
nónɡ yè jīnɡ jì xué
  • agricultural economics
  1. 从F函数发展到G函数,既体现了农业经济学有关理论的一定进展,也体现了面对两重市场困难的农业经济实践的一些经验。

    The evolution from function F to function G is an indication of the progress of the relevant theories in agricultural economics and the practical experiences of agricultural economy in the context of the double-fold marketing difficulties .

  2. 这种观点的意义不仅在于农业经济学。

    And this insight goes beyond mere agricultural economics .

  3. 对中国农业经济学学科体系建设的探讨

    A discussion on the construction of disciplinary system of agronomics in China

  4. 农业经济学帮助农民获得更多更好的农作物。

    The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops .

  5. 农业经济学的科学进化

    Scientific Evolution of Agricultural Economics SCIENCE

  6. 农业经济学与数学

    Agricultural Economics and Mathematics

  7. 汉语社会科学文献非相关文献知识发现的实证研究&以农业经济学文献为例

    Empirical Research on Noninteractive Literature-Based Discovery of Chinese Social Sciences Literature : With Example of Agricultural Economics Literature

  8. 主要研究与教学领域:农业经济学、发展经济学、中国经济改革。

    D.in Economics , University of Chicago , 1986.Research and teaching : Agricultural Economics , Development Economics , and Economic Reforms in China .

  9. 到二十世纪二三十年代,农业经济学在我国农科院校中已成为一门主要学科,许璇成为这门学科的开创者和奠基人。

    In the 1920s or 30s , agricultural economics had been an important subject at agricultural colleges and institutes . He had become a pioneer and founder of agricultural economics .

  10. 任何一个农业经济学研究人员都无法通读当年的农业经济学文献。选择性地阅读带来的后果必然是对知识及知识与知识之间的联系的遗漏。

    In addition , none of agricultural economics researcher can read through all of the agricultural economics literatures in the current year , which inevitably leads to the omitting of the knowledge and connection among the knowledge .

  11. 我国农民收入问题自上世纪90年代后期以来,一直是举国上下十分关注的重大经济、社会问题,也是农业经济学界乃至整个经济学界关注的一个热点问题。

    Since the later of go year of last century , Chinese peasants ' income has been an important economical and social problem , and it is also a hot problem concerned by agricultural economist and even the whole economist .

  12. 分析认为水产品质量安全管理体系建设问题是近年来国内外农业经济学界关注的重大理论与现实问题,与国外研究相比,在研究对象、研究方法和研究范围上都存在很大差距。

    The construction of quality & safety management system is a importance and realistic issue concerned by the field of agricultural economy in home and abroad . Contrasting to foreign research , there is big gap in research object , method and scope .

  13. 农业资源经济学几个基本问题的探讨

    An approach to some fundamental problems of Agricultural Resource Economics

  14. 生态农业的经济学基础

    On the Foundation of Economics of Eco - agriculture

  15. 农业生态经济学的内容和性质

    The content and nature of Agro - ecological Economics

  16. 论资源经济学和农业资源经济学产生的历史基础及其发展趋向

    On the Historical Foundation and Development of Resources Economics and Agricultural Resources Economics

  17. 论文基础理论为农业生态经济学理论、可持续发展理论与生态与经济协调发展理论。

    The basic theory of paper is the agricultural ecological economics , sustainable development and ecological and economic development theory .

  18. 农业生产经济学理论分析了农业生产函数中的投入产出关系;

    The theory of the agricultural economy analysed the relationship of input and output in thd function of agricultural production ;

  19. 现代意义的项目管理比传统项目管理具有更丰富的内涵,现代项目管理与农业技术经济学直接相关,可以从农业技术进步的项目特性和对农业技术进步的管理中体现出来。

    There are more deep meanings of the modern project management than that of traditional project management , and it related to agricultural technological economics directly , which can be indicated from characters of agricultural technology and management of agricultural technology .

  20. 农业技术经济学研究的根本目的是为了实现农业生产资源的优化配置,提高农业生产效率,发展农业生产,提高农民生活水平,保障社会对农产品的需求。

    The fundamental goal of agricultural economics is to realize the optimization of agricultural production resource , improve the efficiency of agricultural production , develop agricultural production , improve the level of farmer 's life , ensure the supply of agricultural products .

  21. 论文重点分析了循环型农业的经济学特征。分析地方政府的层级结构,阐明它直接影响着政府的施政过程,规定和制约着政府的角色和功能。

    Based on this , the thesis highlights the analysis on the economics features of cycle agriculture and focuses on the hierarchy structure of local governments , which has a direct impact on the administration of governments and defines and restricts their roles and functions .

  22. 特色农业发展的经济学理论研究

    Study on the Economic Theory of the Characteristic Agriculture 's Development

  23. 龙头企业农业科技推广经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Agricultural Technique Popularization In some Leading Enterprises

  24. 现代高效生态农业发展的经济学解析

    Economic Analysis on the Development of Modern Efficient Ecological Agriculture

  25. 我国农业保险的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Chinese Agriculture Assurance

  26. 农业保险的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Agriculture Insurance

  27. 搜索,把完整文本关于在农业和应用经济学的学术性研究的报告编入索引。

    Agecon search-designed to index and electronically disribute full text reports of scholarly research in the field of agricultural and applied economics .

  28. 基于现代农业、产业经济学和生态学原理分析京山桥米产业发展中的生态模式。

    Based on the theory of the modern agriculture , industry economic and ecology , the paper analyses the Jingshan Qiaomi rice industry from the ecological model .

  29. 发展中国家农民收入的提高和农村发展是21世纪世界农业和农业经济学六大前沿问题之一,我国也不例外。

    The issue of farmers ' income increase and rural development is one of the six cutting edge issues of international agricultural industry and agricultural economics for 21st century ; China can not be any exceptional .

  30. 虚拟水概念结合了农业科学和经济学的思想,强调水作为绝大多数商品生产所必需的资源要素,最终大多数以虚拟水的形式凝聚在产品中。

    The concept of virtual water combine with agricultural science and economics idea , emphasizing water as a commodity most of the resources necessary for the production elements , and ultimately most of the condensed form of virtual water in the product .