
  • 网络career development;professional development
  1. 一方面,怎样加强企业雇员的职业开发与发展是企业发展之必需。

    Because for one side , it is necessary for prospering a company that how to strengthen career development and grow .

  2. 该部分在分析服务性行业员工职业开发特点的基础上,得出酒店行业员工职业生涯开发模式的特点,并提出一系列实用方法。

    On the basis of analyzed characteristic of employees ' career development in service trade , I draw a conclusion of characteristic of hotel enterprises and propose a series of practical approaches .

  3. 图书馆职业开发系统研究

    Design on Professional Development System of Library

  4. 论图书馆的职业开发

    Discussion on the Exploitation of Library profession

  5. 当代的金融竞争说到底是人才的竞争,金融企业员工职业开发与管理水平是决定人才竞争力的关键因素。

    Therefore , the competition in the modern financial market is actually a competition for high quality personnel , And staff development and management is the key of personnel competition .

  6. 第四条箴言:职业生涯开发与管理讲求的是:只要开始,永远不晚;只要进步,总有空间。

    The fourth maxim : career development and management require that : if only start , never be late ; if only getting progress , always having space .

  7. 高校图书馆如何做好毕业生职业信息开发工作

    How to Unfold Information Development for Graduate Occupation in Universities Libraries

  8. 对职业教育开发校本课程的思考

    The Thought on Vocational Education of School - based Curriculum

  9. 情境&达标式职业能力开发模式研究

    The Study on the " Objective-Situation " Model of Vocational Competency Development

  10. 此后,国外女性职业生涯开发的研究拉开序幕。

    Since then , the research of foreign Women Career Development began .

  11. 高校图书馆馆员职业生涯开发与管理

    Development and Management of the Vocational Career of University Librarians

  12. 高校图书馆应进行有组织的职业生涯开发

    The development of professional career arranged by academic libraries

  13. 高校图书馆人力资源的职业生涯开发

    The career development in human resources of university library

  14. 职业技能开发是提高劳动者素质的重要途径

    Vocational Skill Development is the Important Way of Improving the Laborer 's Quality

  15. 职业能力开发的哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration on the Development of Professional Abilities

  16. 以员工职业生涯开发为导向的企业人力资本增值问题研究

    Research on Issues of Human Resource Appreciation-Based on the Orientation of Employee Career Development

  17. 构建职业教育开发农村人力资源的动力系统;

    Construct the powerful system that vocational education develops human resources in rural areas ;

  18. 阐述图书馆人文关怀对馆员职业生涯开发的影响;

    This paper probes into the influence of humane care on the librarians'career development .

  19. 关于日本职业能力开发大学校的考察

    The Inspection of Japanese Vocational Ability-developing University

  20. 国外女性职业生涯开发研究分立为职业心理学和组织行为学两个方面。

    Foreign Women Career Development separated from two aspects : Occupational Psychology and Organizational Behavior .

  21. 第二章是有关在职成人职业能力开发的背景分析。

    The second chapter analyzes the background .

  22. 学科馆员制度与非图书馆学专业人力资源的职业生涯开发

    The Subject Librarian System and the Professional Career Development of Human Resource for Non-library Science Speciality

  23. 文中系统地阐述了基于工作过程系统化的高等职业教育开发理论研究。

    This paper describes systematic theory about higher vocational education based on work developed systematic process .

  24. 第五部分是酒店员工职业生涯开发模式的构建。

    The fifth part is about the construction of the Career Development 's pattern on Upper-bracket Hotels .

  25. 构建终身职业能力开发体系,完善法律法规建设,规范就业准入。

    Construct life-long system for professional ability development , optimize legislation construction , and regulate employment admittance .

  26. 第一章是有关成人职业能力开发的理论探讨。

    The first chapter of the thesis probes into the theory of the development of professional ability of adult .

  27. 高职院校的职业技能开发与校园文化建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Development of Vocational Technical Ability and the Construction of the Campus Culture in Higher Vocational Colleges

  28. 而传统的职业生涯开发理论和实践在后企业时代都显得不适应,主要是因为管理环境的变化。

    The traditional OCD theory and practice is not adaptive in the Post-corporate Age , for the managerial environment is changing .

  29. 组织职业生涯开发不仅开发了一个企业的人力资源,重要的是其对整个智力资本系统有着系统的影响。

    It not only develops human resource of one company , more important it has systematic effect on the whole Intellectual Capital system .

  30. 促进成人职业能力开发,关键在于营造全体成人参与职业能力再开发活动的浓厚氛围;

    To foster adult professional ability development , the key is to build dense atmosphere for all adults participating in re-development activity of professional ability ;