
pó suō
  • dancing;whirling;be a mass of branches and leaves;wirl,dance;have luxuriant foliage
婆娑 [pó suō]
  • (1) [wirl,dance]∶形容盘旋和舞动的样子

  • 子仲之子,婆娑其下。--《诗.陈风.东门之枌》。毛传:婆娑,舞也。

  • (2) [have luxuriant foliage;be a mass of branches and leaves]∶枝叶纷披的样子

婆娑[pó suō]
  1. 想家时门前的老槐树同母亲的白发一起婆娑;

    The grey hair with mother of old pagoda tree when being homesick before the door is whirling in company ;

  2. 树冠在微风中婆娑摇曳。

    The tops of the trees rippled in the breeze .

  3. 夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。

    Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky .

  4. 杨柳婆娑。

    The willows dance in the breeze .

  5. 在绿叶婆娑的本杰明奇克斯广场(PlaceBenjaminZix),晾衣绳(LaCordeàLinge)咖啡馆能够看美妙的运河风光,还有经典的半木结构房屋。

    In leafy Place Benjamin Zix , La Corde à Linge cafe offers lovely views of the canals and classic half-timbered houses .

  6. 当她离去的那一刻,我泪眼婆娑

    There were tears in my eyes when she walked away

  7. 发若是铁丝,她头上铁丝婆娑。

    If hairs be wires , black wires grow on her head .

  8. 现在我终于在婆娑的灯光里找到了美好的夜色。

    Now I 've found my good night in the spiral of light .

  9. 女孩则平稳地驾着轮椅,穿行在阳光下婆娑的树影之间。

    the girl directed the chair smoothly along the sunlit , shadowy walk .

  10. 我是田野,稻麦婆娑。

    I am the fields of ripening grain .

  11. 长袖婆娑舞汉天&从考古出土实物谈汉代长袖舞

    Long - Sleeve Dance of Han Dynasty

  12. 水碧天蓝,长夏无冬,全城遍植椰树,四季常青,婆娑多姿。

    With green water and blue sky , it is summer all the year around .

  13. 风恣婆娑浴寒冬。

    The wind knowingly biddings bath winter .

  14. 病床上,她泪眼婆娑的注视着他,于是,他们结婚了。

    On hospital bed , Her tearful eyes dance gaze he , Therefore they married .

  15. 身处其中,绿影婆娑,鸟语花香,环境之怡人超乎想象。

    The beautiful environment it offers is beyond your imagination with the surrounding green space .

  16. 现场能看到老年人泪眼婆娑。

    Old men could be seen weeping .

  17. 可是在这个泪眼婆娑的时刻,我实在太没用,找不到一句情深意浓的话语。

    But in this moment of tearful plight , words of profundity abandoned me like a worn-out shoe .

  18. 在亚龙湾,婆娑的椰林、碧蓝的大海和明媚的阳光构成了一个天堂的海岛。

    Coconut tree groves , blue ocean and bright sunlight make up an earthly paradise that is Yalong Bay .

  19. 每到晚上华灯初上,湄公河边坐满了纳凉的人群,远眺对岸泰国乌隆的点点灯火,菩提树影婆娑。

    At every night , many people sit besides Mekong River to overlook lights and whirling banyans of Thailand Udon .

  20. 那是一个美妙而又紧张的夜晚,竹影在风中婆娑,溪水在身边轻轻地低吟。

    It was a wonderful night , and nervous in the wind leaf , streams grass-grown whisper softly in the side .

  21. 阳光穿过婆娑的树影,爆米花的味道飘香,孩子们的笑声在空气里回荡。她们享受着眼前的这一切。

    They enjoy the sunlight as it dances in the treetops , the smell of popcorn , and the laughter of children .

  22. 如今,那条湖心小路蜿蜒蜓蜓,曲径通幽,有月光的夜里,树影婆娑。

    That winding path leads to serenity through the lake , with the shadow of trees dancing if the moon is shining .

  23. 那时一幢高大的建筑物的阴影和片片婆娑的树影己落到侯爵身上。

    The shadow of a large high-roofed house , and of many overhanging trees , was upon Monsieur the Marquis by that time ;

  24. 小鸟滑翔而下,栖息在草地上;女孩则平稳地驾着轮椅,穿行在阳光下婆娑的树影之间。

    The bird glided downward and rested in the grass ; the girl directed the chair smoothly along the sunlit , shadowy walk .

  25. 雪若算白,她的胸就暗褐无光,发若是铁丝,她头上铁丝婆娑。

    If snow be white , why then her breasts are dun ; If hairs be wires , black wires grow on her head .

  26. 姐姐又转回身,双眼含笑地看着他,小男孩泪眼婆娑地望着星星,长长的星光洒在男孩身上。

    And then she turned her beaming eyes upon him ; and the star long rays down toward him as he saw it through his tears .

  27. 结束工作的周末时光,约上三五好友或跟家人一起远离城市,在野外安营,度过一个月光婆娑的夜晚是怎样一种惬意。

    At the weekend after five days of work , what a great relaxing pleasure to go camping far away from the city with a handful of friends .

  28. 她那泪眼婆娑的痛苦样子让他觉得自己是个野兽,可他从灵魂里却并不懂得问题词在,为了什么。

    The spectacle of her suffering convinced him that he had been a brute , yet in the soul of him he could not see how nor why .

  29. 回想一件你记忆忧新的事吧。比方说,在街道的拐弯处遇到两个人正在谈话,树影婆娑,灯光摇曳,谈话的调子喜中有悲。

    Recall , then , some event that has left a distinct impression on you - how at the corner of the street , perhaps , you passed two people talking .

  30. 一向“狂妄”的法国总统萨科齐在印度空间研究会议上竟然突然“泪眼婆娑”,莫名感伤的面容让媒体感到十分意外。

    You can 't blame Nicolas Sarkozy for looking a touch glass-eyed during a meeting at the Indian Space Research Organization , even the rest of the audience look a little bored .