
hūn lǐ
  • wedding;marriage;wedding ceremony;nuptial;bridal
婚礼 [hūn lǐ]
  • (1) [wedding ceremony]∶结婚的仪式,通常包括伴随的庆祝活动

  • 发出参加婚礼的请帖

  • (2) [bridal]∶结婚的欢庆或仪式

婚礼[hūn lǐ]
  1. 这是一场别开生面的婚礼。

    This is an entirely new sort of wedding ceremony .

  2. Babymoon一词来源于我们熟知的honeymoon,即新婚夫妇在婚礼之后享受的“蜜月”。

    The term babymoon comes from the more traditional term honeymoon , which is a vacation taken by a newlywed couple after their wedding ceremony .

  3. 我们在举行婚礼的那天上午得到这个消息。

    We got the news on the morning of the wedding .

  4. 婚礼只邀请了几个至亲好友参加。

    Only a select few have been invited to the wedding .

  5. 大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提供了场所。

    The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions .

  6. 他们尚未确定举行婚礼的日期。

    They haven 't set a date for the wedding yet .

  7. 我们的婚礼我记忆犹新,就像昨天一样。

    I can remember our wedding as if it were yesterday .

  8. 空军战友们为他的婚礼充当仪仗队。

    Fellow airmen provided a guard of honour at his wedding .

  9. 果然不出所料,婚礼的那天下起了雨。

    Inevitably , it rained on the day of the wedding .

  10. 他是我们婚礼的证婚人之一。

    He was one of the witnesses at our wedding .

  11. 我们寻思着下个四月举行婚礼可好。

    We were wondering about next April for the wedding .

  12. 他们的婚礼办得相当隆重。

    Their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion .

  13. 连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太不像话了。

    It looks bad not going to your own brother 's wedding .

  14. 我们喜欢静静举行婚礼,不大事声张。

    We 'd like a quiet wedding without any fuss .

  15. 几百万观众在电视上观看了婚礼。

    An audience of millions watched the wedding on TV .

  16. 我们观看了重放的婚礼录像。

    We watched a replay of the wedding on video .

  17. 不巧得很,你的聚会和我要参加的婚礼在时间上有冲突。

    Unfortunately your party clashes with a wedding I 'm going to .

  18. 我无意去参加婚礼。

    I have no intention of going to the wedding .

  19. 随着婚礼将近,全家人都忙得不亦乐乎。

    As the wedding approached , the whole family went into overdrive .

  20. 听到婚礼的消息她很高兴。

    She was delighted by / at the news of the wedding .

  21. 你若不参加他们的婚礼,他们会生气的。

    They 'll be offended if you don 't go to their wedding .

  22. 婚礼是极好的录像主题。

    A wedding is the perfect subject for video .

  23. 我打算邀请70位嘉宾参加婚礼。

    I 'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding .

  24. 他们的婚礼是在当地一所教堂里举行的。

    Their marriage took place in a local church .

  25. 婚礼的那天早上,我们家闹哄哄的。

    It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding .

  26. 这个婚礼是喜庆盛事。

    The wedding was an occasion of great festivity .

  27. 她在自己的婚礼那天看上去很漂亮。

    She looked beautiful on her wedding day .

  28. 婚礼标志着埃玛生活新阶段的开始。

    The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma 's life .

  29. 他们的婚礼不准备大办。

    They 're having a relatively small wedding .

  30. 你订制婚礼请帖了吗?

    Have you ordered the wedding invitations yet ?