
  • 网络weston;Westone;visteon;WISDOM
  1. 博世(Bosch)和威斯顿(Visteon)等跨国企业已在中国投入了巨额资金,在技术水平要求更高的高端市场占据了相当大的份额。

    Multinational companies such as Bosch and Visteon have invested heavily in China , taking a large part of the top end of the market , which requires a higher technological level .

  2. 1807年12月14日的早晨6点半,康涅狄格州威斯顿(Weston)的居民被一声巨响所惊醒。

    AT HALF past six on the morning of December14th1807 , the folk of Weston , Connecticut , were woken up by a loud bang .

  3. 我们必须开车到威斯顿去看。

    We 'll hae to drive into Weston to see it .

  4. 贝蒂:你打算怎么去威斯顿?

    Betty : how are you planning to get to weston ?

  5. 但是威斯顿的居民却将其视做一个良机。

    The folk of weston , however , saw it as an opportunity .

  6. 睡着了的威斯顿仍一动不动。

    The sleeping Watson would not move .

  7. 去凯斯威斯顿大学的生物物理学实验室。

    To the Case Western University biophysics lab.

  8. 可是我想写信给马里兰州的威斯顿女士索取一些信息。

    But I like the idea of writing to Ms. Weston in Maryland for some information .

  9. 威斯顿发狂似地打完了字。

    Weston finished his manic typing .

  10. 位于威斯顿联邦大厦的办公室,是其西部营销及服务中心。

    The office located at Chengdu Western Tower , is its marketing and service center for West China .

  11. 去年夏天,他们刚买了那辆四轮四座大马车不久,我们就坐着它去金斯威斯顿游览了两次,玩得开心极啦。

    We explored to King 's-Weston twice last summer , in that way , most delightfully , just after their first having the barouche-landau .

  12. 班克西上一出精心策划的恶作剧是在三年多前,当时他在滨海威斯顿开放了Dismaland主题公园——一个“不适合小孩子的家庭主题乐园”。

    One of Banksy 's more elaborate jokes came just over three years ago when he opened Dismaland , a " family theme park unsuitable for small children , " on the seafront at Weston-super-Mare .