
jīnɡ jì ɡuī huà
  • Economic planning;economic project
  1. 文章结尾利用所提取的预警线分析了未来5-10年内于田绿洲-荒漠过渡带可能的发展趋势,并对当地的生态维护和社会、经济规划提出了建设性意见。

    Using the precaution lines of different periods , the end of the paper has analyzed the most possible development trend of Yutian Oasis-Desert transition belt in next 5 or 10 years , and given the constructive advices to local eco-system protection , social or economic project .

  2. Excel在经济规划与管理决策中的应用

    Applying Excel Tools in Economic Programming and Managing Decision

  3. 这一新的政策立场是由中国央行(PBOC)和中国最主要的经济规划机构国家发展和改革委员会(NationalDevelopmentandReformCommission)共同宣布的,而这两个机构的意见以往并不总那么一致。

    The new policy was announced by the central bank and the main economic-planning agency , the National Development and Reform Commission , two bodies sometimes seen to be at odds .

  4. 本文介绍为某市区域经济规划决策建立的一个决策支持系统(DSS)。

    This paper introduces a Decision Support System ( DSS ) for decision of region economy scheme of a certain city .

  5. 最近,权势很大的经济规划部门国家发改委(NDRC)和其它政府机构,发起在北京举办了有关企业社会责任的研讨会。

    The National Development and Reform Commission , the powerful economic planning ministry , and other agencies have recently backed seminars in Beijing about CSR .

  6. 本文首先以区域经济规划的理论为依据,以RS为手段,重点探讨遥感技术在环北部湾广西经济区区域经济规划中的应用。

    This article take theory of the regional economic planning as the basis , take RS as the method , in the key discussion the remote sensing application in regional economic planning of The Link Gulf of Tonkin Guangxi economic zone .

  7. 不过,中国国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)拒绝开征燃油税,担心该政策对处境艰难、多变的消费者所造成的影响,特别是对农民和出租车司机的影响。发改委是中国主要的经济规划机构。

    However , the National Reform and Development Commission , the chief economic planning agency , has resisted imposing the tax for fear of its impact on hard-pressed and volatile consumers , especially farmers and taxi drivers .

  8. 中国主要经济规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)下属智囊机构研究员王小广表示,伴随政治周期出现的投资增长是“结构性过热”的一种形式。

    Wang Xiaoguang , a researcher at a think-tank attached to the national development and Reform Commission , the chief planning agency , said rises in investment with the political cycle were a form of " structural overheating " .

  9. 中国国家发改委(NDRC)副主任王金祥表示:(西部大开发)一个非常重要的因素将是,提高向外部世界开放的熟练程度。国家发改委是中国的经济规划机构。

    A very important [ factor for western development ] will be raising the proficiency of opening to the outside world , says Wang Jinxiang , vice-minister of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ), the economic planning body .

  10. 虽然中国国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)表示,今年已叫停23个项目,相当于247万吨冶炼产能,但该机构威胁称,还会采取更严厉的措施。国家发改委是中国的最高经济规划部门。

    Even though the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ), Beijing 's top planning body , says that it has halted this year 23 projects equivalent to 2.47 million tonnes of smelting capacity , it is threatening to take tougher measures .

  11. 中国尚未正式公布的这一标准,由一家行业杂志进行了报道,并于昨日得到中国国家发改委(NDRC)一位官员的证实。发改委是中国负责制定相关标准的经济规划部门。

    The standard , which has yet to be officially announced , was reported in a trade magazine and confirmed yesterday by an official attached to the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ), the economic planning body responsible for the standards .

  12. 壹个叫NobusukeKishi的高级经济规划人与后来占领山洞区的长官来往密切,而那个长官正是中国人所熟悉的关东军的总长官东条英机。

    A high-ranking economic planner named Nobusuke Kishi worked closely with then commander of the occupying Kanto division , known to the Chinese as the Kwantung Army , General Hideki Tojo .

  13. 县域经济规划的方法与应用

    The Method and Application of Regional Economic Planning on County Level

  14. 组织开展水资源循环经济规划研究;

    Developing management research of water right and circular economic planning ;

  15. 农业系统地域多年开发的生态经济规划模型

    The Multiyear Development Model of Ecological Economic Planning in Agricultural Systems

  16. 叙利亚的经济规划一直服从于教派和安全方面的考虑。

    Economic planning was always subordinated to sectarian and security considerations .

  17. 基于地理信息系统的铁路经济规划实验设计研究

    Research on experiment design based on GIS in railways economic planning

  18. 关于独立的纳米比亚经济规划各个方面的综合文件

    Comprehensive document on all aspects of economic planning in an independent Nam

  19. 文章利用投入占用产出模型结合韶山灌区情况分析了水资源价格调整对灌区农业的影响,为灌区水资源的合理利用及区域经济规划提供了理论依据

    In the paper , the influences of water price adjustment on agriculture have

  20. 开远市生态&经济规划研究

    Research of Eco - economic Planning of KaiYuan Municipality

  21. 一种适用于县级经济规划的数学模型

    A dynamic model for economy planning at county level

  22. 非洲经济规划与发展部长会议

    African Conference of Ministers for Economic Planning and Development

  23. 大城市效区生态经济规划研究

    A research on the project of the ecologic economy in big cities suburbs

  24. 区域经济规划和发展的系统观

    System Idea of Regional Economic Planning and Development

  25. 区域农业生态经济规划的基本理论问题

    Basic Theoretical Problems of Regional Agricultural Eco-economical Programming

  26. 经济规划和预测特别信托基金

    Special Trust Fund for Economic Planning and Projections

  27. 没有经济规划就不会有高生活水准。

    You can not have a high standard of living with out economic plan .

  28. 县域经济规划初探

    A Tentative Study of the County Economic Program

  29. 国家经济规划委员会秘书处

    Secretariat of the National Economic Planning Counci

  30. 阿拉伯国家教育和主管经济规划部长会议

    Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States