
  1. 最后对募役法的进步性进行了分析,希望能进一步完善募役法的评价体系。

    At the end of the Muyi law improvements were analyzed , hope to further improve the Muyi law evaluation system .

  2. 募役法的进步性使其在后世一直被沿用,虽然经过演化,但是本质内容没有改变。

    Muyi law progressive in its later has been used , although through evolution , but the actual content did not change .

  3. 募役法更是因其对当时财政、经济和社会的重要影响,以及其复杂的役种成为研究变法的一个重点。

    Muyi law became a key to research of the reform because of its finance , economic and social influence , as well as its complex service .

  4. 募役法实施过程中没有认识到商品经济的发展对南北方地区产生的差异性影响,一刀切地在全国实施,使募役法在北方受到排斥。

    The implementation of the Muyi law was not aware of the development of commodity economy in the north and the South that produced different effects , made it rigidly exclusion in the north .

  5. 评价募役法的成败应该从它当时对社会的影响、达到的社会实效性以及是否达到变法目的为标准,掺杂太多个人好恶只能使评价结果有失公允。

    Evaluation of Muyi law from its success or failure should then impact on society , social effectiveness and whether achieve the reform objective standard , doped too much personal likes and dislikes can only make the evaluation to be unfair .