
  1. 塑造了以瞬间性、零散化与无序性为特征的媒介时间,这种新型时间观念将对社会发展与人类生活产生深刻的影响。

    The paper asserts that the new time idea will significantly influence the social development and human life .

  2. 媒介时间的来临&对传播媒介塑造的时间观念之起源、形成与特征的研究

    The coming of the media time : a research on the origin , formation and characteristics of time idea molded by communication media

  3. 本文已证实青少年接触媒介时间的长短是决定媒介对青少年影响程度的重要指标,在被调查者群体中,上网时间较长的学生,他们易受到网络的不良影响。

    This thesis has confirmed that the length of time in the adolescent contact media is one important index that determines degree to which media affected teenagers . In groups of respondents , those who take longer time online are prone to the bad influence of network .

  4. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。过去五年,美国的孩子和青少年每天使用娱乐媒介的时间增加了超过一个小时。

    For Youths in US , a Jump in Media Use This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . American children and teenagers have increased their use of entertainment media by more than one hour a day in the last five years .

  5. 新媒介通过时间的变形与空间的混溶,将人们从传统媒介的信息传播时空束缚中解放出来。

    New Media has liberated human from the traditional media shackles of time and space through the time distortion and space integration .

  6. 过去五年,美国的孩子和青少年每天使用娱乐媒介的时间增加了超过一个小时。

    American children and teenagers have increased their use of entertainment media by more than one hour a day in the last five years .

  7. 媒介化时间的涌现与时间化媒介的膨胀,体现了现代社会媒介与时间的复杂关系结构,也构成了媒介趣味在时间结构上的生成。

    The presentation of mediated-time and expansion of timed-media not only show complex relationships between media and time in the modern society , but also constitute the generation of the media taste based on time structure .

  8. 因此,在现实生活中,人们对媒介的长时间依赖已是不争的事实。

    So in reality , it is the fact that people depend on media all day .

  9. 艺术作为指向性很强的一种媒介存在的时间并不短暂,从史前的历史至当今的社会。

    As a highly directive kind of medium , art has been existing for quite a long time : from pre-cultural epoch to modern society .

  10. 在特定时期内,某媒介或节目平均时间点的视听率。

    The rating of a station or program at an average point in time within some specified period of time .

  11. 被控中介媒介有5天时间整改或提出抗辩,逾期版权内容持有者可诉诸法庭。

    The intermediary then has just five days to comply or rebut the complaint ; after that the rights-holder can go to court .

  12. 为客户准备及投放广告的公司。这些公司有专门的媒介部门从事广告时间的策划,购买及评估。

    A company that prepares and places advertising for its clients agencies typically have media departments that specialize in planning , buying , and evaluating advertising time .

  13. 首先,分析了媒介议程对公众议程的影响。然后,从传播效果的层次、受众媒介接触时间属性以及信息传播过程的把关行为,详细分析了议程设置理论的特点。

    Then , it analyses the characters of the Agenda setting , from the level of the communication effects , the timely character of the public contacting the media and the gate keeping of the media .