
  1. 关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索

    The Issues and Thinking About Post-employment Education for Special Education Teachers

  2. 关于中小学教师职后教育困惑的思考

    Ponder about the Puzzled Education for on-the-job Elementary and Middle School Teachers

  3. 教师职后教育的案例教学模式

    Exploration & Analysis of Case Teaching Method in Teachers ' Post-service Education

  4. 职后教育教师队伍建设仍需加强;

    The teachers group of continuous education needs to strengthen .

  5. 为此,教师的职后教育正受到前所未有的重视。

    Post-employment education has , therefore , been more emphasized than ever .

  6. 新中国小学教师职后教育发展研究(1949-2000)

    In-Service Teacher Education of New China in Primary and Secondary School ( 1949-2000 );

  7. 业余教练员培训中职前、在职和职后教育的衔接不紧;

    Pre-service , in-service education and the interface of amateur coaches training is not compact ;

  8. 沈阳市中等职业学校体育教师职后教育的现状调查研究

    Investigation and Countermeasure Study on PE Teachers ' Continuous Education in Shenyang Secondary Vocational School

  9. 博士后研究人员出站考核评价初探教师职后教育体系初探

    A Preliminary Exploration into Evaluation for Post-doctoral Study Appraisal Preliminary Exploration on the System of In-service Education

  10. 教师职后教育体系初探基于教学实践重构的教师职后教育质量观初探

    On a Standpoint for Education Quality for Teacher in Service Training Based on the Reconstruction of Instructional Practices

  11. 其次,从加强职后教育和提高对话能力两个方面提高教师的对话教学素养。

    Secondly , improving teaching quality from the post education and strengthening the capacity of dialogue and dialogue .

  12. 这也是建立起体制健全的职后教育制度的重要组成部分。

    This is also an important part of the system to establish a sound system of vocational education .

  13. 与城市教师相比,农村教师普遍存在负担过重、待遇偏低、职后教育虚无化、社会地位边缘化等不公平现象。

    Compared with the urban teachers , rural teachers are heavily burdened , poorly paid and unfairly treated in the society .

  14. 中小学教师职后教育课程设置中目前存在诸多问题,如课程目标不明确、课程结构不合理、课程内容不全面、课程实施的方式方法欠妥当、对教师的评价也不尽合理等。

    Many problems exist in the curriculum provision for post-employment education for teachers and there are unreasonable aspects to the teacher evaluation .

  15. 中美特殊教育师资培养之比较研究关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索

    A Comparative Study of Teachers Training between the Sino-US Special Education The Issues and Thinking About Post-employment Education for Special Education Teachers

  16. 高校体育教育人力资源在选聘、使用、职后教育、流通等方面,还存在着不尽如人意之处。

    There still exists something unsatisfactory in the selection and engagement , use and circulation of PE human resources in colleges and universities .

  17. 二是建立高质量、系统配套的体育教师职后教育模式。三是进一步完善教师职后教育的监督、激励机制。

    Second , build the continuous education mode of high quality and system Third , perfect the supervising and promoting mechanism of continuous education .

  18. 第一部分,对T中学青年教师职后教育现状的调查与分析。

    In the first part of this paper , the present situation of the post-service education in the T High School is investigated and analyzed .

  19. 加强健美操教师队伍建设,重视教师职后教育。

    Change the view of teaching and enrich teaching content . 2 . Strengthen the construction of teachers ' team , aerobics after-employment education value . 3 .

  20. 避免教师出现工作、学习两者不能兼顾的情况。5.尽快建立起与职后教育培训相对应的考核制度。

    Avoid teachers appear to work , learning two can not be balanced.5as soon as possible to establish a vocational education and training and the corresponding appraisal system .

  21. 教师在明确了自身的角色定位及教师专业发展的基本阶段后,广大教师要靠职后教育和自我学习来不断提高自身素质。

    After they definitude role orientation themselves and basic phases of teacher 's professional development , great teachers must improve continuously diathesis themselves by education of behind job and self-leaning .

  22. 由于,秦巴山区受地理环境、交通、经济等因素的影响,秦巴山区中学教师职后教育培训工作存在诸多需要有关部门必须解决的问题。

    Since the factors like geography , transportation and economy have great impact on Qin-ba mountain , the middle school teachers here are faced with many problems that must be solved .

  23. 提高初中体育教学质量离不开高素质的体育教师,而高素质的体育教师更离不开高质量的职后教育。

    Improve the quality of teaching in junior high school sports can not do without high-quality physical education teachers , and high-quality physical education teachers can not do without a high-quality service education .

  24. 因此,研发一种能够实现对免费师范生进行职后教育的远程学习平台,需要通过来自实践的反馈不断改进,以最大程度实现系统的目标。

    A lot of feedback from practice is needed when we develop a distance learning platform which is used for their post education , and the feedback can make the platform bring the greatest function .

  25. 本文顺应时代的发展,针对目前中学信息技术教师状况中一些问题进行了研究,以此来解释目前信息技术教师该如何正确对待职后教育。

    This thesis adapts to the development of times and has studied some problems existing in the work of middle school IT teachers in order to explain how middle school IT teachers treat continual education properly .

  26. 广西小学教师教育面临入口即生源、培养过程(包括培养模式、管理制度、师资力量以及课程设置)、就业出路和小学教师的职后教育等四方面的困惑。

    The elementary school teacher education in Guangxi is confronted with four perplexities such as the source of students , the cultivating process ( including cultivating model , management rule , teacher team and curriculum ), employment and in-service education .

  27. 第三部分,对青年教师职后教育的动因及影响青年教师职后教育因素的分析,对青年教师职后教育的管理进行了分析与设想。

    And in the third part of this paper , the motivation of young teachers ' post-service education and the factors that might influence such education as well as the administrative management are analyzed and accordingly , some suggestions are made .

  28. 研究目的旨在为中学体育教师的成才提供示范作用,为中学体育教师的职后教育和全面提高这支队伍的整体水平提供参考依据。

    The purpose of the study is to set up a demonstrating example for the talent - converting of secondary school physical educational teachers , and offer a reference to the after - employment education and the overall-quality improvement of physical educational teachers in secondary schools .

  29. 制定相应的法律法规,完善制度,解决工作与参加职后教育培训之间的矛盾,将职后教育培训的时间尽量安排在寒暑假或节假日期间。

    Development of appropriate laws and regulations , improve the system , to resolve conflicts and to participate in the work between vocational education and training , vocational education and training will be the time to try to arrange in the winter and summer or during the holidays .

  30. 本文从我国教师职后教育的两大实然质量问题和应然三重质量观的特性出发,提出了一种基于教学实践重构的教师职后教育质量观,并从多维度对其进行了论述。

    Based on the two main actual problems of teacher in-service training and its three " should-be " characteristics of standpoint of quality , the article develops , in multiple dimensions , a standpoint of quality for teacher in-service training which is central to the reconstruction of instructional practices .