
  • 网络free electron laser;FEL;FELS
  1. 分析了入射电子束的发散性对自由电子激光器增益的影响。

    The effect of divergence of the incident electron beam on the gain of FEL is analysed .

  2. Cherenkov型自由电子激光器增益和效率的研究

    Studies on gain and efficiency of Cherenkov FEL

  3. 微型自由电子激光器的Maxwell方程解

    Solutions of Maxwell Equations for Micro Free Electron Lasers

  4. Wiggler磁场是自由电子激光器的重要组成部分。

    Wiggler is an important part of free-electron lasers ( FEL ) .

  5. 振幅螺旋变化的周期wiggler场自由电子激光器增益研究

    Gain Studies on Free-Electron Laser with Periodic Wiggler Field of Helical Variance Amplitude

  6. 新型Wiggler自由电子激光器的变参数理论

    Theoretical Analysis of Variable Parameter Free Electron Laser with a Novel Wiggler All Changed

  7. 自由电子激光器(FEL)

    Free Electron Lasers ( FEL )

  8. 行波场Wiggler自由电子激光器

    Free-electron lasers with travelling wave field wiggler

  9. 变周期wiggler自由电子激光器

    Free-electron laser with changeable periodic wiggler

  10. 用流体理论研究了带wiggler场圆柱型填充介质的自由电子激光器(FEL)。

    The free electorn laser with cylindrical waveguide loaded with dielectric is studied by us-ing theory of fluids .

  11. 用于SDI的二级自由电子激光器

    Two-Stage Free-Electron Laser for SDI

  12. 北京自由电子激光器(BFEL)是一台工作于中红外区Compton型FEL振荡器。

    The Beijing Free Electron Laser ( BFEL ) is a Compton regime , IR PEL oscillator .

  13. 自由电子激光器中的Cerenkov辐射

    Cerenkov radiation in FEL

  14. 采用PIC模拟方法对同轴混合铁磁摇摆器自由电子激光器进行了研究,分析了等离子体填充对其性能的影响。

    A coaxial hybrid wiggler free-electron laser ( FEL ) amplifier with and without plasma filling is studied by a method of PIC simulation in this paper .

  15. 本文分析了相对论电子束经过介质系统摆动器磁场时形成的自由电子激光器中的Cerenkov辐射场。

    The Cerenkov radiation field in FEL produced by the relativistic electron beam through a wiggler magnetic field in a medium system is analysed .

  16. Sheldon我告诉过你啦,我只有晚上使用自由电子激光器的权限,这几个星期我都不能开车送你了。

    Leonard : Sheldon , I told you , I only have access to the laser at night . I can 't drive you for the next few weeks .

  17. 自由电子激光器(FEL)能否充分发挥其优异特性而走向实用,最终将取决于器件能否小型化。

    Whether the excellent properties of free electron laser can be brought into practice , it would ultimately depend upon the fact that the laser could be made compact .

  18. 本文讨论了Stanford大学所建造的自由电子激光器中所采用的新奇的螺旋管Wiggler磁场的有关特性,并着重分析了脉冲电流螺旋Wiggler磁体的主要参数和时间特性。

    This paper analyses time character and the main parameters of a pulsed current solenoid system for wiggler field in free-electron laser and discusses the characteristics of the solenoid wiggler field .

  19. 本文建立了自由电子激光器(FEL)的能量模型,分别计算了弱信号和强信号两种条件下FEL的能量转换效率。

    In this paper , an energy model of FEL was set up to calculate the energy tranfer rate of FEL under the conditions of small signal and strong signal respectively .

  20. 分析了辐射行波场Wiggler自由电子激光器的工作状态,计算了激光器的增益,分析了获得正增益的条件。

    The working state of Free-electron lasers with travelling wave radiation field wiggler is analysed , the laser gain is calculated and the conditions for obtaining gains are also analysed .

  21. 用于高平均功率自由电子激光器的DC-RF超导腔注入器

    Design of a New DC-RF Injector Used in High Average Power FEL

  22. 结果表明:在选用合适的物理参量和匹配的工作相位条件下,Cherenkov型自由电子激光器比普通自由电子激光器有高得多的增益和效率。

    The results show that under the conditions of suitable physical parameters and matching operating phase , the gain and efficiency of Cherenkov FEL are considerably higher than those of common free electron lasers .

  23. 本文用逐阶近似法分析了相对论电子洛仑兹力方程和能量方程,获得了振幅螺旋变化的周期wiggler场自由电子激光器的增益表达式。

    In this paper , Lorentz equation and energy equation for relativistic electron are analysed by using the method of successive order approximation , the gain expression on free-electron laser with periodic wiggler field of helical variance amplitude is obtained .

  24. 并讨论了各种场误差对自由电子激光器自发辐射谱的影响,选择北京自由电子激光器(BFEL)参数,进行模拟,最后确定出各种场误差的可接受条件。

    Choosing the BFEL parameters , we simulated the effects on FEL spontaneous spectrum due to field errors , and obtained the acceptable condition of all kinds of field errors in undulator .

  25. 报告了北京自由电子激光器(BFEL)从30MeV直线加速器出口到摇摆磁铁出口束流输运段的束流截面监测系统。

    The electron beam profile monitoring system located between exit of the 30 MeV linac a d exit of the undulator on Beijing free electron laser ( BFEL ) is described .

  26. 在高效率和低电流小信号范围内,理论地分析了用反向渐变波导提高远红外波导自由电子激光器(FIR-FEL)效率的机理。

    In the high efficiency and small signal region , we investigate theoretically the efficiency enhancement mechanism of far infrared free electron laser ( FIR-FEL ) with a reverse tapering waveguide .

  27. 计算了Cherenkov型自由电子激光器中介质的介电系数的变化对激光器输出性能的影响,结果表明,偏大或偏小的介电系数不仅会降低效率,而且对增益特性产失严重的影响。

    The effects of variation of permittivity in the Cherenkov FEL on the output property of laser were calculated . The results show that , smaller or larger values of permittivity not only decrease the efficiency of laser , but also greatly influence the gain property of laser .

  28. 磁场误差对自由电子激光器增益的影响

    Effects 0f Wiggler Field Errors on Gain in a Free-Electron Laser

  29. 一种新型无反转自由电子激光器的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of a New Type of Free-Electron Laser without Inversion

  30. 带电粒子的自有场对自由电子激光器增益的影响

    Effect of charged particle self-field on the gain of FEL 's