
  • 网络media group;Media Conglomerate
  1. 第四章分析了媒介集团组建的内部动因,继而从优势种群、食物链及食物网、协同进化的角度研究媒介集团的结构特征。

    The forth chapter analyzes the cause of formation for media conglomerate , as well as the structural characteristics of media conglomerate from the aspects of dominant species , food chains and coevolution .

  2. 在此基础上,论文第三章论述了媒介生态环境中政治因子、经济因子、技术因子等生态因子对媒介集团的影响及其相互作用。

    Based on these , the third chapter discusses the polity factor , economy factor and technology factor for media conglomerate and their interaction in the media environment .

  3. 市场经济视野下中国媒介集团多元化经营战略分析

    View of the Market Economy Diversified Media Business Strategy and Analysis

  4. 浅议我国媒介集团的企业文化建设

    The Construction of the Corporate Culture in China 's Media Groups

  5. 中国媒介集团发展战略的几个问题

    Reflections on the Developmental Strategy of the Chinese Media Group

  6. 媒介集团化的喜悦与尴尬

    The Joy and Embarrassment of the Mass Media Collectivization

  7. 论地域文化传承与西部媒介集团的发展

    On the Transmission of Regional Cultures and the Development of Media Groups in the West

  8. 媒介集团在广告活动中的多重角色

    Multi-roles of Media Group in Advertising

  9. 这在西方巨型媒介集团觊觎我国传媒市场、国内传媒业面临巨大挑战的背景下尤其具有现实意义。

    It has a practical meaning when the western media are coveting and challenging our media market .

  10. 倡导者与利润在价值链上的核心能力的聚焦形成媒介集团差异化的赢利模式。

    Focusing on the core competencies of value chain produces different profit earning pattern s of Media groups .

  11. 新的发展形势要求媒介集团对其广告经营活动重新定位、调整与整合。

    The new developments need the media group to have a re-position , modification and combination on the advertising .

  12. 期刊集团化作为世界媒介集团化发展的一部分,是大势所趋。

    The action of periodical collectivizing is a part of media collectivizing in the world , and it is our only choice .

  13. 从文化贸易的主体来看,大型跨国媒介集团垄断着当代国际文化贸易市场;

    From the perspective of trade sub - ject , the contemporary international cultural markets are monopolized by the large-scale media corpora - tions ;

  14. 文章对我国媒介集团建设企业文化的重要性和可行性做了初步的探讨,并对我国媒介集团的企业文化构成作了相关的分析。

    It explores the significance and workability of the construction of the media groups and analyzes the constitution of the corporate culture to be built .

  15. 考察西方媒介集团发展历程,我们不难发现,跨地区是西方媒介集团发展的必经之路。

    Western Media Group inspected the development process , we can easily find that the " trans-regional " Western Media Group is the only way .

  16. 作为广告代理,媒介集团通过自己的广告代理部门或公司,直接与广告主接洽广告业务,为广告主提供广告代理的专业服务。

    Role for advertising agent is the way that media group contact with the advertisers directly by their self-running advertising agent , to provide professional services to the advertisers .

  17. 然而,我国媒介集团的发展目前却面临着内部整合和外部竞争的双重压力。要突破这一发展的瓶颈,关键在于提升媒介集团的管理水平。

    But the development of the China 's media group meets both pressure from the interior integration and exterior competition , whose solution depends heavily on the improvement of the group management .

  18. 作为广告载体,媒介集团通过广告发布、价格制定、与广告代理公司合作以及对广告资源进行推广等活动,担当起广告信息发布者的职责。

    Role for advertising carrier is the responsibility of advertising information publishing carried by media group , through the advertising releasing , pricing setting , cooperation with the advertising agency and promotion .

  19. 第一章介绍了当代美国广播电视产业重组的主要内容和特点,并列出了作为重组结果的媒介集团。

    Chapter One introduces the main content and feature of the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry in the contemporary era , and lists the media groups as a result of the regrouping .

  20. 近年来,随着媒介集团业务的不断增加,媒介主体在空间上的扩展已成为一股不可扼制的趋势。

    In recent years , with the business ceaselessly increased in media corp. , the main body of media expansion on space has already become one strands of trend which was not allowed to choke .

  21. 媒介集团化被认为是我国媒介走向世界的重要措施,但媒介集团化应该是市场经济的产物,还是行政命令的结果,并没有取得共识。

    Media collectivization is considered an important measure when Chinese media groups enter into the world . However , there is no consensus whether the collectivization should be the outcome of market economy or administerial command .

  22. 在不同赢利模式中,媒介集团对上述三种角色各有侧重,需要通过角色整合提升媒介集团的影响力,强化竞争力,应对机遇和挑战。

    In different profit earning patterns , media groups put different emphases on tri-roles mentioned above , which need role integration to improve the influence of the media group , strengthen the competencies , face the opportunity and challenge .

  23. 作为广告主,媒介集团对自身的媒介产品、品牌和形象进行推广,通过科学合理的广告投放活动来销售媒介内容和广告产品,在内容受众和广告受众心目中树立品牌形象。

    Role for advertiser is that the media groups advocate and promote their own media products , brands and images , to build brands on the content audience and advertising receiver , by selling the advertising product in a scientific way .

  24. 而在传媒领域则可理解为将传统媒体与新媒体同时并入一个媒介集团之下,使原本泾渭分明的界限被打破,共同生产新闻,传递讯息。

    In the media sector can be understood and incorporated into the traditional media and new media at the same time under a media group , so that the boundaries that once clearly divided , the joint production of news , message across .

  25. 20世纪80年代以后,西方媒介的大型集团化与其在国际传播方面的迅猛发展使跨文化传播日渐成为最引人注目的领域之一。

    After the 1980s , the formation of large blocs of western media and their rapid development in international communication have made cross-cultural communication one of the most noticeable fields .

  26. 国外跨媒介经营的发展主要经历了单一媒介集团化、跨媒介和行业集团化、跨国集团化三个阶段。

    The development of foreign cross-media operation through three stages : single media group , cross-media and industry group , and multinational group .

  27. 本文以媒介的多重出售模式理论为基础,分析了媒介集团广告活动价值链,梳理了媒介集团在广告活动中的三重角色:广告载体、广告代理和广告主。

    The article based on the multi-selling pattern theory of media , analyzed the advertising value chain of the media group , carding the tri-roles of media group in the advertising , which are advertising carrier , advertising agent and advertiser .