
  1. 研究得出:1.齐海峰的积分主要是依靠100m、跳远、400m,而铅球、铁饼与标枪等投掷类项目较差,是影响运动成绩的主要因素。

    The result shows as follow : 1.his score mostly depends on 100m race , long jump and 400m race , while his shot , discus , javelin and other throwing item are a little weaker , which mainly affect his performance .

  2. 中国优秀顶尖运动员齐海峰在今后训练中应加强力量素质训练,以铅球和铁饼成绩的提高为目标,使他得分结构更趋合理。

    Qi Hai-feng , China 's excellent athlete , should improve his strength quality in the future training , which will lead to the improving of the performance in shot and discus and make his scoring structure more reasonable .