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zǐ chénɡ
  • Zicheng;small city within a larger one
子城 [zǐ chéng]
  • [a small city within a larger one] 指月城、翁城等这类附着于大城的小城

  1. 子城,市中心也有古迹啊!

    Zicheng , a historic site right in the city center !

  2. 独具江南地域特色的子城、罗城,从城市选址、建设规划、功能布局一直到建筑物实体的设计营筑,均体现了当时较高的认识水平和技术水平。

    Later in Tang dynasty Ningbo City was built , which is systematic and of great regional characteristics , and shows the high technology of the early people .

  3. 隋文帝开皇三年(583),实行州县两级行政建置,兰州领子城等4县,治所在子城县。

    Wong Sui Wendi opened three years ( 583 ), the implementation of the State and County levels build , collar city of Lanzhou , four counties , and governance of the sub-county .