
  1. 劳动力调查(LFS)是一项重要的国情国力调查,为政府及时了解和掌握我国劳动力的就业和失业情况,研究制订劳动就业政策,加强宏观调控提供依据。

    Labour force survey , an important survey for government , supports Nation 's employment policy and provides evidence for macroscopical control of Nation 's economy by offering information on employment and unemployment .

  2. 其目标主要是:为政府制定劳动就业政策提供依据;

    Providing basis for government to formulate labor and employment policies ;

  3. 西方国家劳动就业政策的变革

    The changes of the western employment policy

  4. 劳动就业政策的新自由主义发展趋势

    The New Liberalism Trend of Employment Policy

  5. 20世纪80年代以来,西方国家的劳动就业政策发生了深刻的变革。

    Since the 1980s , deep changes have taken place on the labor employment policies in western countries .

  6. 这种变革的总趋势是放弃凯恩斯主义的劳动就业政策,奉行新自由主义的劳动就业政策。

    The general trend of the change is to abandon the Keynesian modal , and to pursue the new-liberal policy .

  7. 同时,黄浦区劳动就业政策也十分有利于简单手工操作与低附加值的劳动力密集型工业发展。

    In addition , the labor and employment policies of Huangpu District are designed to benefit labor-intensive industries of handwork and low added value .

  8. 20世纪80年代以来,西方各国劳动就业政策发展的总趋势是:放弃凯恩斯主义,减少政府对劳动市场的过多干预;

    The development trend of employment policy is abandoning keynesianism and reducing the interruption of government on labor market in some western countries in late 20 years .

  9. 本部分首先对相关的西方文献进行了回顾,其次根据第二部分关于劳动就业政策的国际比较研究,对成功劳动就业政策的判定标准和共同特征进行了分析。

    First in this section , it reviews the western documents on the experience of successful employment policies ; then it analyzes the standard for identification and common characteristics of it based on the international comparative studies on the employment policies in Section 2 .

  10. 金融危机后的对外经贸、劳动就业与政策抉择

    The Foreign Trade , Employment and Policy Choices After the Financial Crisis

  11. 长三角劳动就业法规政策冲突与协调

    The Conflicts with the Employment Legislation and Policy of Yangtze River Delta and the Coordinated Recommendations

  12. 第三次冲突法重述:美国学者的新尝试长三角劳动就业法规政策冲突与协调

    The Attempt of the Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws ; The Conflicts with the Employment Legislation and Policy of Yangtze River Delta and the Coordinated Recommendations

  13. 建立失业人员再就业机制研究&重庆市江北区劳动就业上岗补贴政策研究

    On the Establishment of Re-employment Mechanism for the Unemployed

  14. 通过对重庆市江北区劳动就业上岗补贴政策的功能进行评价分析,提出建立救助-就业联动机制,解决上岗补贴目前所面临的问题。

    By analyzing the function of employment subsidy policy implemented in Jiangbei district of Chongqing city , this paper proposes establishing deliverance-employment linkage mechanism to settle the problem of employment subsidy .

  15. 根据最新资料,2000年与1998年相比,欧盟劳动就业状况和政策中最大的变化是:教育发展信息社会高科技、高教育产业的重要意义明显提升。

    According to recent data , the great reform of EU employment policies between 1998 and 2000 is that the latter focuses on the rising of information industry and high-tech , high-education society .

  16. 为促进西部就业市场均衡,应积极实施完整的劳动就业市场化政策,加大人才引进和劳动力培训力度。

    To promote the equilibrium of employment market in western part , We should actively carry out the whole policy of labour employment market and strengthen the dymanics to introduce talets and to train the labourers .

  17. 总结了商洛市扩大劳动就业的一系列政策及实施成效,并就今后进一步扩大就业提出了对策建议,以期为欠发达地区解决就业问题提供借鉴。

    The author summarizes a series of policies and achievements which have been gained in enlarging employment in Shangluo city , and also gives some suggestions on how to further enlarge employment so that these ideas can be used for reference in solving employment problems in underdeveloped areas .

  18. 这种变革的一个基本特征是,面对劳动就业领域的共同挑战,西方各国却选择了多样性的劳动就业政策。

    The basic characteristics of these changes are that the western countries have selected various labor employment policies for their common challenges .