
  • 网络Entrusted business;Commission business;discretionary account
  1. 就是代替自己的顾主受理他的委托业务!

    Replace what oneself client accepts him to entrust business namely !

  2. 中间业务是一种委托业务而非自营业务;

    Intermediary business is an entrust business not a self-support business .

  3. 办理股票委托业务。

    Deal with the entrusted stock Business .

  4. 而除了事务所以及委托业务的规模以外,什么都没有改变。

    And , apart from the size of the office and the scale of the commissions nothing has changed .

  5. 黑石在中国还获得了许多顾问委托业务,最近扩大了在中国的房地产交易。

    Blackstone also has a host of advisory assignments in China and has recently expanded its real estate transactions in the region .

  6. 瑞信早就调整了业务模式,缩减了杠杆、降低了风险、退出了波动性强的资本密集型业务,将重点集中在委托业务方面。

    Credit Suisse was early to adapt its business model by cutting leverage , reducing risk , exiting volatile and capital-intensive businesses and focusing on client business .

  7. 第二部分,台湾地区全权委托业务法制之沿革以及管理规范,以及研究台湾地区经营全权委托投资业务之管理规范。

    Second part , The evolution of the discretionary investment business legal system in Taiwan and standard management , and study Taiwan and deal in and trust the management which invest the business and standardize with full authority .

  8. 委托理财业务面对风险大都与自营业务相似,主要是市场风险和法律风险。因此,上文所述的VaR模型分析法同样适用于这部分的风险分析。

    The risk of entrustment business is similar with self-settlement business .

  9. 可以使用Jersey或其他框架(比如Restlet)实现ResourceRequestHandler,它应该是轻量级的,将大量职责工作委托给业务层。

    The Resource Request Handler can be implemented using Jersey or another framework such as Restlet and should be lightweight , mainly delegating the heavy duty work to the business tier .

  10. 两年多来我国商业银行开展的委托理财业务得到迅猛发展,并且为顺应我国加入WTO金融市场将全面开放的形势进行着不断创新。

    For more than two years , the business of asset management developed by the commercial banks have been improved and innovated remarkably , conforming to the fully open situation of the financial market in China entry into WTO .

  11. 对委托理财业务缺乏监管力度;

    Lack of the supervision on the asset management business ;

  12. 新金融工具:委托租赁业务探讨

    New Financial Instrument : Study of Trust Renting Business Leasing

  13. 我国券商委托理财业务研究

    Research on the Entrusted Asset Management of Chinese Securities Companies

  14. 委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    The Illustrations of the Business Accounting on Commission Sale

  15. 经营同旅游有关的委托代办业务。

    To handle commission business relating to tourism .

  16. 同意你行开办金融机构同业委托贷款业务。

    I.You are approved to launch the inter-bank entrusted loans business with financial institutions .

  17. 告诉我们您要委托的业务:翻译服务、本地化服务或其它。

    Tell us the service you want : translation service , localization , service or others .

  18. 因此本文选取券商的委托理财业务作为研究内容,对券商的委托理财业务作一些探讨。

    So this thesis selects the entrusted asset management of securities companies as the content to study .

  19. 大多数投资银行也会为一些机构和散户投资者做经纪和委托买卖业务。

    The majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operations for institutional and retail clients .

  20. 股票交易所还经办其他业务活动,或者经中国人民银行许可或委托的业务活动。

    The exchange deals with other business activities or services permitted or entrusted by the people 's Bank of china .

  21. 这些经营风险一般在证券公司的主要经营业务中表现出来,包括自营业务、承销业务、经纪业务和刚兴起的委托理财业务。

    The business risk usually appears in the main business of Security Company , such as self-settlement , underwriting , brokerage and entrustment .

  22. 但是对上市公司委托贷款业务全盘否定、因噎废食的做法也有欠妥当,应当在肯定的同时加以约束和规范。

    But the listed Corporation commissioned loan total negation is wrong . We should be restricted and regulated in the affirmative at the same time .

  23. 本协议双方订立后,如乙方无法完成甲方委托之业务,甲方此前所交的款项乙方给予退还。

    After signing this Agreement , Party B shall refund deposit money paid by Party A if Party B fail to perform the duties stated above .

  24. 近几年,商业银行委托贷款业务迅速发展,为社会闲置资金的有效运用提供了良好的途径。

    Entrusted loan business of commercial banks develops rapidly in recent years , and it provides a good way for the effective use of social idle funds .

  25. 通过研究可以得出以下结论:(1)上市公司进行委托贷款业务与委托贷款利率呈比较明显的正相关关系。

    Through the research we can draw the following conclusions : ( 1 ) There is an obviously positive correlation between the listed Companies entrusted loan and the entrusted loan interest rates .

  26. 信托原理作为资产管理制度的核心被广泛应用,成为我国金融机构委托理财业务主要的、公用的制度选择。

    The trust principal as the core of an asset management system is widely used , and has become the financial institutions the major and common choice of the entrustment management system .

  27. 资产管理业务是券商努力的重要方向,且其中之一的委托理财业务在我国券商业务中的重要性日益增加。

    Asset management is the important way for the securities companies , and entrusted asset management that is one kind of the asset management has become more important in all of the Chinese securities companies ' business .

  28. 调用处理程序会使用UserImpl类来委托所有的业务方法调用。

    The invocation handler will use the UserImpl class to delegate all business method invocations .

  29. KD公司成立于2001年,主要经营移动通信业务、国内国际长途通信业务、数据通信业务、互联网业务、IP电话业务、批准范围内的本地电话业务、无线寻呼业务和国家允许或委托的其他业务。

    Founded in 2001 , KD Corporation mainly deals in mobile communication , IDD , DDD , data communication , internet , IP phone services , local phone services within the scope approved by authorities , wireless beeping and other businesses approved or entrusted by the state .

  30. 在欧美发达国家,委托资产管理业务已成为现代投资银行业务的核心。

    In developed country , assets management has been the nucleus affair in modern investment bank .