- offspring;filial generation

[filial generation] 亲代
Effects of Maternal Water Deprivation during Late Gestation on Fetal and Offspring RAS
It suggested that the vertical transmission of HBV via male germ cells from father to offspring could exist .
Expression of protein kinase c in hippocampus neuron of rats fed with iodine deficient food
These differences show that the relative contents of DNA in cancer cellular increase ;
Amino acid substitutions were present in progeny virus by RT-PCR .
A Research of the β - carotene and V_E Content in Seabuckthorn Leaves of Hybrid Generation and Parent Colony
Placental and lactating transfer of 147Pm in mice
Adverse Effects of Nonylphenol on the Reproductive Development of F_1 Male SD Rats in Sexual Maturation Period
However , the DNA sequence for the gene responsible for eye colour was proven to remain the same for white-eyed parents and red-eyed offspring .
Alleles from 6 different SSR locus were revealed only existing in the 27 progeny .
Conclusion : The HCV infection rate of the fetus born to mother for HCV RNA was 50 % .
The Measurements of RBC Size and DNA Content in the Backcross Triploidy Progenies of F 1 Hybrids Produced by Transgenic Common Carp and Transgenic Crucian Carp
GFP gene was introduced into the zygote of FVB / NJ mice by microinjection .
When the DNA of cells is damaged and could not be repaired , the process of apoptosis is initiated to avoid passing the wrong information down to the next generation .
PCR and Southern analysis of the genomic DNA from regenerated plants and filial generation showed that GNA gene was integrated into maize genome and inherited to filial generation .
Objective To determine the relationship of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ) to maternal and child health .
Selection of Elite Corylus Heterophylla F.tree and Half-sib Progeny Test ; Family Selection with High Nitrogen Efficiency and Investigation on the Effect of Cultivating Seedling of Liriodendron Chinense with Mycorrhizal Fungi
But no significant difference was found in 8 of 9 immune parameters between the hybrids and their maternal parent stock Chlamys farreri ( P0.05 ) .
Aim : Different dosage He-Ne laser irradiate gravid mice , observe the effects of causing change to young mice .
Objective To study the mechanism of nonylphenol on testis tissue development and apoptosis of F_1 generation male SD rats in weaning period .
Objective : To investigate the relations of methionine synthase ( MS ) gene variation in parents with congenital heart disease ( CHD ) phenotype in offspring .
When the father side got the disease , there was a higher incidence of diabetes in offsprings ( 41 . 2 % ) than when the maternal side suffered diabetes ( 27.8 % P < 0.001 ) .
However , in recent years , more and more well-designed studies have consistently documented associations of ART with an increased risk of birth defects , low birth weight , chromosome abnormalities , childhood cancer and epigenetic defects .
Results In the transgenic mice after microinjection , there were 4 Southern-blot positive mice , and the expression of bcl-xL mRNA and protein was detected .
The Preyer 's reflex ( PR ) threshold shift and brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) were taken as indexes .
The Analysis Base on the SSR and the Combining Ability of the Inbred Generation from the Cross of Local Maize Germplasm and Its Derived Lines
The results showed that the diversity Shannon index of filial population mated from inter-populations was higher than filial populations mated from inner-populations .
The asexually-propagated progenies of the transgenic paulownia were tested by PCR to contain gene shiva-1 of antimicrobial peptides .
Heritability and correlates of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in the Framingham Offspring Study
Experimental Study of Long-term Synaptic Plasticity and PKC Activity and GAP-43 Expression in the Hippocampus of Iodine Deficient and Hypothyroid Pup Rats