
  • 网络No-cloning theorem
  1. 由于量子不可克隆原理对量子信息和量子计算产生了深刻的影响,研究量子态的克隆及其相关问题变得非常重要。

    Since no-cloning theorem has a profound influence on quantum information , it becomes important to study quantum cloning machine ( QCM ) .

  2. 量子信息可以被解释为与利用量子力学进行信息处理有关的所有操作方式的概括,包括量子计算、量子隐形传态、不可克隆原理等。

    Quantum information can be interpreted as a generalization for all manners of operations that might be related to information processing using quantum mechanics . It encompasses subjects such as quantum computation , quantum teleportation , the no-cloning theorem and so on .

  3. 其中量子密码安全性的基础是量子不可克隆原理。

    Here , the basic theorem of the security of quantum cryptography is no-cloning theorem , which forbids cloning an unknown state perfectly .

  4. 量子密码学是基于量子力学中的海森堡测不准原理和量子不可克隆原理发展起来的一种新型保密通信技术,在理论上已被证明是绝对安全、不可破译的。

    Quantum cryptography is a new type of secure communication technologies that based on Heisenberg uncertainty principle and no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics . It has been proved to be absolutely safe in theory .