
jiāo yàn
  • delicate and charming;tender and beautiful
娇艳 [jiāo yàn]
  • [delicate and charming] 艳丽

  • 娇艳的鲜花

娇艳[jiāo yàn]
  1. 在阴霾天空下,陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。

    The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden .

  2. 一张笑脸,便是开在春风里的一枝娇艳的花朵;

    A smiling face , is to open a delicate and charming flower in the spring breeze ;

  3. 我摘下我花园中所有的娇艳,把它们织成各个桂冠们。

    I plucked all the blossom in my garden into wreaths .

  4. 她的双唇娇艳,如玫瑰花。

    Her lips are like a rose so fair .

  5. 青春的肉体洋溢着无限的生命力,像鲜花一样美丽娇艳。

    The young body filled with infinite vitality , like a beautiful flower blooming .

  6. 试想,谁每天在耗这娇艳的生命?

    Guess , who gave his life away ?

  7. 一个懂得生活的人,能领悟到花的娇艳;

    A man who understands life can learn the dedicate and charming of flowers ;

  8. 它是今年的第一朵玫瑰,硕大、娇艳、芳香四溢。

    It was the first rose of the year , big , red and heavy-scented .

  9. 大冬天看到这么多娇艳的鲜花,真让人赏心悦目!

    It 's so joyful to see so many beautiful flowers in a cold winter !

  10. 那我还真是娇艳动人了。

    That must have been really attractive .

  11. 各种包装精美、娇艳欲滴的花束,争相装点着节日的氛围。

    A variety of packaged or bundled tender flowers added more color to the festival .

  12. 那位拥抱着自己娇艳新娘的英雄。

    The hero embracing his gorgeous bride .

  13. 她那两片娇艳生动的红嘴唇儿,一双天真纯洁的大眼睛,使她在容貌颜色上,平添了一段动人之处。

    Her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape .

  14. 她双唇如玫瑰般娇艳

    Her lips are like red roses fair

  15. 我多么渴望成为一湾清泉,为你滋润朵朵鲜花的娇艳!

    How I wish I could become a clear spring moistening all fresh flowers for you !

  16. 娇艳的紫罗兰,鲜红的玫瑰,甜蜜的糖,就像你一样美。

    Roses are red , violets are blue , sugar is sweet , and so are you .

  17. 娇艳欲滴,已是昨日之梦,而今,只是无奈地凋零

    Charming refulgence has been a dream of yesterday . Now , there is only a desperate fading

  18. 第2天,路边的那2朵红花看起来比前一天更加娇艳。

    The next day , beside the road , the red flowers were brighter than the day before .

  19. 吕志鲁译你娇嫩的手,你娇小的脚,你娇艳的嘴,呵,上帝,百媚千娇!

    Your little hands , Your little feet , Your little mouth --- Oh , God , how sweet !

  20. 或许谁也不会想到,那株弱不禁风的小树,会开出如此娇艳的花朵。

    Perhaps no one thought that Nazhu fragile small tree bears flowers of such a tender and beautiful flowers .

  21. 魅影用类似于他的温柔的黑绸带,轻轻系住玫瑰般娇艳、挣扎、多刺的克莉丝汀。

    Phantom 's soft black ribbon bound Christina , who likes a beautiful and frail rose with thorns , gently .

  22. 岁月一年又一年地过去了,露茜也一年年长大成人了;她长得亭亭玉立,十分健美,她的面颊愈见娇艳,她的步态也日益轻盈。

    As year succeeded to year she grew taller and stronger , her cheek more ruddy and her step more elastic .

  23. 没有一种睡眠能够这等美丽平静,这等没有丝毫痛苦的迹象,而看起来又是这等娇艳。

    No sleep was so beautiful and calm , so free from trace of pain , so fair to look upon .

  24. 那个晚上,他跑到树林里,摘了一大捧娇艳的野玫瑰送给她。

    That night , he went to the woods , pick a large holding Jiao-yan of the Wild Rose gave her .

  25. 披着淡淡的清香,我们离开了荷花池,但是,那娇艳的荷花却依然开放在我心头。

    Dressed in a light fragrance , we left the lotus pond , but the blooming lotus is still open in my mind .

  26. 鲜花是美丽动人的。偶尔我会采一束花或拣一朵娇艳的玫瑰送给我的邻居、朋友或亲戚。

    Once in a while I pick a bouquet or a single perfect rose to give to a neighbor , friend or relative .

  27. 他快参观完了,而这娇艳的村姑也快介绍完了。

    He has come to the end of the sight , and the fresh village beauty was at the end of her description .

  28. 它会漂流到一个地方,这里阳光灿烂,鸟儿欢畅,开满娇艳的鲜花,到处是洋溢着微笑的脸庞。

    It will float up to some places covered by shining sun , singing birds , colorful flowers and smiling people on day .

  29. 娇艳欲滴的钟型杜鹃花在春天时节绚烂绽放,惹无数观赏者甚至蜜蜂昆虫的追逐。

    With its stunning display of bell-shaped flowers in colourful hues the Rhododendron is a spring-time delight for garden enthusiasts and bees alike .

  30. 那一场爱情,像一朵花,绽放得急切,刚刚娇艳,转眼就雨打风吹了。

    That kind of love is like such a flower that came into its blooming too early but soon withered when through rains and winds .