
  • We Media;we the media;Me Media
  1. 本论文还对自媒体的未来发展做了预测。

    This paper has also made a forecast for the future development of the we media .

  2. 自媒体的出现,更是极大激发了网民的言论表达热情。

    The appearance of We media has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of thought-expression of the Internet users .

  3. 随着互联网上博客世界的出现,由博客从事的自媒体(WeMedia)信息传播,与专业媒体的报道之间形成了密切的互动关系。

    With the emergence of blogsphere in the internet , the communication conducted by bloggers with " we media " has been making interactive relations with reporting of professional media agencies .

  4. 网络、博客、数字化、3G、P2P、自媒体、虚拟社区等新兴媒体概念成为当今社会流行的符号,愈发深刻地影响着我们的日常生活。

    The concepts of network , blog , digital , 3G , P2P , we media , virtual communities and other new media become a popular symbol in nowadays society , and increasingly profound impact on our daily lives .

  5. 在Web2.0技术革新下诞生的自媒体概念,囊括了多种互联网个人新闻应用形式,其中尤以博客、播客、SNS社交网站、微博等为国内当下最为普及和流行的应用代表。

    The concept " we media " was created under the innovation of Web 2.0 technology , including a variety of personal Internet news application , in which blog , podcast , SNS and micro-blog are currently the most popular forms in China .

  6. 播客自媒体发展的社会语境及影响力分析

    The Analysis on Social Context and Influence Power of the Podcasting Development

  7. 在众多自媒体中,快速发展、深入人心的微博尤为引人注目。

    Among we-medium , micro-blog is particularly eye-catching .

  8. 如何规范自媒体形式的、面向社会公众的新闻发布,是一个需要关注的大问题。

    How to set standards in public news release by media is an important major concern .

  9. 自媒体出现后,其存在方式和运作方法都在挑战着传统媒体。

    Appeared in the media , the existence and methods of operation are challenging traditional media .

  10. 交流的无奈:自媒体时代的英美文学教学改革探索

    Speaking into the Air : Exploring the Reform of British and American Literature Teaching in We Media Era

  11. 21世纪,新闻媒体3.0到来,我国跟随全球科技发展脚步开始进入自媒体时代。

    With arrival of the news media 3.0 , China access into we media period in 21 century .

  12. 让播客在有效的引导和健康的发展下发挥其独特的自媒体话语优势。

    Let podcasts at effective guidance and the development of Healthy exert its unique advantages since the media discourse .

  13. 本文选取了门户网站微博为研究对象,对自媒体界面的可用性进行研究。

    In this paper , we take Micro blog of the portals to study the usability of We media interface .

  14. 在日新月异的互联网时代,微博的出现无疑给自媒体的发展注入了新的活力。

    In this era of Internet , micro-blog appears as a fresh and active element in thedevelopment of the we-media .

  15. 重点探讨在自媒体时代背景下,公民新闻活动对专业新闻媒介新闻实践产生的影响。

    It focused on the citizen journalism activities impact on the practice of professional media news in we media are .

  16. 微博是自媒体的一种,具有传播速度快、传播碎片化、互动性极强等特点。

    Microblogging is one of the we-media , since the media has spread fast , fragmentation , and highly interactive features .

  17. 随着自媒体直播的流行普及,人们得到了一个了解名人生活的窗口。

    With livestreaming taking popularity , you get a pretty good window into the lives of famous people who join up .

  18. 随着自媒体环境下各种侵犯隐私权行为的频发,人们开始对自媒体环境下隐私权的保护予以关注。

    After confronting frequent acts of privacy violation , people began to concern privacy protection in environment of " we media " .

  19. 微博的兴起掀起了传媒领域的一场新革命,开创了自媒体时代。

    The rising of microblog has launched a new revolution in media area , and creating a " new media " time .

  20. 可以说,自媒体的信息发布检测并监督着政务微博的公信力。

    It would be safe to say that the information issue of we-media could test and supervise the credibility of government micro-blogs .

  21. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  22. 事实上,自媒体诞生之日起其就与政治决策有着千丝万缕的联系。

    In fact , since the date of the birth of media , political decision-making is on the inextricably linked with the media .

  23. 第三部分是对自媒体环境下高校舆论危机事件应对机制的调查与问题分析。

    The third part is the survey and analysis of the response mechanisms to the university public opinion crisis in the self-media environment .

  24. 从孟买恐怖袭击事件中的自媒体传播看公民新闻背景下的媒介权力转移

    WE Media in Mumbai 2008 Terrorist Attacks : A case for investigating the transfer of media power with the background of Citizen Journalism

  25. 而于自媒体有着多处重合点的网络涂鸦,在有着多处契合点的合作下开始了新的发展。

    And from the media has a the multiple coincidence network graffiti , began a new development in the cooperation that has multiple meeting point .

  26. 微博引领着自媒体时代的发展,受众不再只是信息的接收者,也变成了信息的生产者和传播者。

    With leading the development of self-media era , weibo recipients are not only information receivers , but also turning into information producers and disseminators .

  27. 微博作为微时代背景下最具代表性的传播媒介,是一种新兴的兼具社交与通讯功能的社会化自媒体。

    The micro-blogging as the most representative of the media in the micro-era , is an emerging both social and communication capabilities of social media .

  28. 在互动的自媒体仪式传播过程中,社会的结构秩序深入到主体的内心深处,外在的规则与规范被置换成主体内在的真实需求。

    In a ceremony communication , social order deep into the main body of the heart , external rules are converted to body inner real demand .

  29. 现代社会步入了突发事件频发的时代,我国对于突发事件报道的研究起步比较晚,在自媒体勃兴的今天,研究自媒体对于突发事件报道的作用和其发展趋势的还不多。

    In the day of we media grows vigorously , the research of the foundation and development tendency of we media under emergency report is not much .

  30. 博客作为自媒体,综合了文字、图片、音频、视频、超链接等多层次、多样化的呈现手段,为科技传播提供更多的参与性。

    Blog , as a kind of " me media ", gathering words , pictures , music , videos and hyperlinks , provided more participatory for sci-tech communication .