
  • 网络media environment;media ecology
  1. 媒介环境学视野中的多媒体教学研究

    Research on Multimedia Teaching in the View of Media Ecology

  2. 且媒介环境学派自身现处于理论建构和反思期。

    Meanwhile , the Media Ecology is at the stage of self-reflection .

  3. 并结合奥运会转播版权的网络授权、基于真实体育的体育游戏&梦幻体育以及ESPN用户定制内容网页的案例,对新新媒介环境下、体育创意产业做了具体的探讨与分析。

    Based on network of authorized Olympic broadcast rights and real sports games-Fantasy Sports and the case of ESPN customized content pages , the thesis makes a specific research and analysis on sports creative industry in the new new media environment .

  4. 数字化传播技术的革新使得媒介环境变得异常复杂。

    Digital technology innovation has made the media environment extremely complex .

  5. 网络媒介环境给记者作业方式带来的利弊分析

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalists ' Operations in Net Environment

  6. 数字付费电视的媒介环境及其定价策略

    The Media Environment of Price-setting and Its Strategy of Digtal Pay-TV

  7. 媒介环境是拟态环境的外层;

    The media environment is the skin of the pseudo environment ;

  8. 媒介环境学家对专门化(专家)问题的警觉性认知

    Media Ecologists ' Vigilance against the Problem of " Specialization "

  9. 社会化媒体的发展建构了新的媒介环境。

    The development of social media has constructed a new media environment .

  10. 论媒介环境对思想政治教育的影响

    Discussion on the Impacts of Intermedium Environment on Ideological and Political Education

  11. 媒介环境学认为,媒介即环境,媒介是人体的延伸。

    Media ecology considers media as environment and an extension of human body .

  12. 从性质上而言,媒介环境和心理环境都具有非现实性的拟态特征。

    Medium environment and psychology environment have both unreal mimic features by nature .

  13. 中国电视正处在一种剧烈、动荡的媒介环境之中。

    Now China TV media is in a tempestuously and queasy medium circumstance .

  14. 控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组

    Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control

  15. 互联网时代的媒介环境与未成年人成长关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Medium Environment at Internet Age and Minors ' Growth

  16. 我靠虚像生活&媒介环境的影像阐释

    " I Live on Virtual Image ": An Imagery Interpretation of the Media Environment

  17. 报纸副刊在新媒介环境下的发展思路

    The Thought of the Development of the Newspaper Supplement in the New Media Environment

  18. 新媒介环境下,广告学专业学生实践能力培养要进行创新思考。

    Under new-media environment , advertising professional practice ability of students need innovative thinking .

  19. 电子媒介环境下高校图书馆的转型与定位

    The Transfer and the Position of Colleges and Universities Libraries under the Electronic Media Environment

  20. 论现代媒介环境下高校德育的功能

    The Functions of Moral Education in China 's Higher Institutions in the Modern Media Environment

  21. 新媒体技术应用改变了大众传播手段和媒介环境,最先受到新媒体冲击的是传统报业。

    New media technology application has changed the means of communication and the media environment rapidly .

  22. 多种媒介环境模型的逸度方法

    Fugacity Approach in Multimedia Environmental Modeling

  23. 重视与创新评论&新的媒介环境下党报发展的必然趋势

    Importance and Innovation of Comments & the Developmental Trends of Party Newspaper under the New Media Circumstance

  24. 在现代媒介环境中,图像作为一种历史悠久的传播载体,产生了新的技术意义。

    In the modern media environment , image as an old-line disseminator , it appears new significances .

  25. 在纷繁芜杂的媒介环境中,大学生在接触媒介的同时产生了许多令人深思的问题。

    A lot of thought-provoking issues appear , while students using media in the complicated media environment .

  26. 主动参与媒介环境建设,优化思想政治教育环境;

    Participate in the construction of intermedium environment actively , and optimize the ideological and political environment ;

  27. 新媒介环境下,印刷文明与国家观念的表达变得更加紧迫。

    Under the new media environment , the expression of civilization and national senseof printing become more urgent .

  28. 第二,核事故传播潜在构成一个完整而独特的媒介环境体系。

    Secondly , the spread of nuclear accident would potentially form a complete and unique media environment system .

  29. 只有适应了新的传播媒介环境的政府公共传播方能促进社会和谐。

    Only adapt to the new media environment , public dissemination of government can only promote social harmony .

  30. 网络时代的媒介环境对妇女教育的影响与对策

    The influence of the mass media environment upon women 's education in the Internet Age and the countermeasures