
wěi wǎn yǔ
  • euphemism
  1. “去世”是“死”的委婉语。

    ‘ Pass away ’ is a euphemism for ‘ die ’ .

  2. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)把这种债券称为“稳定债券”这个词肯定是今年最佳委婉语的一个候选。

    The European Commission calls it a " stability bond " , surely a candidate for euphemism of the year .

  3. “Queer”这个词常用作“mad”的委婉语。

    “ Queer ” is the word often used euphemistically for “ mad ” .

  4. 听起来不褒不贬的委婉语“白手套”指充当“黑钱”漂白的中间人,或是实际从事“非法”事务的“合法”外衣,意即,隐藏在白手套中的肮脏的手。

    The innocuous-sounding euphemism1 " white gloves " generally refers to a middleman or outfit2 that launders3 dirty or corrupt4 money under a seemingly legitimate5 front - dirty hands concealed6 by a pair of white gloves .

  5. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了“heck”这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了“hell”。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word " heck , " but Kaitlin used " hell " in the moment .

  6. 正如Rawson(1995)所述,委婉语渗透到我们的语言深处,没有哪一个人包括那些自诩言谈最为直截了当的人没有一天不使用委婉语的。

    As Rawson ( 1995 ) puts it , euphemisms " are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us , even those who pride themselves on ( in ) being plain-spoken , ever go through a day without them " .

  7. 对比俄汉语中一组常见的委婉语

    A Comparison of a Group of Euphemism in Russian and Chinese

  8. 英汉委婉语之社会交际作用的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on Social Function of English & Chinese Euphemism

  9. 语境如何影响委婉语的得体使用?

    How can the context influence the tactful application of euphemism ?

  10. 委婉语的本质特征与运用的语境因素

    The Essential Properties Of Euphemisms and Contextual Factors Affecting Their Application

  11. 委婉语在构建高校和谐课堂教学氛围中的作用

    The Application of Euphemism in Establishing Harmonious Teaching Atmosphere in College

  12. 新闻发布会中外交委婉语的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Analysis of English Diplomatic Euphemisms in Press Conference Discourses

  13. “防卫助手”是枪炮弹药的现代委婉语。

    ' defence aid'is the modern euphemism for guns and ammunition .

  14. 委婉语是英语中的一个重要的修辞手法。

    Abstract : Euphemism is an important rhetorical device of English .

  15. 委婉语在商务英语谈判中的功能及语法手段

    On Functions and Grammatical Approaches of Euphemism in Business English Negotiation

  16. 英语委婉语的出典、理解和汉译

    On the Origin , Understanding and Translation of English Euphemism

  17. 浅谈英汉委婉语的异同

    On Differences and Similarities between English Euphemism and Chinese Euphemism

  18. 在控制班,老师不采用任何委婉语教学方法。

    In the control class , no euphemism teaching method was adopted .

  19. 基于对中国文化的顺应,汉语中产生了很多委婉语。

    Because of the adaptation to Chinese culture , euphemisms are employed .

  20. 所有这些,都给委婉语的翻译带来了困难。

    All these pose a great challenge to translators in translating euphemisms .

  21. 委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性研究之比较

    Compare the Indirect Nature of Language of Euphemism with Indirect Speech Behavior

  22. 英语委婉语与暗指、低调陈述及其修辞效果之比较

    Comparison of Euphemism , Innuendo and Understatement , and Their Rhetorical Effect

  23. 对不同层次的委婉语,应该用不同的翻译方法。

    Different method should be adopted to translate eu-phemism of different levels .

  24. 英语委婉语的构造手段英汉委婉语构造手段的对比研究

    Contrastive Study of Structural Means of English and Chinese Euphemism

  25. 英语委婉语产生的心理动机及其在英语教学中的运用

    The Psychological Motives of English Euphemisms and Their Application to English Teaching

  26. 英汉委婉语的国俗语义研究

    A Comparative Study of Folk Custom Meanings in English and Chinese Euphemism

  27. 委婉语是一种重要的社会语言现象,世界各民族语言中普遍存在委婉语。

    Euphemism is a common phenomenon in each race of the world .

  28. 英汉委婉语比较英美正式报刊新闻的特点

    Comparison Between Chinese and English Euphemism The Features of English Quality Newspapers

  29. 通过死亡委婉语的分析可以反映不同社会的文化。

    Analysis on euphemisms can reflect cultures in different societies .

  30. 中西禁忌语、委婉语差异的对比研究

    Contrastive Studies of Differences of Taboo and Euphemism between West-countries and China