
  • 网络unwritten
  1. 没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明生活。

    Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible .

  2. 他的行为违反了不成文的社交规范

    His behavior transgressed the unwritten rules of social conduct .

  3. ONRELATIONSHIPS关于感情关系只是因为一个男孩和一个女孩出现在电影中,就必须有恋爱情节,我对这条不成文的规定感到怀疑。

    I 've become skeptical2 of the unwritten rule that just because a boy and girl appear in the same feature , a romance must ensue .

  4. 导入的操作遵循该不成文的规则;它不会实现一行文本(为ObjectText属性)或者一个标题(为ObjectHeading属性)。

    The import operation follows this unwritten rule ; it either populates a line of text ( to Object Text attribute ) or a heading ( to Object Heading attribute ) .

  5. 根据一项不成文的惯例,世界银行行长人选由美国决定,而国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁一职由欧洲任命。

    Under an unwritten convention , the US selects the head of the World Bank while Europe appoints the leader of the International Monetary Fund .

  6. 中国、印度、巴西和俄罗斯在5月份曾发表联合声明,表示IMF应当放弃一贯挑选欧洲人担任总裁的不成文惯例。

    China , India , Brazil and Russia in May issued a joint statement saying the IMF should abandon the unwritten practice of always picking a European as its head .

  7. 如果ABA的昂贵的许多规则是书面的,还有其他的ABA,使公布的规则更为艰巨不成文的政策。

    If many of the ABA 's costly rules are in writing , the ABA has other , unwritten policies that make the published rules even more daunting .

  8. 这将打破PDP一个不成文的规则,即总统是穆斯林占大多数的北方和基督教为主的南方每两个任期轮换的。

    That would break an unwritten PDP rule , whereby the presidency rotates between the mostly Muslim north and largely Christian south after every two terms .

  9. 本周早些时候,巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非和中国签署联合声明,呼吁终结IMF总裁应由欧洲人担任的过时的不成文惯例。

    Earlier this week , Brazil , Russia , India , South Africa and China signed a joint declaration calling for an end to the unwritten and obsolete convention that says the managing director of the IMF should be a European .

  10. 这在英国及爱尔兰很快就成为一条不成文的规定。

    This soon became an unwritten rule in Britain and Ireland .

  11. 况且即使是着装轻松的日子仍有其不成文的规定。

    Plus , even dress down days have their unwritten rules .

  12. 但是我猜大概是条不成文的规定。

    But I 'm guessing it 's sort of an unwritten rule .

  13. 爱丽斯被指责违反这条不成文法律。

    Alice is accused of sinning against this unwritten law .

  14. 这个家伙打破了男人们应该遵守的不成文规则。

    This bloke was breaking the unwritten rules for men .

  15. Ⅲ.课文篇办公室午餐时间成文与不成文的规定:

    Spoken and unspoken rules of lunchtime at the office :

  16. 他们违反了学校的不成文规定。

    They sinned against the unwritten rules of the school .

  17. 有个不成文的规定---别麻烦了

    There 's an unwritten rule for marr -- - Don 't bother .

  18. 办公室午餐时间成文与不成文的规定

    Spoken and Unspoken Rules of Lunchtime at the Office

  19. 朋友间不成文的默契托管契约〔语文基金〕

    An unwritten agreement between friends . Declaration of Trust [ Language Fund ]

  20. 这是我们之间不成文的规矩。

    It 's an unwritten agreement between us .

  21. 我们有一个不成文的约定,要互相照顾对方的孩子。

    We 've got a loose arrangement for looking after each other 's children .

  22. 毕竟小区里有着这样一条不成文的规定

    It 's an unwritten rule of suburbia ...

  23. 而把规范系统分为不成文的非正式的规范系统和成文的正式的规范系统两部分进行了分析。

    And norm system is divided into unrecorded informal system and recorded formal system .

  24. 英国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。

    Britain has an unwritten constitution , and the United States has a written constitution .

  25. 但这里有一个不成文的社会契约,即回报应基于个人的努力和成就。

    But there is an implicit social contract that links rewards to effort and accomplishment .

  26. 不成文的规定比成文的规定更有力地规范着我们的生活和行为。

    The unwritten rules govern our lives and behavior more strongly than the written ones .

  27. 美国不成文的规则是,企业将政治资金分散捐给各党派。

    The unwritten rule in the US is that companies spread political funding between parties .

  28. 幸运的是,我找到了一位导师,帮助我理解了那些不成文的游戏规则。

    Luckily , I had a mentor who helped me figure out the unwritten rules .

  29. 但是,要记住一个不成文的规定。

    But remember the non-printed rules .

  30. 机动船在遇到帆船时必须让其先行,这是一条不成文的航行规则。

    A powered vessel should give way to sail-it is an unwritten rule of the sea .