
fū qī cái chǎn ɡuān xì
  • marital property relationship
  1. 夫妻财产关系是婚姻关系的重要内容之一。

    Marital property relationship is an important part of the marriage .

  2. 婚姻法的内容主要包括夫妻身份关系和夫妻财产关系。

    The content of Marriage Law mainly includes the marital identification relationship and marital property relationship .

  3. 自然,夫妻财产关系需要法律来调整。

    Naturally , the marital property relations need to be adjusted by law .

  4. 涉外夫妻财产关系法律适用问题研究

    On the Application of Law about Property Relation between Husband and Wife Concerning Foreign Factor

  5. 私营经济家庭夫妻财产关系的若干法律问题探讨

    Discussion about several legal matters concerning property relationship and wife the husband in private economy family

  6. 夫妻财产关系是此次婚姻法修改的一项重要内容。

    The husband and wife property relations are an important content in this times revises of marriage law .

  7. 以期建立一个良性的制度机制,协调夫妻财产关系,维护家庭和谐及社会稳定。

    Establish healthy institutional mechanisms to coordinate relations between marital property , maintenance of family harmony and social stability .

  8. 夫妻财产关系作为婚姻关系的一部分,亦受到婚姻道德基础的影响。

    As a part of conjugal relations , the relation of conjugal property is influenced by conjugal moral base .

  9. 夫妻财产关系体现了夫妻双方在家庭中的地位,其发展经历了夫妻一体主义和夫妻别体主义两个阶段,相应的夫妻财产制也随之出现。

    The wives ' status in the family experienced two stages , and the corresponding spouse 's property system arose .

  10. 夫妻财产关系的消灭已成为离婚案件中一个重要的环节,和难点。

    The relationship between husband and wife property destroyed has become a divorce case an important link , and the difficulty .

  11. 约定财产制为婚姻当事人灵活处理夫妻财产关系提供了余地。

    The marital agreement property system provides the leeway of dealing with the husbands and wives property relations with a flexible way .

  12. 随着市场经济的发展,其夫妻财产关系也呈现出复杂化和多样化的趋势。

    With the development of the market economy , its husband and wife the property relation also presents a complication and diverse trends .

  13. 夫妻财产关系是家庭财产制度的核心内容。同时,也是家庭为了实现经济职能而不可或缺的重要因素。

    Matrimonial property relation is the core of the family property system and also the essential factor in order to achieve economic functions .

  14. 家庭是社会的细胞,在婚姻家庭关系中,夫妻财产关系是一个重要的方面。

    Families are cells that consist of the society , marital property relations is an important aspect of the relationship between husband and wife .

  15. 夫妻财产关系作为《婚姻法》的主要内容之一,分为夫妻法定财产制和夫妻约定财产制。

    As one of the main contents in Marriage Law in china , Marital Property System may be divided into statutory property system and agreed property system .

  16. 夫妻财产关系不仅对夫妻关系的稳定产生影响,对家庭内部其它成员及家庭成员之外第三人利益也会产生影响。

    Property relations of husband and wife will not only have an impact on the stability of conjugal relations but also interests of other third party family members .

  17. 但由于该条款对适用婚内分割共同财产的情形作了严格的限定,对于其它特殊情形下夫妻财产关系的调整问题仍无法解决。

    However , due to the terms of the applicable circumstances made strictly limited . It can not solve the problems of the adjustment of the marital property relations under the other special circumstances .

  18. 夫妻财产关系基于夫妻人身关系而产生,是夫妻关系的重要内容,同时也是民事法律关系的重要组成部分。

    The husbands and wives property relations produce based on the husbands and wives person relations , is important content of the husbands and wives relations , simultaneously is also important component of the civil legal relationship .

  19. 夫妻财产关系是夫妻关系的重要内容,夫妻间的财产关系是否平等是衡量夫妻地位是否平等的重要标志。

    The spouse 's property relation is the important content of the conjugal relation . Whether the spouse 's property re ation is equal or not is the important symbol of measuring the equality of the spouse 's status .

  20. 由此,本文将民国时代的夫妻财产关系与中国传统社会中的夫妻财产关系进行比较,进而阐明中国传统民事习惯在民国亲属法制中的传承关系。

    Then , this text takes husband and wife property system of China Republic ages and in Chinese tradition society into comparison to make it clear that the relatives legal system of China Republic is related to Chinese civil tradition .

  21. 因此,对于这样一部调整夫妻财产关系,身份性、伦理性较强的法律来说,应以哪些价值理念为其立法基础,应以哪些价值日标为其立法取向,就显得迫切需要研究。

    Therefore , for this law which adjust the matrimonial property relation , has a strong identity attribute and ethic attribute , should be based on what legislation values , and should set up what value goals , is in sore need of studying .

  22. 我国现行婚姻家庭法虽加强了对夫妻财产关系的调整,但在立法前瞻性、内在结构和制度设计等方面仍有不足,需要在今后的立法中予以改进和完善。

    Although my current marriage and family law to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife property adjustment , but in the legislative perspective , and the inherent structure and system design is still insufficient , the need to be improved in future legislation and improved .

  23. 由于夫妻财产关系日益多元化和复杂化,而我国婚姻法及其司法解释的相关规定较为原则、抽象,缺乏可操作性,离婚案件中夫妻共同财产难以认定和处理。

    But it is difficult to legalize and settle the couple 's joint property in the divorce cases because the couple 's property relationship is more and more pluralistic and complicated , and the relevant rules of our marriage law and judicial explanation tend to be abstract .

  24. 夫妻财产制直接关系到交易安全而与社会经济有密切的联系,因此受到各国和地区婚姻家庭法的普遍重视。

    The marital property system related to the contract safe directly , and involved in the social economy inseparably .

  25. 夫妻财产是婚姻关系的经济基础,是婚姻家庭生活的稳定器,设立完善的夫妻财产法律制度具有重要的现实意义。

    Matrimonial property is the economic foundation of the marital relationship , the stabilizer of marriage and family . Establish a sound matrimonial property system has an important practical significance .

  26. 夫妻财产制在夫妻关系中占有重要地位,实践中的大量纠纷也因此而发生。

    The regulation on the property of husband and wife plays an important role in conjugal relation .

  27. 夫妻财产制的立法关系到人民群众的幸福安康、社会的安定发展和社会伦理道德的构建。

    And the legislation of matrimonial property related to the happiness and health of people , stability and development of society , the construction of the social morality and ethic .

  28. 夫妻债务作为夫妻财产关系的一个重要方面,它不仅牵涉到夫妻之间,更涉及第三人的利益保护,因此对其处理必须慎重。

    Debt as marital property marital relationship is an important aspect , it involves not only between husband and wife , but also to protect the interests of a third person involved , so it must be handled carefully .

  29. 夫妻债务清偿是夫妻财产关系中的难题。

    How to clear off the matrimonial debt is a big problem in the matrimonial property .

  30. 夫妻财产制是夫妻财产关系的一般法律表现形式,是婚姻家庭生活正常运转的物质保证,它关系到家庭生活的稳定及各家庭成员的合法权益。

    The husband-and-wife property system , the general legal form of property relation between husband and wife , is the material carrier for good marriage and family life , which concerns to the stability of family life and the lawful rights and interests of each family member .