
  • Baby Products;Baby Care;Baby Accessories
  1. 以及2010年被亚马逊以5.45亿美元收购的婴儿用品公司Quidsi。

    and baby products company Quidsi , which was bought by Amazon for $ 545 million in 2010 .

  2. 专门为采购各式玩具、游戏产品及婴儿用品而设。

    Feature a wide range of innovative and funny toys , games and baby products .

  3. 2011年,著名女演员杰西卡o阿尔芭参与创办了诚实公司(TheHonestCompany),专门生产环保的婴儿用品和家庭用品。

    Actress Jessica Alba co-founded The Honest Company in 2011 , to make eco-friendly baby and home products .

  4. 对我来说,这意味着儿子出生后,有更多的时候,我得睡眼惺忪地半夜跑到Babies-R-Us和Target商店去买婴儿用品。

    it meant more sleepy late-night trips to Babies-R-Us and Target to buy gear after our son was born .

  5. 作为一种广泛应用的化工材料,目前BPA被滥用于生产罐头内包装、食品包装材料、牙科填充剂、婴儿用品等塑料行业。

    At present , BPA was abused in the production of canned packaging , food packaging materials , dental fillers , baby supplies and other plastics industry .

  6. 遵循这种迷信并非是最有利于平衡工作与生活的事;对我来说,这意味着儿子出生后,有更多的时候,我得睡眼惺忪地半夜跑到Babies-R-Us和Target商店去买婴儿用品。

    Following this superstition wasn 't exactly the most juggle-friendly thing to do ; it meant more sleepy late-night trips to Babies-R-Us and Target to buy gear after our son was born .

  7. 如果有人对奖励计分计划在增加钱包份额方面的有效性持怀疑态度的话,他们会被亚利桑那州的零售商ABCO通过这个计划使顾客购买更多的婴儿用品方面取得的成功而震惊的。

    If we had any doubts about how effectively a program could increase share of wallet , they were dispelled by Arizona retailer ABCO 's success in capturing more of its customers'purchases of baby goods .

  8. 别买任何玩具,去婴儿用品商店--“神奇宝宝”店,

    Don 't buy any toys.Go to a baby store-Baby Magic .

  9. 贝佳公司湖南市场婴儿用品营销渠道及其策略研究

    Marketing Channel Strategy in Hunan of Bei-jia Company 's Articles for Babies

  10. 我们把一个吧台橱柜改造成了一个井然有序的婴儿用品柜。

    We turned a wet bar cabinet into an organized baby closet .

  11. 婴儿用品广告宣传语的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Advertisements for Babies ' Products

  12. 你要给我买婴儿用品?

    Are you going to buy more baby stuff ?

  13. 你在婴儿用品店花了五千美元

    You spent $ 5000 at a baby store ?

  14. 此前,朱莉亚在伦敦的一个婴儿用品展览上展出了这款宝宝高跟鞋。

    Mrs Taylor has already exhibited the Heelarious collection at a London baby show .

  15. 人们认为我们是一家婴儿用品公司。

    People think we are a baby company .

  16. 婴儿用品不晓得应该准备些什么。

    I am not sure what I shall buy to get ready for the baby .

  17. 我们能用夏洛特给的礼券去村里那家超棒的婴儿用品店

    we can use the gift certificate Charlotte sent us from that fancy baby store in the village

  18. 康妮考利昂给她送了一套婴儿用品,丝绸衣服、被褥等都是意大利手工制品,非常昂贵,非常漂亮。

    Connie Corleone presented the baby with a silk layette handmade in italy , enormously expensive and beautiful .

  19. 主要产品价格有:服装,婴儿用品,婴儿服装,安全背心,反光背心,塑料制品。

    Main products : clothing , baby , baby clothes , safety , reflective vest vest , plastic products .

  20. 房间的灯光是蓝色的,里面有三个放满玩具、书以及其他婴儿用品的架子。

    The room was light blue , with three shelves containing toys , books , everything a baby needed .

  21. 第77天:孩子出生前,你暗暗发誓,婴儿用品不再多,够用就行。

    Day 77 : Before he was born you promised yourself that you 'd keep baby paraphernalia to a minimum .

  22. 然而《童年人类学》让我们看到,无论是超市里琳琅满目的婴儿用品,还是我们的育儿思想,都谈不上真的有什么不同。

    But The Anthropology of Childhood shows that neither the supermarket baby aisle nor our parenting ideologies are truly diverse .

  23. 苏宁在中国各地298个城市拥有1600个零售网点,销售家用电器、书籍和婴儿用品。

    The electronic retailer has 1600 outlets in 298 cities across China , selling appliances , books and baby products .

  24. 随着婴儿用品的市场不断增长,这些婴儿中的漂亮宝贝正用他们肥嘟嘟的肩膀背负起重重的商业担子。

    As the market for infant products grows , a heavy commercial weight rests on the chubby shoulders of the baby talent .

  25. 随着婴儿用品的市场不断增长,这些婴儿中的“漂亮宝贝”正用他们肥嘟嘟的肩膀背负起重重的商业担子。

    As the market for infant products grows , a heavy commercial weight rests on the chubby shoulders of the baby " talent . "

  26. 还附带经销婴儿用品,提供婴儿照像、婴儿纪念品制作、婴儿头部护理及理发等各项服务。

    In addition they also provide baby suppliers and other service such as baby photo taking , baby souvenir making and baby head nursing and baby hair cut .

  27. 许多媒体之所以认为我们是一家婴儿用品公司,是因为我们出售纸尿裤和柔湿巾,但事实上我们正在增加针对成年人的产品。

    A lot of journalists think we are a baby company just because we sell diapers and wipes , but we are really expanding into categories that are really adult focused .

  28. 一个是消费类市场业务,也就是你刚刚指的那些消费产品,这其中包括许多婴儿用品,如婴儿洗发露、婴儿爽身粉等;

    One is the consumer business , which you alluded to , and it is a lot of the baby products , baby shampoo , baby powder , band - aids .

  29. 莫妮卡和瑞秋打算为菲比举行一个新生儿派对,但她们不打算送菲比婴儿用品,因为反正这个孩子要送走的;她们似乎打错了算盘。

    Monica and Rachel plan a baby shower for Phoebe , but decide not to give her baby-stuff because she won 't be keeping the babies ; unfortunately , this plan doesn 't go over very well .

  30. 政府每年赠送约4万个箱子给准妈妈们,其中包括床上用品以及约50件其他婴儿用品,包括衣服、袜子、保暖外套,甚至还有可以应付北欧寒冬的婴儿头套。

    Each year the government gives away about 40000 of the boxes , which come with bedding and about 50 other baby items , including clothes , socks , a warm coat and even a baby balaclava for the icy Nordic winter .