
  • 网络Internet public opinion;public opinion;network public opinion
  1. 本文提出基于GARCH类模型的网络舆情信息演变的波动性研究方法。

    This dissertation analyzes the evolution of fluctuations of Internet public opinion information based on GARCH model .

  2. 基于该框架,本文最终在分布式基础架构Hadoop上实现了一个网络舆情监测原型系统。

    And based on this framework , an Internet public opinion monitoring prototype system is established on the distributed programming architecture Hadoop .

  3. Web挖掘技术在网络舆情预警中的研究与应用

    Research on the web excavating techniques in the network public sentiment warning and its application

  4. 在当前社会环境和web环境日趋复杂的条件下,网络舆情已经对社会的稳定和众多上网的人们产生了重大的影响。

    In the current social environment and increasingly complex web conditions , the cyberspace public opinion has a major impact on the stability of society and many people who access the Internet .

  5. 通过跨领域知识迁移的分析方法&基于Markov逻辑网的多任务迁移学习,设计并实现了网络舆情倾向性分析系统。

    This paper proposes method of cross-domain network public opinion tendency , which is based on multi-task transfer learning based on Markov logic network , design and implement analysis system of public opinion tendency .

  6. 基于CRFs的角色标注人名识别模型在网络舆情分析中的应用

    Model for Person Name Recognition Based on Role Labeling Using CRFs and Its Application to Web Opinion Analysis

  7. 尤其是Web2.0技术的发展,博客、论坛、新闻留言版等成为网络舆情的主要载体。

    Especially with the development of the technology of Web 2.0 , blog , BBS and news message board have become the main vehicles for online public opinion .

  8. 文本挖掘在网络舆情信息分析中的应用

    Application of Text Mining Technology in Analysis of Net-Mediated Public Sentiment

  9. 基于聚类的网络舆情热点发现及分析

    Online Public Opinion Hotspot Detection and Analysis Based on Document Clustering

  10. 一种面向网络舆情危机预警的观点柔性挖掘模型

    A New Flexible Opinion Mining Model Facing Internet Public Opinions Crisis Warning

  11. 其次,针对当前民办高等学校网络舆情与舆情应对的现状进行研究。

    The current situation and response of network public opinion is studied .

  12. 最后,探讨了网络舆情对廉政建设的影响。

    Finally the network impact of public opinion on the clean government .

  13. 网络舆情在很大程度上影响了地方政府政策制定和执行。

    Network public opinion largely affected local government policy formulation and implementation .

  14. 突发事件的网络舆情监测与恐慌度量系统

    Network Opinion Monitoring and Panic Measurement System for Public Incident

  15. 高校校园网络舆情管理工作机制探析

    On the Working Mechanism of Management of Online Public Sentiment on College Campuses

  16. 个体间相互影响的网络舆情演变模型

    Evolution model of network opinion with individual affected probability

  17. 媒介的议程设置推动网络舆情多样化并产生巨大影响力。

    Agenda setting to promote diversity and tremendous influence of network public opinion .

  18. 基于网络舆情的高校思想政治教育思考

    Ponderations on Ideological and Political Education in University based on Network Public Opinions

  19. 第一,网络舆情能否发挥作用与政府偏好有关。

    First , whether IPO can have its influence depends on the government preference .

  20. 然而能够成功应对网络舆情危机的企业却鲜有出现。

    However the enterprises who can handle network public opinion crisis successfully have rarely appeared .

  21. 网络舆情形成迅速,对社会影响巨大,已经引起党和政府的密切关注。

    The network consensus has formed rapidly and already attracted more attentions of the government .

  22. 网络舆情挖掘大致包括舆情采集、话题发现和分析预测三步。

    Network public opinion mining includes public opinion collection , topic detection , analysis and prediction .

  23. 本论文为网络舆情的信息挖掘提供了一种新的思路和方法。

    This paper offers a new idea and method about information mining of internet public opinion .

  24. 于是网络舆情在网络的急速发展中诞生。

    So the network of public opinion was born in the rapid development of the network .

  25. 第二,不能过分夸大网络舆情对公共政策的影响。

    Second , it is not recommended to overrate the impact of IPO on public policy .

  26. 冯玉祥组建察哈尔民众抗日同盟军的原因网络舆情的临战引导&基于哈尔滨警察与大学生互殴事件的分析

    The Reasons of FENG Yu-xiang Organizing the Anti-Japan Allied Forces ; Net-mediated Public Sentiment Emergency Response Guidance

  27. 当前,随着互联网时代的到来,网络舆情不断发展。

    The age of internet has come , which leads to the development of internet public opinions .

  28. 第五部分提出完善网络舆情联动应急机制的几点措施。

    The following part puts forward several measures to improve linkage response mechanism for network public opinions .

  29. 改进舆情监测工作,健全网络舆情预警机制,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。

    It is necessary to improve supervision and perfect net forewarning mechanism for constructing socialism and harmonious society .

  30. 伴随互联网的快速发展,舆情又出现了新的表现形式网络舆情。

    With the rapid development of Internet , public opinion has emerged a new form of internet public sentiment .