
  • 网络institutional system
  1. 绩效管理将是中国企业培育世界级竞争力最为重要的管理制度体系,建立、实施并不断完善企业的绩效管理体系成为摆在每一位CEO案头最紧迫的任务之一。

    Performance management will be the most important system by which Chinese enterprises cultivate the first-rate competition abilities all over the world . To establish , carry out and better the system of performance management has become the imperative task before each CEO in China .

  2. 重构部门预算管理制度体系的思考

    Consideration on re - constructing the system of department budget management

  3. 另有一些学者认为,WTO规则属于国际贸易法或国际公法的性质,但是国际贸易法或国际经济法与国际公法是建立在不同基础之上的不同制度体系,所以,WTO法也不是国际公法。

    Other scholars believe that WTO law is of the nature of international trade law or international economic law . But they also think that international trade law or international economic law is different from international public law because of the different legal basis .

  4. 作为TRIPS协定的成员国,我国在借鉴其规定的基础上已初步形成了《专利法》、《专利法实施细则》和《专利实施强制许可办法》为主的专利强制许可制度体系。

    As a member of the TRIPS agreement , In reference to the regulations in our country has initially formed on the basis of the patent law and the implementing rules for the patent law and the measures for patent compulsory license of patent compulsory license system .

  5. 监狱制度体系构建的立法思考

    Reflection of the Legislation of the Organic Construction the Prison System

  6. 公路工程建设管理模式与制度体系存在的问题及对策

    Discussion on management mode of highway engineering and its regulation system

  7. 黑龙江省的城镇医疗保险制度体系自其建立以来经历了不断完善的过程。

    The system in Heilongjiang has experienced a process of improving .

  8. 建立健全军事财政制度体系是我国军费结构优化的制度保证;

    Establishing and perfecting the system of military public finance ;

  9. 其次要完善内部控制制度体系建设;

    Secondly , they should improve the construction of internal controlling system ;

  10. 最终建立科学的、合理的公务员工资制度体系。

    Finally establishes the science , the reasonable official wage payment system .

  11. 近代内蒙古农业制度体系的形成及其适应

    The Formation of Agricultural Systems in Mongolia and Its Adaptation

  12. 我国信用制度体系建设的思考

    A Reflection on the Construction of Credit Institution 's System

  13. 关于产权会计法律制度体系建设问题等。

    ( 5 ) on the construction of property rights accounting legal system .

  14. 现代学校制度体系的生态分析

    An Ecological Analysis of the Modern School Institutional System

  15. 首先,构建完善的土地利用规划法律制度体系。

    First , build a sound legal system for land use planning system .

  16. 一些研究结果认为,制度体系充当执法者、调解者和管理者。

    Some results argue that institutions function as enforcers , mediators and administrators .

  17. 淮北市节水型社会制度体系建设研究

    Study on water-saving society institution system for Huaibei city

  18. 试论西方婚姻家庭制度体系的双重属性

    Tentative discussion on the dual attribute of the western marital and family system

  19. 三是制定激活人力资源的制度体系;

    Thirdly , to establish the system that t activates the human resource ;

  20. 论高新技术产业人力资本出资制度体系之完善试论人力资本出资

    View on Perfecting the Financial Contribution System of Human Capital for High-tech Industry

  21. 矿产资源在物权制度体系中的地位

    Discussion on the Position of Mineral Resources in Institutional System of Property Rights

  22. 制度体系的建立是高校教师科研创新团队高绩效的保障;

    The establishment of institutional system can ensure the high efficacy of teams .

  23. 建设项目全程环境管理制度体系构建

    Overall Process Environmental Management System Structure of Construction Project

  24. 制度体系的耦合与虔诚

    " Coupling " and Piety of Institution System

  25. 完善党政机关、企事业单位、社会各方面人才顺畅流动的制度体系。

    Smooth talent flow among Party and government bodies , enterprises and social organizations .

  26. 试论我国物权变动的安全制度体系之构建

    On the Construction of Safety System of the Change of China 's Real Right

  27. 健全制度体系规范民营企业的诚信行为;

    Second , strengthening the supervision system to standardize to integrity of civil enterprise ;

  28. 我国科研课题管理的制度体系建设&现状、问题及对策

    Institutional system of scientific research projects in China : Present situation , problems and countermeasures

  29. 第三部分中国政策性金融支持农业的制度体系简述。

    The third part makes brief introduction to the system of policy finance supporting agriculture .

  30. 国际汇率制度体系的发展与人民币汇率的选择

    The Development of International Exchange Rate System and Selection of Exchange Rate System of RMB