
  • 网络waikiki;Waikiki beach
  1. 在狭长的度假胜地威基基海滩举行的晚宴上,马卡拉骄傲地拉开他的夹克,露出一件写有“用阿罗哈(Aloha)占领”字样的T恤衫。

    During the meal on the resort strip Waikiki Beach , he proudly pulled open his jacket to reveal a T-shirt which read'Occupy with Aloha ' - using the Hawaiian word which include love and peace .

  2. 檀香山位于欧胡岛(者按:夏威夷群岛的主要岛屿之一)威基基海滩就在附近。

    Honolulu is on the island of Oahu , and Waikiki Beach is nearby .

  3. 今天,同性婚姻合法化第一天就有6对同性新人在旅游胜地威基基海滩举行了联合婚礼,他们在几百名宾客的见证下,交换了誓言。

    Six couples at a resort in Waikiki were among the first to be married today exchanging vows side by side in front of a few hundred guests .

  4. 小鸟为他们歌唱,群星为他们闪烁、郁郁葱葱的山谷到处呈现出丰饶与生机,散发着香喷喷的雾气。檀香山位于欧胡岛(者按:夏威夷群岛的主要岛屿之一)威基基海滩就在附近。

    The birds sang for them and for them the stars shone , and the whole verdant valley , teeming with richness and increase , gave up its odorous vapors . Honolulu is on the island of Oahu , and Waikiki Beach is nearby .