
hūn wài qínɡ
  • affair;extramarital affair;extramarital love;ultra-marriage love
  1. 他曾和办公室里的一个同事有过一段热辣的婚外情。

    He 'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague .

  2. 他们开始对两本提及一桩婚外情的出版物提起法律诉讼。

    They have started legal proceedings against two publications which spoke of an affair .

  3. 马勒也因为其轰轰烈烈的婚外情而出名。

    Mahler was also known for his passionate involvements outside marriage .

  4. 婚外情确实会对婚姻造成毁灭性的影响。

    Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages .

  5. 她错在说出了他们的婚外情。

    Her mistake was to blab about their affair

  6. 我的丈夫仍在和她来往,而且两人还搞婚外情。

    My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her .

  7. 他告诉她说他们的婚外情必须结束了,因为杰克·史密斯正在敲诈他。

    He told her their affair would have to stop , because Jack Smith was blackmailing him

  8. 想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪。

    The clamour to draw a veil over the minister 's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy .

  9. 有婚外情倾向的员工所在的公司,更有可能因会计违规行为遭受过美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)的处罚。

    The companies with would-be adulterers were more likely to have been disciplined by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for accounting irregularities .

  10. 婚外情网站“阿什利•麦迪逊”(AshleyMadison)去年遭黑客攻击,让数百万用户陷入难堪境地。

    The hacking last year of the Ashley Madison adultery site caused embarrassment to millions .

  11. 律师称这名意大利男子为安东尼奥C。他在圣诞节前几天翻一个旧衣柜时,发现了妻子多年前的婚外情。

    The Italian man , identified by lawyers in the case only as Antonio C , was rifling through an old chest of drawers when he made the discovery a few days before Christmas .

  12. 特里姆是一个剧作家,也是《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)的编剧。她与哈盖·列维(HagaiLevi)共同创作了《婚外情》,二人也在HBO剧集《扪心问诊》(InTreatment)中有过合作。

    Treem , a playwright and " House of Cards " writer , created " The Affair " with Hagai Levi , with whom she also worked on HBO 's " In Treatment . "

  13. 所以说,我起初加入最高级的婚外情网站IllicitEncounters,是为了写书而进行有关网络外遇的研究。

    So when I first joined Illicit Encounters , the most upmarket of extra-marital websites , it was for research on internet adultery for my book .

  14. 阿诺德•施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)曾经承诺过他会回来的,但那是在他当州长之前、有婚外情丑闻之前,以及65岁生日之前。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger promised he 'd be back - but that was before his governorship , his tabloid scandal and his 65th birthday .

  15. BBC记者金·吉特尔森采访了网站的成立人诺艾尔·毕德曼——他试图利用夫妻之间的不忠行为以及婚外情作为商机获取利润。

    BBC 's Kim Gittleson spoke with the website 's founder , Noel Biderman , who attempted to make a case for infidelity and using affairs as a business model .

  16. 叶卡捷琳娜和威廉·蒙斯(WilliamMons)有婚外情的传闻,险些导致她和彼得关系破裂,但是最后彼得处死威廉,并在自己死前与叶卡捷琳娜重修旧好。

    Their relationship was marred towards the end by Catherine 's alleged affair with William Mons , but Peter had him executed and they were able to reconcile just before Peter 's death .

  17. 对丈夫和玛莉亚·雷诺兹(MariaReynolds)那场臭名昭著的婚外情,艾丽萨·汉密尔顿(ElizaHamilton)在公开场合绝口不提,但在戏中,林-马努艾尔为她写了华美、悲恸的音乐,让她尽情吐露丈夫丑闻败露后的心境。

    Eliza Hamilton refused to comment publicly on her husband 's notorious sexual escapade with Maria Reynolds , but Lin-Manuel has created magnificent , mournful music for her as she pours out her emotions after the scandal breaks .

  18. 大约60年前,金赛(AlfredKinsey)的研究为二十世纪中叶人们对性问题的感知带来震撼,当时他在研究报告中称,在婚姻的某一阶段,美国半数的男性和四分之一的女性都会发生婚外情。

    Some 60 years ago , Alfred Kinsey delivered a shock to midcentury sexual sensibilities when he reported that at some point in their marriages , half of the men and a quarter of the women in the U.S. had an extramarital affair .

  19. 当地俚俗就概括了这种态度:一段没有束缚的婚外情被称为bobokboboksiang,简称b.b.s,意思是“午睡”;短暂的婚外情称为selingkuh,意思是“美妙的小憩”。

    Local slang sums up the attitude : a no-strings-attached affair is called a Bobok Bobok Siang , or just B. B. S. , meaning an " afternoon nap " , and a brief love affair is known as a selingkuh or a " wonderful interval " .

  20. 你的太太和你最好的朋友有婚外情。

    Your wife was having an affair with your best friend .

  21. 或许,你该结束这段婚外情了?

    Perhaps it is time for the end of the affair ?

  22. 她告诉我关于她婚外情的所有令人瞠目结舌的详情。

    She told me all the lurid details of her affair .

  23. 婚外情是对夫妻忠诚于爱情的反动。

    Extra-marital love is against loyalty between husband and wife .

  24. 他相信我和他太太有婚外情。

    He was convinced that I had an affair with his wife .

  25. 她想要离开。“我经常希望他会有婚外情。”她说。

    " I 'd often wish he would cheat ," she says .

  26. 伍兹的助手们多年来一直都在掩盖他的多起婚外情。

    Tiger Woods'handlers have been covering his infidelities for years .

  27. 在阅读英国的报纸时,你会觉得婚外情似乎很猖獗。

    Reading the British press , it seems like adultery is rampant .

  28. 你完全不知道你丈夫的婚外情。

    No idea that your husband was having an affair .

  29. 正如他们说的那样:发生婚外情非常法国。

    As they say : Having an affair very French .

  30. 她的丈夫否认自己有婚外情。

    Her husband denied that he was having an affair .