
xìn tuō zhènɡ shū
  • trust certificate;trust certification;trust instrument
  1. 受托人向委托人发放表决权信托证书,作为受益人的证明,且该证书可以自由转让。

    The trustee issue voting trust certificate to the client , as the beneficiary certificate , the certificate can be transferred freely .

  2. 表决权信托的当事人主要包括委托股东、受托人和表决权信托证书持有人。

    The parties to the voting trust must include the depositing stockholders , the trustees and the voting trust certificate holders .

  3. 表决权信托证书可以在证券市场上自由流通。

    The voting trust certificates may be freely transferred in the securities market .

  4. 在信托证书有特殊规定时,受托人有权获得报酬。

    A trustee has no right to remuneration unless the trust instrument specifically provides so .

  5. 受益人即信托证书持有人,常常与委托人(设立表决权信托的股东)是同一人,他们则处于信托的权利主体的地位,主要享有对信托财产的受益权和对受托人的监督权。

    The parties to a voting trust mainly are settlers , trustee ( s ) and beneficiaries .

  6. 与财产证书分离的转让证书受托人有义务只向信托证书授权的人支付金钱和转让财产。

    The trustee has a duty to pay money and transfer property only to persons who are entitled pursuant to the trust .

  7. 由于表决权信托证书具有流通性,委托股东可以通过转让表决权信托证书的方式从表决权信托关系中退出,这是表决权信托法律关系和普通信托法律关系的区别。

    Since the voting trust certificates are negotiable , the depositing stockholders can withdraw from voting trust by transferring the certificates , which is the most important difference between the voting trust and general trust .

  8. 注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体的证书;

    Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character ;

  9. 被指定为信托人后必须熟悉信托证书中的条款和信托财产的性质。

    Upon appointment the trustee must familiarise themselves with the terms of the trust instrument and the nature of the trust property .