
  • 网络Yaojia Fm;KZy
  1. 中、低渗透性砂岩储集层综合分类评价方法研究以松辽盆地他拉哈北区姚家组扇三角洲砂岩为例

    Method in the study on synthetical classified evaluating mid-low-permeable sandstone reservoirs

  2. 姚家组为一套以中细粒为主的砂质辫状河沉积产物。

    The Yaojia Formation is heaped up by the medium-to fine-grained sandy braided stream deposits .

  3. 姚家组为一套中细粒辫状河流沉积。

    The ore-hosting Yaojia Formation is composed of a set of braided stream medium-fine grained sediments .

  4. 确定了钱家店凹陷姚家组是该区寻找砂岩型铀矿的目的层。

    Yaojia Formation in Qianjiadian depression has been found out to be the favorable target ore bed for looking for sandstone-type uranium deposit .

  5. 姚家组沉积早期,湖岸线在西部斜坡东部边缘波动,物源供应相对较强,沉积相以三角洲相对优势。

    In forepart of Kly the lake shore line popple on east of west slope , source supply is power and the delta is main .

  6. 因此,本区姚家组沉积环境应为统一的松辽盆地环境下的远源砂质辫状河性质。

    Therefore , the sedimentary environment of Yaojia formation in the study area should be far-sourced sandy braided stream in the united great Songliao basin .

  7. 上白垩统青山口组、姚家组和嫩江组一段是松辽盆地最主要的含油层系,习惯上称之为中部含油组合。

    Strata from the Qingshankou Formation to the1 st member of the Nenjiang Formation of the Upper Cretaceous are the main oil-bearing rocks in the Songliao Basin .

  8. 精细研究姚家组的断裂、低幅度构造与砂体间的配置关系,是今后突破该油层油气勘探的关键。

    The detailed research on the faults in K1y and the relationship between low-amplitude structures and sand deposits will be the key for oil and gas prospecting in future .

  9. 葡一油层是大庆油田的主要产层之一,由白垩纪姚家组底部和青山口组顶部地层组成,为河流-三角洲相沉积。

    Pu-1 oil layer , one of most important productivity layers , composed with lower part of Cretaceous Yaojia Formation and upper part of Qingshankou Formation , is river and delta sedimentary .

  10. 沉积环境由三角洲平原向三角洲前缘演变,表明姚家组地层沉积时期,盆地水体是逐渐加深的。

    The process of the sedimentary environment evolving from deltaic plain to deltaic front embodies the deepening process of the water body in the basin during the depositional period of Yaojia formation .

  11. 受低渗透性嫩江组和青山口组地层的阻挡,压力主要在姚家组地层中传播,姚家组与上下地层之间的界面有压力积聚现象。

    The low permeability of Nenjiang formation and Qingshankou formation results in pressure mainly propagating in the Yaojia formation . The phenomenon of pressure accumulate occurs at the interfaces between the Yaojia formation and other formations .

  12. 本文以松辽盆地南部西部斜坡区青三口和姚家组(中部含油组合)为例就这两个问题进行了探讨。

    In the paper , the author takes the Qingshankou and Yaojia Formation ( the middle oil-bearing formation ) of the west slope of the South Songliao Basin for an example to discuss these two problems .

  13. 长岭凹陷有良好的勘探潜力,但目前对于姚家-嫩江组储层的研究较少,有很多问题尚未完全解决,必须对其加大研究力度,以利于该地区油气的进一步勘探开发。

    There are good prospecting potential in Changling Sag . Research on reservoir of Yaojia-Nenjiang Formations is less at present , and many problems have not yet fully solved . It is necessary to intensify research degree to make for further petroleum exploration in this area .