
chóng hūn
  • bigamy;bigamous marriage
重婚 [chóng hūn]
  • [bigamy]已有配偶的人又和别人结婚,在我国,这是一种违法的行为

重婚[chóng hūn]
  1. 重婚是犯法的。

    Bigamy is against the law .

  2. 他因为犯重婚罪被判入狱一年

    He was sentenced to one year 's imprisonment for committing bigamy .

  3. 第四十五条对重婚的,对实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Article 45 If bigamy , domestic violence to or maltreatment and desertion of family member ( s ) constitute a crime , the criminal responsibility of the wrongdoer shall be investigated according to law .

  4. 美国政府机关称,一位华盛顿女性通过Facebook发现她和一位潜在“好友”的现任丈夫竟是同一人。这两位女性的丈夫是一名惩教官,他即将面临重婚罪的控诉。

    A corrections officer is facing bigamy charges after authorities said a Washington woman using Facebook discovered that she and a potential " friend " were married to him at the same time .

  5. 重婚是违法犯罪行为,一直为法律所禁止。

    Bigamy is illegal and has ever been prohibited by law .

  6. 以客观解释论解读重婚罪

    Interpreting Bigamy Offense in Light of the Objective Interpretation Theory

  7. 一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。

    Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment .

  8. 首先对事实重婚的概念进行了界定。

    At first , the dissertation proposes the concept of factual bigamy .

  9. 她已经结过四次婚了,有一次是重婚。

    She has been married four times , once bigamously .

  10. 第三章:重婚罪的司法认定及处罚。

    Chapter ⅲ The juridical cognizance and punishment of bigamy .

  11. 在许多国家里重婚都被看作是犯罪。

    Bigamy is considered a crime in many countries .

  12. 事实重婚中事实标准如何确定?

    How to judge the standard of virtual bigamy ?

  13. 自从那一天,我曾考虑成为重婚行为。

    And ever since that day , I have considered becoming a bigamist .

  14. 它在重婚关系中娶了全国各地的许多女人。

    He married a number of women around the country in bigamous relationships .

  15. (一)重婚或有配偶者与他人同居的;

    Bigamy or , cohabitation of a married person with any third party ;

  16. 布莱森:你的意思是你自己的母亲指控你犯有重婚罪?

    Judge Bryson : You mean your own mother charged you with bigamy ?

  17. 海峡两岸重婚法律问题比较

    The Compare on the Bigamy-law of the Cross-straits

  18. 法律上一般也会将重婚罪定为违法,判处徒刑。

    The law generally will be bigamy as an offense and sentenced to prison .

  19. 如果她们都答应的话,那你岂不成为一位重婚者吗?

    And if they had all accepted , you would have become a bigamist .

  20. 无效婚姻可以成立重婚罪。

    The void marriage can be tenable bigamy .

  21. 论量刑情节的法理基础以及重婚罪的法律责任有哪些?论目录学基点

    Study on the Legal Bases of Sentencing Circumstances

  22. 重婚罪系两个婚姻的重合。

    Bigamy of two " marriage " coincidence .

  23. 事实婚不受法律保护,法律婚是重婚的前提。

    Fact marry not be protected by law . Law marry is bigamous precondition .

  24. 目前,我国出现了相当数量事实婚重婚的现象。

    There occurs a great deal of practical bigamous marriages at present in China .

  25. 而刑法规定的重婚罪却对此无能为力。

    But the crime of bigamy is helpless .

  26. 很多重婚者搬到了墨西哥,因为墨西哥法律对重婚比较宽松。

    Many polygamists moved to Mexico because of the relative liberality of Mexican law .

  27. 重婚罪。由于她与庞帝的婚姻在意大利是非法的,她不得不暂时与丈夫离婚。

    She had her marriage annulled to save Ponti from bigamy sharges in Italy .

  28. 重婚行为作为违法行为是否不论情况均构成重婚罪?

    Are the bigamous actions regarded illegal and committing crime of bigamy under all situations ?

  29. 不幸的是,意大利法律并没有承认庞帝的离婚,并指控他们犯有重婚罪。

    Unfortunately the Italian law did not recognize the divorce and charged them with bigamy .

  30. 重婚无效宣告的法律问题

    Legal Issues on Announcement of Bigamy Invalidation