
zì wǒ rèn tónɡ
  • self-identification
  1. BBS是大学生展开网际人际交往最为常见的形式,大学生从中探索自我认同,并在与网友的互动中寻求他人的认同,学校应以开放的态度帮助学生完成其社会化过程。

    BBS is the most popular way college students associate in the Internet , by which they realize self-identification , meanwhile , seek for others'identification during interacting . School should assist students to complete their socialization with an open mind .

  2. 完整性自我认同的形成依赖于主体间的相互承认。

    A successful integrate self-identification depends on subjects ' mutually recognizing .

  3. 她在十多岁时经历了一次自我认同的危机。

    She went through an identity crisis in her teens .

  4. 如果学生依赖管理员来规范他们的社会行为和思维模式,他们也就不会面临在一个更大、更复杂的社区中寻求自我认同这一挑战了。

    If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern , they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community .

  5. 她说,随着他们的世界不断扩大,孩子们在网上把自己与其他人进行比较,这种方式"在自我认同、自信以及自我发展能力方面都具有极大的破坏性"。

    As their world expanded , she said , children compared themselves to others online in a way that was " hugely damaging in terms of their self-identity , in terms of their confidence , but also in terms of their ability to develop themselves ".

  6. 因为你的声音是独一无二的,是自我认同的重要组成部分,这种想象与现实的不匹配可能会令人不安。

    Because your voice is unique and an important component9 of self-identity , this mismatch can be jarring .

  7. 20世纪90年代是美国黑人争取平等,自由的高涨时期。本论文基于《AfricanAmericanReview》这套杂志,及相关黑人历史,用社会语言学的理论来分析黑人自我认同。

    1990s is a high period for African Americans to struggle for equality and freedom , and this thesis is based on the journal African American Review and some related Black history to analyze the Black self-identity by using the sociolinguistic theories .

  8. 本文介绍了CET考试规模大、组织严密、命题效度高的特点及其与社会需求与时俱进的发展动态和趋势;分析了CET的反拨效应以及学习者的自我认同变化对英语学习的作用与影响;

    This paper introduces its characteristics and trends of development and analyses the backwash of CET and learners ' self-identity , which can influence English learning .

  9. 因此,自我认同或自我同一性(self-identity)作为一个人描述自己特征或本质自我的方式,不仅只是对一个物的认同。

    That is to say , as a way of describing one ` s characteristics or essences , self-identify or self identity is not just a kind of identify on a ' thing ' .

  10. 研究1采用IAT考察了大学生的内隐数学态度和内隐数学自我认同两个方面的IAT效应,同时考察被试内隐数学态度和内隐数学自我认同是否存在性别和专业差异;

    In Study 1 , we investigate the IAT effect of the implicit math attitude and the implicit math identity by IAT and checks their gender difference and major difference .

  11. 去年夏天,保罗·文斯科(PaulWenske)不得不接受《堪萨斯城星报》(KansasCityStar)的买断协议,他一下子失去了自我认同感。

    Forced to take a buyout from the Kansas City Star last summer , Paul Wenske lost his sense of identity . 'I 'd been an investigative reporter all my life , and then boom , 'says Mr.

  12. 中国学生性别自我认同发展过程初步研究

    A study of the development of gender identity in Chinese pupils

  13. 本文探讨的是教育承认与自我认同的关系。

    This dissertation discuss the relationship between educational recognition and self-identity .

  14. 客观地位分层与主观地位认同粉领阶层&社会存在与自我认同

    Objective Stratification and Subjective Identity Pink-Collar : Social Existence & Self-identification

  15. 在当代社会快速转型的过程中,作为现代化建设生力军的大学生却普遍出现了自我认同危机。

    At the present age , contemporary university students have self-identity crisis .

  16. 身体消费成为一种建构自我认同的重要方式。

    Body consumption becomes an important way to construct self-identification .

  17. 英语学习与自我认同变化&对大学本科生的定量考察

    English learning and changes in self-identity-A quantitative investigation on Chinese college undergraduates

  18. 高职学生自我认同感的危机及提升的策略

    Crisis of Vocational Students ' Self-Identity and Strategies to Promotion

  19. 自我认同问题是马克斯·弗里施成名长篇小说《施蒂勒》最重要的主题。

    Self-identification is the most important theme of Max Frisch 's Stiller .

  20. 脉轮三:火灾、自我认同、自我定位导向。

    Chakra Three : Fire , Ego identity , oriented to self-definition .

  21. 自我认同感直接影响着其对本职工作的态度。

    Directly affect their self-identity on the attitude of their own work .

  22. 现代的女性发展是一个自我认同、自我成长的过程。

    Modern Female development is a process of self-identity , self-growth process .

  23. 教师职业声望的自我认同低于社会认同。

    Self-identity of teachers ' professional reputation is lower than social identity .

  24. 护理学专业本科生的自我认同现象分析

    Qualitative analysis of the self & identification phenomenon for undergraduate nursing students

  25. 选择与自恋:现代性条件下自我认同的机制

    Choice and Narcissism : Mechanisms of Self-Identity Under the Condition of Modernity

  26. 社会及自我认同决定男子以肝为本

    Social and Self Identity Determines the Liver being the Foundation of Men

  27. 论教育与学生自我认同的实现

    On the Education and the Realization of Students ' Self-Identity

  28. 社会排斥与个体自我认同的重构

    Social Exclusion and the Reconstruction of Self-identity of Individual

  29. 关于网络自我认同危机

    NETWORK Networking Towards a Self-Identity Crisis on the Internet

  30. 论文指出,在自我认同的过程中,主体要受到其所处的客观环境的影响;

    The paper points out that , the objective environment influences the subject .