
  1. 那个时候没有职业的体能专家或者健身器械来帮助我们变得更加快速和强壮。

    We did not have to days experts and to days machinery to help us to be faster and stronger .

  2. 现代职业足球运动员体能训练控制的基本特征

    Characteristics of physical fitness training control of professional soccer player

  3. 基于现代足球运动的发展趋势,应细化职业足球队体能训练负荷的设计安排,并和身体状况测评二者有机地结合起来进行研究。

    On the basis of the development trend of modern football , the physical training load design for the professional football players should be specified and studied with the physical state monitoring .

  4. 职业足球运动员全年体能训练负荷的设计与身体机能状态应急调控

    Year-round physical training load design for professional football players and stress control of physical functions

  5. 物理治疗、职业治疗和儿童体能智力测验按节收费,每节44元。

    Physiotherapy , occupational therapy and child assessment services are also charged at $ 44 per session .

  6. 要想提高我国职业足球运动员的体能水平必须在有氧能力上下功夫。

    We must work hard in having ability if we want to raise the level of endurance level .