
  • 网络uterine contraction
  1. 第一产程中Ⅰ组于Ⅱ组相比子宫收缩力显著降低,P<0.05,催产素使用率为100%。

    During the first stage of labor , uterine contraction power in Group ⅰ was significantly decreased that in Group ⅱ . The usage incidence of oxytocin was 100 % in Group ⅰ .

  2. 测定子宫收缩力以鉴别难产及预测分娩方式多阶段CST试验对脐带缠绕孕妇分娩方式的指导意义

    The Role of Total Uterine Impulse in Differentiating Dystocia and Predicting the Method of Delivery The significance of the contraction stress test for encirclement of fetal umbilical cord to determine the method of delivery

  3. 母血浆锌、铜、钙、镁与子宫收缩力的关系

    Correlation between the uterine contractility and plasma level of zn , cu , Ca and Mg ions

  4. 目的评价可行走分娩镇痛在潜伏期应用的临床效果及对子宫收缩力和新生儿阿氏评分的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of ambulatory labor analgesia used in latent phase of the first stage of labor and effect on labor progress and Apgar score .

  5. 主要临床表现为子宫收缩力弱,产程延长,对母婴均有不良影响,易导致发生胎儿宫内窘迫,手术产率增高,易引起产后出血,产褥期并发症亦增多。

    Mainly manifested as weak contraction of uterus and prolonged process of labor , it it liable to cause fetal distress , leading to cesarean section , postpartum hemorrhage , and puerperous complications .

  6. 子宫收缩乏力所致产力异常引起的滞产,是针灸临床治疗的适应症。

    Acupuncture is indicated in the protracted labor due to the abnormality of force of labor from the uterine inertia .

  7. 以子宫收缩强度、子宫收缩频率和子宫收缩力为观察指标。

    The intensity , frequency and strength of uterine contraction were used as the criteria in the observation .