,这是科技泡沫破灭以来的年度美股IPO募资规模的新高。

    This is the highest total since the tech bubble , according to Renaissance Capital .

  5. 去哪儿获得了大量现金,金额甚至超过了很多公司的IPO募资规模。

    The company got lots of cash , more than in most IPOs .

  6. 其中最大的是最终募资规模35亿美元的EnCapEnergyCapitalFundVIII。

    The largest was a $ 3.5 billion final close for encap energy capital fund VIII .

  7. 尽管环境变得严峻,但募资机构仍在努力组建起一位投资者所称的“自负”(bigego)基金。

    Despite the tougher environment , fundraisers are at pains to assemble what one investor calls " big ego " funds .

  8. 根据韩国风投协会(KoreaVentureCapitalAssociation)的数据,去年,韩国风投基金募资2.5万亿韩元,是2012年的3倍。

    Venture capital funds in South Korea raised Won2.5tn last year , triple the amount in 2012 , according to the Korea Venture Capital Association .

  9. 红杉资本发言人以美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的营销限制为由,拒绝就最新募资活动发表评论。

    A firm spokesman declined to comment on the new efforts , citing sec marketing restrictions .

  10. 今年,世界自然基金会还发起了众筹平台平台“蓝色地球小时”(EarthHourBlue)行动,该平台旨在为全球的环保项目募资。

    This year the World Wide Fund for Nature also launched Earth Hour Blue , a crowdfunding platform aimed at raising money for environmental projects around the globe .

  11. 麦肯锡的报告称,中国已成为全球最大的IPO市场,去年发行募资1250亿美元。

    McKinsey reports that China is the new world leader in IPOs , with $ 125 billion raised last year .

  12. 去年,亚太区首次公开发行(IPO)募资1470亿美元。对于私人银行来说,这是新客户的主要来源。

    Initial public offerings raised $ 147bn in Asia-Pacific in 2007 - a big source of fresh customers for private banks .

  13. 8月14日拿到营业执照的第一东方(上海)投资管理公司(firsteastern(shanghai)investmentmanagement)计划接下来一年将募资并投资于地区发展和环保项目。

    First Eastern ( Shanghai ) investment management , which was granted its licence on August 14 , intends to raise funds over the next year for investment in regional development and environmental protection projects .

  14. 据汤姆森-路透(ThomsonReuters)报道,今年IPO的募资总额只比去年创记录的总额的四分之一多一点。

    IPOs have raised little more than a quarter of last year 's record amounts , according to Thomson Reuters .

  15. 投资银行声誉与上市公司IPO募资变更行为&基于保荐制下的实证分析

    Investment Banks Reputation and the Behavior of Changing in Use of IPO Fund by Listed Company-Real Diagnosis & Demonstrational analysis based on guarantee recommend system

  16. 国内互联网金融平台融360的子公司简普科技最近递交了IPO申请,计划募资2.72亿美元。

    Jianpu Technology Inc , a subsidiary of China 's online finance platform Rong360 , applied recently in the hope of raising $ 272 million .

  17. 一家中世纪学府昨天踏入现代金融时代剑桥大学(cambridgeuniversity)在其800年的历史上首次利用公共债券市场(而非慈善募捐)募资。

    A medieval institution entered the modern financial era yesterday , when Cambridge universityused the public bond markets , rather than philanthropy , for the first time in its 800-year history .

  18. 高盛配售15亿美元Facebook股票的计划正是华尔街所觊觎的交易类型。高盛不得不把募资对象限制为国际投资者。

    Goldman Sachs ' $ 1.5bn placement of Facebook shares , which it had to limit to international investors , is the kind of business Wall Street covets .

  19. 知名匿名信息分享应用Whisper今天确认,第三轮风投融资成功募资3600万美元。

    Mobile anonymous sharing app Whisper today confirmed that it has raised $ 36 million in its third round of venture capital funding .

  20. 这一项目通过在线募资网站Kickstarter筹得资金,现已进入原型阶段。

    The project was funded using Kickstarter and is currently in the prototype stage .

  21. 预计美国国际集团(AIG)本周将正式宣布其亚洲寿险业务的上市计划,募资额将达数十亿美元。

    American International Group is this week expected formally to unveil plans for a multi-billion-dollar initial public offering of its Asian life insurance operations .

  22. 熟悉阿里巴巴(Alibaba)情况的人士表示,该集团在线支付分公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)已完成一轮募资,令其估值达到450亿美元到500亿美元之间。

    Ant Financial , Alibaba 's online payments affiliate , has completed a fund raising that values the company at $ 45bn - $ 50bn , according to people close to the Chinese ecommerce group .

  23. 美国运通表示,股票发行遵循了美联储(Fed)的附加指引。根据该指引,在公共股票市场募资是回购美国财政部所持公司优先股的前提条件。

    Amex said the equity offering followed additional guidance from the Federal Reserve that made raising funds in the public equity markets a precondition for buying back the Treasury 's preferred shares in the company .

  24. 被出售证券似是DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV的有限合伙股权,DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV是2008年建立的一只私募股权基金,募资21亿美元。

    The securities being sold appear to be LP interests in DLJ merchant banking partners IV , a $ 2.1 billion private equity fund raised in 2008 .

  25. 分析师表示,募资所得很可能被用于投资研发,以期获得相对于竞争对手特斯拉(Tesla)的优势。

    The cash would potentially be used for investment in research and development and gain an edge against rival Tesla , analysts suggested .

  26. 位于加州旧金山的Twitter公司表示,它计划在公开市场发行700万股股票,发行价在17美元到20美元之间,共计募资14亿美元。

    The San Francisco-based company said that it plans to raise upwards of $ 1.4 billion , by selling 70 million shares at between $ 17 and $ 20 per share .

  27. 企业IPO募资投向变更的行为不仅关系到上市公司募集资金的使用效率,对整个证券市场秩序也会产生广泛的影响。

    The change behavior of investing direction in IPO Companies not only affects the use efficiency of the raised funds , but also has an important impact on the entire market order .

  28. IPO之前股东的持股被稀释的程度,超过了从市场募资所需的水平,但只要不是太过分,他们也能忍受。

    The pre-IPO shareholders lose money by having their holdings diluted more than was needed to raise money from the market but they tolerate that as long as it is not egregious .

  29. 此发行价格显示了投资者对社交网络公司的投资欲望非常强烈,并使LinkedIn此次IPO的募资规模达到3.528亿美元,而该公司的IPO市值则为42.5亿美元。

    That price , which shows strong investor appetite for social networking companies , raises $ 352.8 million for LinkedIn and places the valuation of the company at $ 4.25 billion .

  30. 亿万富翁安巴尼(AnilAmbani)掌控之下的信实电力(ReliancePowerLtd.)在2008年1月募资30亿美元后,其首期电厂已于去年12月开始发电。

    Reliance Power Ltd. , a utility controlled by billionaire Anil Ambani , started generating power at its first project in December after raising $ 3 billion in January 2008 .