
  1. 1982年亚运会,人称“小手大力士”的姚景远在男子举重67.5公斤级的比赛中获得金牌(这是中国亚运史上的第100枚金牌)。

    Known as a " Powerman with small hands ", Yao Jingyuan won a gold medal at1982 Asian Games in men's67.5 kg .

  2. 为了克服自己因为手小而经常在关键时刻失利,姚景远一直苦练了十几年,后来还成为了奥运冠军。

    To overcome the difficulty brought by his small hands which often failed him at critical moment , Yao had kept up his practice for over a dozen years before becoming an Olympic champion .