
  • 网络economic efficiency;Economics;economical efficiency;efficiency
  1. FDI流入与经济效率的改进

    The Relationship between Flow of FDI and the Improvement of China 's Economic Efficiency

  2. 黑龙江省农用地利用经济效率的DEA分析

    Evaluation of Agricultural Land-use Economic Efficiency in Heilongjiang Province Based on DEA

  3. 基于DEA的广东农业循环经济效率评价

    Efficiency Evaluation of Agricultural Circular Economy in Guangdong Province Based on DEA

  4. 基于DEA的内蒙古可持续经济效率研究

    Research on the Efficiency of Sustainable Economic in Inner Mongolia Region Based on DEA

  5. 国际商业组织世界大型企业联合会(conferenceboard)昨日发布的报告显示,除非富裕国家维持经济效率较快增长,否则它们将难以实现其公民视为正常的生活水平提高。

    Rich countries will struggle to achieve the rises in living standards their citizens think are normal unless they sustain faster increases in economic efficiency , according to a report today from the conference board , the international business organisation .

  6. 文章选取固定资产投资总额、劳动力作为投入变量,地区生产总值、地方财政预算内收入、职工工资总额作为产出变量,运用DEA分析法对中国城市经济效率进行了研究。

    In this paper DEA method is applied to estimate economic efficiencies of Chinese cities , taking fixed asset investment and labor force as input factors , and GDP , local government budgetary income and total wages of workers and staff as output variables .

  7. 税收效率包括税收经济效率与税收程序效率。

    Tax efficiency includes tax economic efficiency and tax procedural efficiency .

  8. 经济效率内生增长的作用机制

    An Analysis of the Affection Mechanism of Economic Efficiency Endogenous Growth

  9. 城镇卫生改革对医疗服务机构经济效率影响评价研究:基本框架和概述

    Impact on health sector reform on efficiency performance in urban hospitals

  10. 公共财政体制下行政成本控制的经济效率研究

    Research on Economic Efficiency of Controlling Administration Costs under Public Financial System

  11. 论政府供给偏好的短期决定:政治均衡与经济效率

    Short-term Determination of Government Supply Preference : Political Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency

  12. 我国商业银行经济效率及影响因素分析

    Efficiency Study on China Commercial Banks Based on DEA and Factor Analysis

  13. 普通话测试的录音评分可行性、信度及经济效率

    Putonghua test : feasibility of tape-recorded marking , reliability and economic efficiency

  14. 我国劳动力资源经济效率的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of China 's Commercial Efficiency of Labor Resource

  15. 网络环境下信息资源共享系统的经济效率分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Information Resource Sharing System under Network Environment

  16. 企业制度与企业经济效率

    Study on Enterprise System and Efficiency of Enterprise Economy

  17. 为什么不能用微观经济效率的标准来评价国有企业?

    Why can 't we appraise state-owned enterprises with standard of microeconomic efficiency ?

  18. 日本选择了以提高经济效率为导向的渐进式改革。

    Japan settled on evolutionary change in the direction of greater economic efficiency .

  19. 江西省城市经济效率分异研究

    Study on the Difference in the Economic Efficiency of Cities of Jiangxi Province

  20. 组织激励、契约设计与经济效率

    Organizations Incentive , Contract Design and Economic Efficiency

  21. 沥青库加热技术的好坏直接关系到沥青库的生产成本与经济效率。

    Heat supply technology influences directly the production cost and efficiency of bitumen reservoir .

  22. 虚拟资本的产生、发展,推动了实质经济效率的提高。

    Along with its development , virtual capital improves the efficiency of real economy .

  23. 经济效率与企业组织

    Business Data ENTERPRISE Economic Efficiency and Corporate Organization

  24. 中国农户原料奶生产经济效率分析

    An Economic Efficiency Analysis of China Dairy Farms

  25. 社会公平、和谐与经济效率

    Social Justice , Harmony and Economic Efficiency

  26. 随机前沿成本函数方法在医院经济效率评价中的应用

    Application of the random front cost function method in assessing the commercial efficiency of hospitals

  27. 主流经济学家以经济效率对制度演变绩效进行评价,存在着一定的缺陷。

    The mainstream economists evaluate the performance of institutional change with the concept of efficiency .

  28. 中国城市经济效率测度研究

    Research on Economic Efficiencies of Chinese Cities

  29. 中国金融发展与经济效率的实证分析:1978~2002

    An Empirical Analysis of Financial Development and Economic Efficiency : China from 1978 to 2002

  30. 引进市场机制、完善市场体系才能不断提高经济效率。

    We can only promote economic efficiency by introducing market mechanism and perfecting market system .