
  • 网络the peasantry;peasant class;Vaisyas
  1. 农民阶级属于最革命阶级的一些落后国家。

    Backward countries where the peasantry are the revolutionary class .

  2. 农村革命是农民阶级推翻封建地主阶级的权力的革命。

    A rural revolution is a revolution by which the peasantry overthrows the power of the feudal landlord class .

  3. 工人阶级跟农民阶级的联盟是基础,是最重要的。

    The alliance of the working class with the peasantry .

  4. 浅论当代中国农民阶级阶层结构

    Study on the Structure of Chinese Peasant Class

  5. 在一个长期只有地主和农民阶级的国家里,这样的划分是影响巨大的。

    In countries long divided between lord and peasant , that has large consequences .

  6. 农民阶级反清思想的刺激。

    Farmer social class counter-clear revolution thought stimulating .

  7. 书中的主要人物不代表农民阶级的利益;

    The main heroes of this works are not the representatives of the peasants class ;

  8. 农民阶级由农民构成的社会阶级。

    The social class constituted by peasants .

  9. 18世纪中国秘密社会与农民阶级的历史命运

    The Chinese Secret Society of 18th Century and the Historical Destiny of peasant Class of China

  10. 他认为中国的农民阶级从事革命比工人阶级有独特的优势。

    He thinks that Chinese farmers class has a unique advantage than the working class in the revolution .

  11. 太平天国的民俗变革中成就与不足并存的事实,充分反映了农民阶级对现实的强烈不满,对美好生活的追求和对良好社会风尚的向往。

    The reform reflected peasant class ' resentment to the reality and seeking for the happy life and social morality .

  12. 其假神以自号,实质上反映的是现代化过程中农民阶级面临现代转型的政治、经济、文化等社会问题,并以传统方式对这些社会问题作出反应。

    The essence reflects the peasants ′ reaction to political , economic and cultural change in the course of modernization .

  13. 关于当今我国农民阶级基本状况和扩大党的群众基础的若干思考

    Some Thinking about the Present Fundamental Situation of the Peasantry and Enlarging the Basis of the Masses of the Chinese Communist Party

  14. 它把画面主角扩及广大的农民阶级,使人性意识问题在最普遍的范围内得到重视。

    By extending the major role to the peasant class , it draws the most popular attention to the awareness of humanity .

  15. 作为农民阶级代表的苔丝,她的悲剧命运的根源在于资产阶级的伦理道德和社会制度。

    Tess is a representative of the peasantry and the root of her tragedy lies in capitalist 's moral principles and social system .

  16. 农民阶级吸收了《太平经》中这些进步的思想,并根据自己的利益加以改造,使之成为革命的工具。

    The peasants absorbed these progressive thoughts and transformed them according to their own benefits , changed the book to the revolutionary tool .

  17. 在这部小说之后,哈代转而进入到深沉的哲学思考中,探索随着威塞克斯农村社会的毁灭而破产的农民阶级的出路和命运问题。

    After this novel , Hardy was involved into deeper consideration for the fate and the future of the peasantry in Wessex society .

  18. 依次具体分析了科技发展对工人阶级、农民阶级以及知识分子阶层分化所造成的重大影响。

    The chapter analysed the influence of development of science and technology for old structure of rank , included workers , farmers and intellectuals .

  19. 这个统一战线是如此广大,它包含了工人阶级、农民阶级、城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。

    This united front is so broad that it includes the working class , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie .

  20. 在中国,在现阶段,是工人阶级,农民阶级,城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。

    At the present stage in China , they are the working class , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie .

  21. 一些学者还注意到,中国古代社会的主要矛盾不能简单地归结为地主阶级与农民阶级的矛盾。

    Some scholars noticed major contradictions in ancient Chinese society should be not simply generalized as the contradiction between the landlord class and the peasant class .

  22. 以阶级论,则是无产阶级、农民阶级、城市小资产阶级、资产阶级的统一战线。

    In terms of social classes , it was a united front of the proletariat , the peasantry , the urban petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie .

  23. 丧失劳动能力的人口我国农民阶级和其他劳动群众,同工人阶级紧密团结,是推动我国社会生产力发展的重要力量。

    The peasant class and other laboring people , closely united with the working class , constitute a major force that pushes the country 's productive forces forward .

  24. 在20世纪20年代至50年代的社会主义革命期间,它被广泛用于形容那些压迫农民阶级的地主乡绅。

    During the communist revolution , from the 1920s to early 1950s , it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry who would bully those beneath them .

  25. 谁要是想撇开中国的无产阶级、农民阶级和其他小资产阶级,就一定不能解决中华民族的命运,一定不能解决中国的任何问题。

    Anyone who tries to bypass these classes will certainly be unable to solve the problem of the destiny of the Chinese nation or indeed any of China 's problems .

  26. 在面临帝国主义武装干涉的时候,要巩固国内工人阶级和农民阶级的政治军事联盟,通过后方巩固的工农联盟不断往前线输送人力和物资,这样才能使前线的胜利获得保障。

    In face of intervention , the working class and farmers should consolidate domestic political and military alliance . The worker-peasant alliance can transport personnel and supplies to the frontier .

  27. 当代中国,社会分层现象在工人阶级和农民阶级日益明显化,由此涌现出许多不同的利益主体。

    In present China , the phenomenon of social gradation is becoming obvious in the working class and the peasant class , spring up many different main parts in benefits .

  28. 而且鉴于农民阶级在国家中所处的地位,在社会变迁中研究农民阶级的问题就显得尤为重要,它更有着不容忽视的理论和现实意义。

    With regard to the status of the peasant class in the country , it is extremely important to study the problems of the peasant class in the process of social transformation ;

  29. 不可能放弃自己政治身份的封建统治者不会从根本上解决社会矛盾问题,最后只能面临来自社会最底层农民阶级的挑战。

    Feudal rulers who could not give up their own political identity will not fundamentally solve the social contradictions and have to ultimately face the uprising from the bottom class : peasantry .

  30. 前文分析了中国资产阶级和农民阶级的软弱,以及乡绅在西方入侵的环境下的衰弱。这里意图说明中国社会从来都没被任何阶级所支配过,导致政治权利在阶级之外寻找了代理。

    In a situation in which no social class was dominant , in which all were weak , political power tended to be increasingly independent of social class and to dominate society in general .