
  • 网络indefinite integral;antiderivatives;integral
  1. 定积分是区间上的不定积分值。结果不受C值选择的影响。

    A definite integral is an indefinite integral evaluated over an interval . The result is not affected by the choice for the value of C.

  2. 以经典函数的导数、不定积分概念为基础,给出了经典函数的Fuzy导数及Fuzzy不定积分的概念,讨论了Fuzzy导数及Fuzzy不定积分的基本性质。

    On the basis of the concepts of derivative and indefinite integral of classical function , the concepts of Fuzzy derivative and Fuzzy indefinite integral of classical function are put forword , and the fundamental properties of them are discussed .

  3. 不定积分的Fuzzy扩张运算模糊集乘积的扩张运算

    Fuzzy Extend Operation for Indefinite Integral The Extension Operations of the Fuzzy Sets Product

  4. 不定积分的Fuzzy扩张运算

    Fuzzy Extend Operation for Indefinite Integral

  5. 不定积分中的分部积分法是教学中的重点和难点,其中u(x)、v′(x)正确选择是关键。

    Partial integral calculus is the focal and difficult point in the teaching of indefinite integral , during which the option of u ( x ) or v ′( x ) is the key procedure .

  6. 求定积分或不定积分的过程称为积分法用调和微分求积法数值求解Burgers方程

    The process of solving either a definite or an indefinite integral is called integration . Numerical solutions of Burgers ' equation by harmonic differential quadrature method

  7. 该文就RMI在平面解析几何、解无理方程和不定积分、求积分上限函数与和函数中的意义和作用作一简单的分析。

    This paper is a brief analysis of RMl 's significance and role in plane analytic geometry , irrational equation , indefinite integrals and definite integrals , and function .

  8. 其次,证明了二元插值函数的不定积分的2阶混合偏导数等于其二元插值函数本身的充要条件,并推广到2N阶的情形。

    Second , the sufficient and necessary condition for second-order partial derivative of binary fractal interpolating function equaling itself is obtained . The sufficient and necessary condition is extended to 2N-th order partial derivative .

  9. 分析法的推导过程容易,但是外推结果中高斯误差补函数的2n重不定积分计算困难,系数bn不容易得到,并且外推结果存在拟合误差。

    The derivation process of Analysis is easy , but n re indefinite integral in the extrapolation results is difficult to calculate , coefficient bn is not readily got , and there is the fitting error in extrapolation result .

  10. 利用反函数法求不定积分

    The formula of working out indefinite integral by inverse function method

  11. 在大一的数学教学中,不定积分既是一个重点也是一个难点。

    The indefinite integral calculation is one important sector in calculus .

  12. 对一类不定积分定义域的讨论

    The discussion on a sort of indefinite field of definitions

  13. 改革成人高校的教学方法结构&不定积分归类教学方法的实施及其启示

    Improvement of The Structure of Teaching Methods in Adult Education

  14. 对三角函数有理式不定积分的探讨

    A Discussion on the Integration of the Rational Formula of Trigonometric Function

  15. 求不定积分的计算过程中不能忽视区间Ⅰ

    Do not Ignore " Interval I " in Calculation of Indefinite Integral

  16. 带有绝对值符号函数的不定积分

    Indefinite Integral of Function with the Symbol of Absolute Value

  17. 现在我们来看另一种方法,即求不定积分。

    Now we have another method to look at which is using anti-derivatives .

  18. 不定积分的被积函数线性组合化及降幂的积分原则

    An Indefinite Integral Principle of Making Linear Combination and Reducing Power of Integrand

  19. 曲面的尺度对应有理真分式的不定积分

    On the Non-conformal Mapping of Surfaces The Indefinite Integral of Rational Proper Fraction

  20. 某些无理函数求极限、导数和不定积分计算问题辨析

    Analyses on Finding the Limit , Derivative And infinitive from Certain Irrational functions

  21. 用常规方法求解不定积分问题是相当困难的。

    It is very difficult to solve the indefinite integral with general method .

  22. 有理系数多项式逼近闭区间上的连续函数一类有理幂函数不定积分的计算方法

    The Multinomial with Rational Coefficient Approximate to the Continuous Functions in Closed Interval

  23. 浅析分式函数不定积分问题

    Analysis on the Indefinite Integral of Fraction Functions

  24. 不定积分的非初等性

    The Non - elementary Property of Indefinite Integral

  25. 没有多大变化,来看看用不定积分的方法怎么做。

    Not much changes . Let 's look at the other method using anti-derivatives .

  26. 三度体磁异常的不定积分变换法研究

    A Study on Applying Indefinite Integral Transformation to the Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Abnormality

  27. 关于有理函数不定积分的算法

    On Algorithm of Indefinite Integration for rational function

  28. 关于不定积分性质的证明

    The Proof of the Property of Indefinite Integral

  29. 用微分方法求解不定积分问题

    The Differential Method to Solve Indefinite Integral

  30. 计算不定积分的两种特殊方法

    Two Special Methods for Calculating Indefinite Integral