
  • 网络Entertainment advertisements
  1. 通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆。

    It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.

  2. 广告业迈进娱乐广告时代有着深厚的社会基础和市场需求。

    Advertising strides forward the advertising era of amusement there are deep social base and market demand .

  3. 商业电视广告把娱乐和广告内容融为一体。

    Commercial television has mixed entertainment and advertising .

  4. 传播媒体提供信息、娱乐、广告、新闻、评论和劝导。

    The media provide information , entertainment , advertising , news , commentary , and persuasion .

  5. 其实用范围主要是玩具和娱乐、广告等产品。

    The stealth technique device is mainly used for products of toys , entertainment and advertisement .

  6. 其实,这些原则可以用于所有的领域,如新闻、报道、娱乐及广告。

    But the same principles apply in all areas - news , information , entertainment , and advertising .

  7. 她一直主张他们应该留在野外生活,而不是为娱乐和广告所利用。

    She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisement .

  8. 在教育、宣传、娱乐、广告、会展、模拟仿真等领域的应用尤其广泛。

    Be in education , propagate , the field application such as entertainment , advertisement , meeting exhibition , simulation emulation is especially broad .

  9. 二维卡通动画因为具有其独特的魅力而被广泛应用于娱乐、广告、教育等领域。

    Two-dimensional cartoon animation is widely used in many fields , such as entertainment , advertisement , education , etc. , because of its distinctive charm .

  10. 同时,本研究特别注重研究的现实商业使用价值,分析、比较了众多成功的数字娱乐产品广告策略,并从中得出结论。

    Meanwhile , the research pay much attention to the commercial usage value , through analysis , compare some successful digital entertainment products advertisement , and draw conclusions on the strategy .

  11. 人脸渐变技术作为计算机动画领域的一个重要实用技术,可以广泛应用于电影制作、游戏娱乐和广告制作等领域。

    The technique of face morphing , which have been widely used in movies making , game and advertise making , is a practical technology in the field of computer animation .

  12. 威瑞森希望,通过向其庞大的智能手机网络加入娱乐、广告及服务,该公司能够吸引更多顾客,找到新的收入来源。

    Verizon is betting that by adding a layer of entertainment , advertising and services to its vast network of smartphones , it can attract more customers and find new sources of revenue .

  13. 创意产业提供我们宽泛地与文化艺术、设计装饰、影视娱乐、广告企划、软件服务等相联系的产品和服务,具有广阔的发展前景。

    The creativity industry provides us cultural arts , design decoration , interactive entertainment , advertisement planning , software solution , and the related products and services with a wide open future development opportunity .

  14. 为了研究并设计一款结构简单、容易实现、成本较低的投影交互系统,使其可应用于游戏、娱乐、广告等互动领域。

    In order to research and design a simple structure , easy realization , low cost large screen interactive system , which can be used in games , entertainment , advertising and other interactive field .

  15. 目前,虽然三维动画作为市场的主流,但是由于二维卡通动画所具有的独特艺术风格和强烈的视觉感染力在娱乐、广告、教育等相关也具有广泛应用。

    Today , 3D animation has become more and more popular . However , two-dimensional animation is still widely applied in relevant fields such as entertainment , advertising , education and so on due to unique art style and strong visual appeal .

  16. 笔者尝试将广告分为新闻性广告、娱乐性广告和情感性广告。分类标准依照诉求形式,出发点则是方便探讨这些广告形式在群体效应方面不同的表现。

    The author tries to divide these Ad into journalistic Ad , Entertaining Ad and Emotional Ad , The classification criterion is according to the forms of the appeal , intending to make it easy to explore the different expression of these advertising forms on the group effect .

  17. 为制定数字娱乐产品的广告传播战略提供了依据。

    Provide basis for the advertisement communication strategy of digital entertainment products .

  18. 许多建筑群上装饰着耀眼夺目的霓虹灯,那是宣传商品和娱乐节目的广告牌。

    Many of them are decorated with bright neon signs advertising goods and entertainments .

  19. 各网站带有娱乐性的广告一律关闭。

    All entertainment advertisements should be offline .

  20. 激光动画表演是新型激光显示技术的一种表现形式,广泛应用于游乐、娱乐和信息广告业。

    Laser animation is a new technology in the laser display and are widely applied in the area of entertainment and advertisement .

  21. 在这种意义上,晚生代男性作家笔下的女性形象与娱乐杂志或者广告上的女性形象没有什么本质的区别。

    In this sense , the " Younger Generation " male writers of the female image and entertainment magazines or advertising images of women on no essential difference .

  22. 三维植物模型有着广泛的应用前景,可用于虚拟场景、虚拟试验和虚拟农场、以及娱乐业、广告、园林规划甚至军事仿真领域。

    The three-dimensional model of the plant has a broad prospect and can be used for virtual scene , virtual testing and virtual farms , and entertainment , advertising , landscape planning and even military simulation .

  23. 发光涂料作为一种功能性涂料,可用于建筑物的墙体装饰,消防器材的指示标志,文化娱乐场所的宣传广告栏等。

    It 's a functional coatings used for wall decoration , indication and advertisement .