
xìn tuō wěi tuō rén
  • creator of trust
  1. 信托系委托人、受托人与受益人之间所存的一种以信托财产之移转与管理为中心的法律关系。

    Trust is a kind of legal relation concerning transference and management of trust property between trustor .

  2. 信托是委托人、受托人、受益人三者之间所存在的一种以信托财产管理和分配为中心的法律关系。

    Trust system is the legal relation among the client , trustee and beneficiary in the center with trust property .

  3. 第二部分,两大法系对信托关系中委托人地位界定的比较。

    Second part , compare the settlers ' status in civil law and common law .

  4. 房地产信托是以委托人提供财产为前提,体现了财产委托人和受托人、受益人之间的经济关系。

    Real estate trust is to reflect the economic relation amongproperty client and trustee , beneficiary if the client offers the property .

  5. 信托合同是委托人和受托人之间订立的第三人有请求权的涉他合同;

    Trust contract is a contract between mandator and trustee concerning a third party who has the right to sue against trustee ;

  6. 贸易信托是指委托人将旧货或存货委托信托机构代为出售或处理的经济行为。

    Trade trust refers to the economic action that the bailer entrusts fiduciary institution to sell or deal with his or her junk or goods in stock .

  7. 信托是指委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的,进行管理或者处分的行为。

    Trust means that a principal entrusts his property right to a trustee , which bases on trust , then the trustee manage or dispose of the right for the benefit of a beneficiary on the basis of the will of the principal .

  8. 这样信托受托人与委托人、受益人之间形成了一种矛盾。

    The trustee has a contradiction with the agent and the beneficiary .

  9. 土地信托当事人主要是委托人、受托人和受益人。

    The land trust is involved with the settlor , trustee and beneficiary .

  10. 在第二章,本文确认了投资者作为基金信托结构中的委托人和受益人两位一体的身份,这是投资者受到保护的基础;

    In the Chapter 2 , the author emphasis the two-in-one position of investors as both commissaries and beneficiaries , which is the foundation of investor protection .

  11. 名义股东与实质股东均主张股东权利的,除非涉及善意第三人,原则上应当认定实质股东为股权信托的适格委托人。

    In the case of both nominal shareholder and substantial shareholder all claim their rights , substantial shareholder should in principle be recognized as qualified settler , unless a third party is involved as a bona fide purchaser .

  12. 同现代金融市场上保护投资人原理一致,只有在土地信托流转中对委托人的利益进行有效的保障,这样信托市场、信托业才有存在的基础与前提。

    Investor protection principle is consistent with the modern financialmarket , only in the land trust for effective protection of the interests of the principal , such trust market , trust is the basis and premise of existence .

  13. 遗嘱信托中的主体指遗嘱信托的委托人、受托人及受益人,遗嘱信托中的客体主要指遗嘱信托财产。

    Subject in the Testamentary Trust means trustor , trustee and beneficiary of the Testamentary Trust , and object means the estate of Testamentary Trust .

  14. 依据农村土地信托概念,农村土地信托包括了委托人、受托人和信托财产,并厘清其内部权利和义务关系。

    Based on the concept of Rural Land Trust , it includes the principal , the trustee and the trust property whose internal relations are identified as rights and obligations .

  15. 信托财产的独立性是指信托财产独立于委托人、受益人和受托人等信托关系人并仅为信托目的而存在的基本特性;

    Independence is a fundamental character of trust property which trust property exists independently outside trust parties and only for trust purpose ;

  16. 本部分主要分析了公益信托设立所要求的当事人条件。包括公益信托委托人、受托人、受益人和监察人的资格和义务等。

    The requirements of the party needed to set up it are mainly analyzed in this section , including the qualification and obligation of the trustor , trustee , beneficiary and superintendent .

  17. 信托财产具有独立性的特质,使得信托财产免于委托人或受托人的债权人所追索,从而赋予受益人对信托财产享有优先于委托人或受托人的债权人的权利。

    Trust property have the independent character , which makes trust property avoid client or creditor of trustee demand , and makes beneficiary enjoy and have priority to the client or the right to creditor that asked someone to trust property .

  18. 生前遗嘱代用信托是遗嘱信托的一种,是指基于生前与受托人设立的信托文件,委托人把自己享有的财产权移转给受托人,由受托人处分、管理。

    Inter vivos trusts is a testamentary trust , is defined based on the life and the trustee trust set up client files , their property rights transferred to the trustee , trustee disposition , management by .