
zhóu li
  • sisters-in-law;wives of brothers
妯娌 [zhóu lǐ]
  • [wives of brothers] 兄弟的妻子的合称

  • 两妯娌

妯娌[zhóu li]
  1. 她们俩个是妯娌。

    They two are sisters-in-law .

  2. 不仅仅是她,她的两个妯娌也刚刚丧偶,都静静地坐在她旁边。

    She is not alone . Beside her sit her two sisters-in-law who suffer in silence . They are newly widowed , too .

  3. 梅根和未来的妯娌凯特王妃不同,凯特的婚纱由亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)设计,以传统蕾丝和大拖裾为主,梅根的婚纱则更现代化。

    Very unlike her soon-to-be sister-in-law , Kate Middleton 's , royal wedding gown which was designed by Alexander McQueen and featured traditional lace and a huge train , these dresses appear far more modern .

  4. 传闻她和她的妯娌不合。

    It is said that she is at odds with her sister-in-law .

  5. 如果你要知道一个女人的岁数,去问她的妯娌。

    If you want to know how old a woman is , ask her sister-in-law .

  6. 而且有一些人承认他们认为凯特应该从马上要成为她妯娌的梅根多学学。

    And some admitted they thought Kate should be taking take tips from her soon-to-be sister-in-law Meghan .

  7. 凯特王妃公开谈论妯娌的怀孕事情,结束了与她和梅根关系紧张的谣言。

    Kate Middleton has put an end to rumours of tension with Meghan Markle by opening up about her sister-in-law 's pregnancy .

  8. 因此,虽在这样的大家庭里,长幼叔伯妯娌相处都很和睦。

    Consequently , large as it was , the whole household , old and young , uncles and sisters-in-law , lived in perfect harmony .

  9. 同病相怜的是,她的妯娌梅根马克尔也因周末穿着一件一字肩连衣群出席女王生日游行而收到诟病。

    Her sister-in-law Meghan Markle also experienced some Twitter backlash over the weekend for wearing an off-the-shoulder blush dress to the Queen 's birthday parade .

  10. 两个妯娌一个尽职,一个爱炫。两人不加以掩饰的第一,一心要把这对曾经把从出生开始就命运相连亲兄弟分开。

    two sisters-in-law , one dutiful , one showy , whose ill-concealed hostility helps to prise apart the siblings once thought tied together for life by their accident of birth .

  11. 梅根和哈里王子将从肯辛顿宫搬到温莎城堡的消息公布之后,引发了更多梅根凯特妯娌不和的谣言。凯特的这一番话就是这种情况下说的。

    Kate 's comments follow rumours of a feud which were fuelled by the announcement that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be moving from Kensington House to Windsor Castle .

  12. 凯特的准妯娌已经在考虑要孩子那点事儿了。周五,梅根和未婚夫哈里王子一起参观位于北爱尔兰的新生代科学馆,该馆是由一对夫妇创办,主要生产采用创新技术的低过敏性婴儿产品。

    While touring the campus of Northern Ireland 's next-generation science park on Friday with fianc é Prince Harry , the couple met a husband and wife team who make innovative and hypoallergenic baby products .