
mā zǔ
  • Mazu;Goddess of the Sea, worshiped by most fishermen in Fujian and Taiwan
  1. 我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。

    I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple , dating from the late 16th century , with its stunning woodcarvings , sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal .

  2. 其次,妈祖是闽系人的神。

    Secondly , Fujian Department of Matsu is one of God .

  3. 继续了解这个妈祖的圣地。

    To find out more about this holy land of mazu .

  4. 台湾妈祖信仰起源新探

    Another Probe into the Origin of Belief in Mazu in Taiwan

  5. 上海妈祖信仰的传入兴盛与福建人群体紧密相关。

    The Mazu belief in Shanghai is closely related with Fujianese .

  6. 妈祖文化的精神内核和海峡西岸经济区建设

    Mazu Culture and the Construction of West Channel Economic Zone

  7. 妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。

    Mazu culture is a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province .

  8. 这里有一个关于妈祖服饰的传说。

    We have a legend about the clothes of Mazu .

  9. 妈祖信仰中的民间美术及其功能

    On the Folk Art of Mazu Belief and Its Function

  10. 妈祖精神的真缔是:慈爱为怀,普济苍生。

    The core of Mazu spirit is : help people with benevolence .

  11. 从宋代诗词看早期妈祖信仰

    Research on Early Belief in Mazu from Song 's Poems

  12. 妈祖信仰在粤琼地区的传播及影响

    The Circulation and Impact of the Mazu-worship in Guangdong and Hainan Area

  13. 略论闽北的妈祖信仰

    A Brief Study of Belief in Mazu in Northen Fujian

  14. 海南岛冼夫人崇拜与妈祖信仰比较研究

    Comparative Study of Worship Between Madam Xian and Mazu in Hainan Island

  15. 闽西客家地区的妈祖信仰

    Mazu Belief in Hakkas Region of West Fujian Province

  16. 闽台妈祖古庙运签的主要类型

    Categories of Fortune Lots in Fujian-Taiwan Mazu Ancient Temples

  17. 妈祖神话的隐喻与历史进程

    The Metaphor of Mazu Myth and Its Historical Evolution

  18. 新时期莆田妈祖信仰的现状与特点探析

    The Present Situation and Characteristics of Mazu-belief in Putian

  19. 两旁是妈祖光明灯。

    The lamps of two sides are Brilliance Lamps .

  20. 妈祖信仰是中国一种古老的民间信仰。

    The belief of Mazu is a kind of ancient folks in China .

  21. 妈祖信仰的发展、传播及融合&以中国、琉球、日本为中心

    The Development , Spreading and Integration of Mazu Belief

  22. 全球眼界下妈祖文化旅游发展新思路

    New Thoughts of Mazu Cultural Tourism Development on the View of the World

  23. 妈祖信仰与中国古代传统文化有着很深的渊源。

    There is an old origin between Ma-Zu belief and Chinese traditional culture .

  24. 浅谈明代行人的妈祖信仰

    A Brief Discussion of Xingren 's Faith in Goddess Mazu in Ming Dynasty

  25. 妈祖不是出身于疍民

    Goddess Mazu Did Not Come from a Danmin ( Boat Dweller ) 's Family

  26. 妈祖信仰分布的地理特征分析

    On the Geographical Distribution Characteristics of Mazu Belief

  27. 妈祖像形珍珠雕刻贝屏的开发研究

    A Study on Mazu Image Pearl Carving Shell

  28. 福建沿海城市建设妈祖文化体育圈的思考

    About the Feasibility of Constructing " Mazu Sports Circle " in Fujian Costal Cities

  29. 专题书目编制略谈&以《妈祖文献书目》为例

    On Compilation of Subject Bibliography & A Case Study of Bibliography of Mazu Documents

  30. 作为祖庙,每天来此朝拜妈祖的香客非常多。

    As the ancestral temple , every day a quantity of believers come there .