
  • 网络media determinism
  1. 历史观信息主义:从媒介决定论到信息方式

    Historical Informationalism : From Media Determinism to the Mode of Information

  2. 首先,以技术决定论中的埃吕尔和法兰克福学派的理论为代表,澄明它的理论缺陷,并表明技术决定论的本质及其与媒介决定论的差异。

    Firstly , clarify the theoretical error of the technological determinism which are represented by Jacques Ellul and Frankfurt School , and indicates the differences between technological determinism and media determinism .

  3. 简言之,通过以上两步的批判,从反的方面为作为媒介决定论的媒介环境学做辩护。

    Finally , it can defend for the media ecology and media determinism from the aspects through the above two steps .

  4. 有关文学是否会终结于电信化时代的话题目前成为文艺理论界争论的热点,文学终结论者立论的依据(媒介决定论)是值得商榷的。

    Whether the literature will be over in telecommunication times becomes the hotspot in the field of literary and artistic theory .

  5. 我们不能重蹈媒介技术决定论的覆辙。

    We can not repeat the mistakes of the media of technological determinism .

  6. 在研究中力避单纯从媒介出发的技术决定论。第二,研究媒介域下的文学后果,媒介的偏向性,即不同媒介影响力的差异性和文学呈现的历史性。

    The author attempts to avoid technology determinism starting off from the media . Second , the text studies literature aftermath in the media field and the deflection of the media , which are differentiation of different media influences 、 historic nature literature presents .