
  • 网络Sears Tower;The Willis Tower
  1. 是帝国大厦、克莱斯勒大厦、威利斯大厦还是埃菲尔铁塔。

    Was it , the Empire State Building , Chrysler Building , Willis Tower , or Eiffel Tower .

  2. 美国将新建纽约世贸中心大厦,一旦建成,它将取代芝加哥威利斯大厦全国最高的建筑的地位。

    New York 's new World Trade Center Tower , once it 's finished , will replace Chicago 's Willis Tower as the nation 's tallest building .

  3. 与之对比的是美国第一高楼芝加哥的威利斯大厦,高1451英尺,如果加上屋顶天线的话总共高1729英尺。

    By comparison , the tallest building in the United States , the Willis Tower in Chicago , stands at 1,451 feet , although counting its antenna towers it rises to 1,729 feet .