
  • 网络pragmatism;statecraft
  1. 经世致用之说是清初学术的主干。

    Statecraft represented the intellectual mainstream in the early Qing .

  2. 经世致用是儒学的传统。

    Emphasizing statecraft is a tradition of Confucianism .

  3. 经世致用之学&当代水利史研究新进展

    The Improvement of the Study on the Contemporary Water Conservancy History

  4. 论近代经世致用史学思潮的兴起

    On the Rise of Practical Historiography Trend in Modern China

  5. 学堂乐歌创作中的经世致用思想

    The Idea of Practicality in the Creation of School Music and Songs

  6. 经世致用:语言研究的价值转向与批判话语分析

    Humanistic Pragmatism : Turn of Value of Language Study and Critical Discourse Analysis

  7. 李翱强调等级制、明君临政和仁政的政治思想正是其经世致用的经学思想和人性思想外化。

    His politics and academic thought was also the practice of his philosophy .

  8. 经世致用学风与近代湖南

    The Style of Studying Real Problems for the Purpose of Application and Modern Hunan

  9. 魏源经世致用的教育思想

    The Statecraft Ideological Educational Thought of Wei Yuan

  10. 他的公益活动体现了以人为本、经世致用的理念。

    His social welfare activities reflects the " people-oriented ", " statecraft " concept .

  11. 经世致用:王安石人才教育伦理的价值宗旨

    Attention to Actual Effect : Value Objective of Wang Anshi 's Talented Person Education Ethics

  12. 辛亥革命时期的经世致用思想

    Confucian Ideology in the Revolution of 1911

  13. 世治儒学的家学渊源与湖湘文化经世致用的传统是胡林翼理学经世思想形成的两大源头。

    The Neo-Confucian and the Hu-Xiang Culture are the main resources for Hu 's thoughts .

  14. 王缉思&经世致用的人文主义学者

    Wang Jisi : A Humanitarian Scholar Who Makes a Point of Applying Theory to Reality

  15. 这种论证并不具有充分的说服力,但却是道家哲学向经世致用道路上发展的必然结果。

    This is the inevitable outcome of the development of Taoist philosophy toward practical use .

  16. 《名媛诗话》在一定程度上体现出清代经世致用实学在女性世界别具意义的实践成果。

    Ming Yuan Shi Hua reveals the significances of Qing 's practical ideology to the female .

  17. 晚清经世致用思潮与中国早期现代化的启动

    Statecraft Ideological Trend in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Starting of the Early Chinese Modernization

  18. 经世致用传统与乾嘉时期的历史编纂学

    The Tradition of Making Study Serve Practical Purposes and the Historiography in Qianlong and Jiaqing Period

  19. 其为学讲求经世致用,倡导事功,是南宋永嘉学派重要代表人物。

    The school advocates feats , Southern Song Dynasty is the important representative of Yongjia school .

  20. 经世致用教育思想及其对近代外语教育的推进

    On reality-based educational ideology and its role in enhancing the beginning of modern education of foreign languages

  21. 传统国学、新史学、西学和马克思主义是吕思勉先生经世致用史学观的理论基础。

    The traditional Chinese studies , new historiography , western learns , Marxism were the theoretical foundation of Mr.

  22. 此外,《通典》还开刨了中国古代经世致用史学的先河。

    In addition , The " Tongdian " has also created a precedent of ancient Chinese statecraft historian .

  23. 鸦片战争后经世致用思潮对中国近代化的消极影响

    The Negative Influence of the Thought of Managing for Present Use on Chinese Modernization after the Opium War

  24. 东林学派开创的经世致用学风,对整个十七世纪的学术思想都产生了重要影响。

    The practical thought of the school had a far-reaching impact on the entire 17th century academic thought .

  25. 论现代大学的双重特征经世致用与象牙塔精神

    " Practical " and the Spirit of " Ivory Tower " - the Dual Characteristics of Modern University

  26. 倡学风转变,黜虚崇实,经世致用。

    Leads the school tradition to transform , dismisses empty honors the reality , Governs of very practical use .

  27. 浙东学派继承并发扬了中国史学经世致用的优良传统,并发扬光大。

    East Zhejiang School inherited and carried forward the fine Chinese historical tradition : Apply learning to practical problems .

  28. 从评语的角度来看,各个选本评语中部有经世致用思想的流露。

    From the reviews of the point of view , all elected by the reviews have revealed practice thinking .

  29. 父亲的影响及洋务思潮的兴起推动了他经世致用思想的产生。

    His father 's influence and the rising of Westernizations facilitated the production of his thought of Application of Classics .

  30. 其所著述的《守圉全书》是明末极为重要的一部军事著作,表现出极强的经世致用思想。

    His book Shou yu quan shou is an important military work which expresses a strong practical point of view .