
  • 网络self-development;developed;Independent Development
  1. 基于自主开发的案例教学研究与实践

    Research & Practice of Case Teaching Based on Self-Development

  2. 中国轿车品牌与自主开发之路

    China 's Passenger car Brand and its Self-development Way

  3. 一个自主开发的一个俄罗斯方块C源代码!

    An autonomous development of a Russian box C source code !

  4. 本文介绍了本人自主开发的一个基于J2EE平台的Web应用程序框架。

    This paper introduces a web application framework based on J2EE .

  5. DPFS(DistributedandParallelFileSystem)是电子科技大学8010研究室自主开发的分布式并行文件系统。

    DPFS is a Distributed and Parallel File System developed by 8010 research lab .

  6. 展望了螺旋线行波管CAD技术的发展前景,对我国如何自主开发螺旋线行波管三维CAD软件提出了一些建议。

    Our insight into future of 3D helix TWTs CAD of China is given .

  7. 介绍了一个在SUN工作站上自主开发的砷化镓集成电路CAD系统。

    A GaAs IC CAD system which developed on SUN workstation is introduced in this paper .

  8. 结论:数据库中的标准桥体数据是烤瓷固定基底桥CAD的模板,为自主开发烤瓷固定基底桥CAD/CAM系统奠定了基础。

    Conclusions : The standard pontics can be used as the templates during the CAD of the bridge framework .

  9. u自主开发设计课程,自主授课,独立开发培训教材;

    U developed independently design courses , teaching autonomy , independent development of training materials ;

  10. 然目前的IC封装设备主要还是由国外垄断,因此尽快实现微电子设备的自主开发就成了我国的迫切任务。

    So it is a very urgent task to develop the packaging machine quickly by our own .

  11. 报道了自主开发的基于作者提出的一种高效自适应声回波对消算法的DSP实时系统。

    An adaptive acoustic echo-cancelling real-time DSP system has been developed based on an efficient adaptive algorithm that we proposed recently .

  12. 这个合作的项目是“北斗”,一套中国自主开发的卫星导航系统,相当于GPS。

    In this case , the project is Beidou , a satellite navigation system that is China 's domestically developed answer to GPS .

  13. 最后在自主开发的DSP平台上采用增量PID算法和积分分离的PID算法分别实现电机调速控制器。

    Finally , the paper implements the motor speed-adjusting controller using integrator-disparted PID algorithm and increment PID algorithm on a DSP hardware platform .

  14. 详细介绍了我们自主开发的面向虚拟现实(virtualReality,VR)通用应用开发的软件平台VRFlier。

    A software platform named VR Flier which is oriented to virtual reality ( VR ) general applications development is presented .

  15. 借助CAE仿真技术,完成了从冲压工艺分析、优化到自动线结构设计和模具的制造,提高了自动冲压线的自主开发能力。

    Stamping process analysis and optimization and automatic line structure design and die manufacturing was fulfilled based on CAE simulation .

  16. 苹果公司下了一份MacBookAir笔记本电脑的订单,而其处理器正是苹果自主开发的基于ARM的A5处理器。

    Japanese Apple fan site Macotara is reporting Apple has ordered up a MacBook Air powered by the ARM-based A5 processor Apple designs .

  17. 公司拥有专业的技术服务团队,自主开发的ERP产品,同时可以为客户提供基于微软成熟平台的软件定制开发服务。

    The company has professional technical service team , self-developed ERP products , while providing customers with a mature platform based on Microsoft software custom development services .

  18. 不过,在周四于北京举行的全国高性能计算学术年会(HPCChina)上,专家们表示,天河-1A系统的知识产权是中国自主开发和拥有的。

    However , experts at HPC China , a supercomputing conference in Beijing , said on Thursday that intellectual property rights in the new Chinese system were developed and held domestically .

  19. 采用用户模型技术,将自主开发的17集总反应动力学模型与aspenplus稳态流程模拟软件集成在一起,从而在aspenplus平台实现了包含重整反应装置在内的催化重整全流程模拟。

    The industrial catalytic reforming process is simulated by developing the seventeen lumped kinetics model as a user module on ASPEN PLUS platform .

  20. 采用国际大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建模与自主开发主体计算程序相结合的办法来实现高寒地区碾压混凝土坝底孔温度应力的仿真计算。

    Through the adoption of finite element software ANSYS and simulation and analysis program to realize the calculation of high latitude RCC gravity temperature field stress field .

  21. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库软件自主开发了一套用户管理系统,用于有线电视用户的管理,节约了大量的人力、物力,使有线电视管理工作更加规范化、科学化。

    Using Visual FoxPro database develop a customer management system . It can save a lot of manpower and resources and make customer-management normalization and be scientifically .

  22. 另外该平台用到了自主开发的语言解释器(DPL),从而使得该平台具有较好的可扩展性和自适应性。

    The platform has good expansibility and self - adaptability .

  23. 全球最大手机服务商中国移动(ChinaMobile)的董事长王建宙昨日承认,由于手机方面的问题,中国自主开发的第三代(3G)移动通信技术比其他国际标准落后几年。

    The head of China Mobile , the world 's largest mobile phone group , yesterday admitted the country 's homegrown third generation mobile technology was a few years behind other international standards because of problems with handsets .

  24. 使用自主开发的三维离散元方法(DEM)仿真分析软件,研究了普通夹层玻璃和两层结构夹层玻璃的冲击破坏特性。

    Self-developed three-dimension discrete element method ( DEM ) software is used for simulating the impact fracture behavior of automobile laminated glass and bi-layer laminated glass .

  25. FCE方法在评价企业自主开发能力中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ( FCE ) to evaluating the capability of enterprise independent exploitation

  26. 我国混合集成电路(HIC)已从引进、消化转入自主开发。

    HIC of China have already changed from importing their production lines and digesting them to independent development .

  27. 利用自主开发的倾斜管制浆工艺制备了A356合金半固态浆料。

    Semi-solid slurry of A356 alloy was prepared by a self-developed cooling slope method .

  28. 由于Profibus总线相关协议芯片的封闭性,使得底层的自主开发非常困难。

    Because of the obturation of the related chips based on Profibus protocol , it is very difficult to do some low level development .

  29. 由于3G系统AKA协议相关算法无需标准化,因此可自主开发相应算法,以增加运营商或开发商的选择。

    Considering the standardization is not necessary , the security algorithms involved in AKA protocol can be developed to enrich the choices of carriers and developers .

  30. 该解决方案的可视化部分包括了一个显示SNMP事件的Netcool/OMNIBus控制台,以及一个自主开发的持久化和可视化系统&Graphite。

    The visualization part of the solution includes a Netcool / OMNIBus console displaying SNMP events , and Graphite , a persistence and visualization system developed in house .