
  • 网络Sub-line;Tippet
  1. 220kV线路同相垂直双分裂子线相吸粘连现象的分析

    Analysis on the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of in-phase vertical twin branch lines in 220 kV line

  2. 针对220kV送电线路垂直双分裂导线两子线相吸粘连的现象,利用公式推导的方法对产生子线相吸粘连的现象进行理论探讨,并分析了这种现象对输送电系统产生的不良后果。

    Aims at the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of in-phase vertical twin branch lines in 220 kV line , using formula deducing methods in theory discusses the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of sub-lines , analyzes the harmful consequences of this phenomenon for electric power transmitting system .

  3. 结子线纺制的加捻机理分析

    Process of Making Knot Yarn and Analysis of Its Twisting Mechanism

  4. 二维向量丛的最大子线丛

    Some Remarks on Maximal Line Subbundles of Rank Two Vector Bundles

  5. 眼就是穿子线绑着毛钩的部位。

    The eye is where your leader is threaded and tied .

  6. 空心锭花式捻线机生产结子线的新技术

    Hollow Spindle Fancy Twisting Machine : A New Method for Making Boucle Yarn

  7. 结子线的结构特征分析及影响因素

    Features and Influencing Factors on Knot Yarn Structure

  8. 结子线仿麻织物的开发

    Development of Fancy Yarn Imitating Ramie Fabric

  9. 面团长的子线是富挑战性吃,并且那是他们的魅力的一部分。

    Long strands of pasta are challenging to eat , and that 's part of their charm .

  10. 滤子线搜索内点方法是研究非线性约束问题的一个重要途径。

    The line search-filter method presented with an interior point framework is an important way to study the nonlinear constrained optimization problems .

  11. 这两种结构的摘钩器使用时,具有可延长子线寿命,提高摘鱼速度,保护鱼护等优点。

    The hook releaser in this two structures can prolong the service life of the sub-line , increase the fishing speed and protect the fish tool .

  12. 在非线性约束规划问题中,滤子线搜索方法历年来来被广泛研究,在解非线性约束规划问题中有着深远的价值和意义。

    The filter line-search method has been widely studied for years , and this method is very valuable and meaningful when we deal with nonlinear constrained optimization problems .

  13. 在二维平面内应用悬垂线方程式计算边吊索上各悬挂点的坐标,应用力矩公式修正以上计算结果,确定各振子线的长度。

    Firstly , the coordinates of suspension points on the side rope sling can be obtained in two-dimensional plane by the suspended-cable equations , and their ordinates are corrected by the moment equations , then the lengths of antenna wire segments are determined .

  14. 从电偶极子和短振子线天线近区辐射场公式出发,经过理论推导,得到了振子型电小天线近区辐射场电场强度的快速预测公式。

    Through analysis and transformation of formulas on the basis of near field formulas for the small antennas ( electrical dipole and short-element antenna ), formulas for the fast estimation of the electric field strength radiated from small antennas on the nearby areas of the antenna are derived .

  15. 微粒子的线度对Mie散射光强度影响的研究

    The research on effects of Mie scattering light intensity by the size of micro-particles

  16. 分析比较了几种典型的半波振子标签线天线弧形弯曲的情况。

    The arc curving of several typical half wave dipole wire antennas were investigated .

  17. 随着子源间线距D的增大,色指数差Q下降。

    The colour index difference Q decreases with the increase of D.

  18. 声波测试中振子衰减的线列阵模型

    Linear array model of attenuation vibrator for acoustic wave testing

  19. 薛蛮子还对线下的行为表示歉意,并恳请得到从宽处理。

    Pleading for clemency , he also reportedly apologized for his offline behavior .

  20. 任意阶次磁多极子场力线方程的解析表示

    The equation for field lines of a magnetic multipole with any order and degree

  21. 基于涡流分布系数法对电机内定子各股线内损耗分布进行较为详细的研究。

    Calculating the distribution of losses in stator strands based on the eddy current distribution coefficient method .

  22. 本文证明任意阶次磁多极子场力线方程总可以用有限形式解析地表示,并对偶极族和四极族磁多极子场力线的位形给予注记。

    In this paper it is pointed out that the equation of field lines of a magnetic multipole with any order and degree can always be analytically expressed in term of finite form .

  23. 该方法用数字权和时变相位权代替传统宽带子阵延时线方法波束形成中的移相器和时延线,这就避免使用存在量化误差且昂贵的模拟时延单元。

    The method uses digital weight and frequency-dependent phase weight to replace phase shifters at the element level and analog time delay units at the subarray level respectively , which avoids using analog time delay units that cause quantization style errors and high cost .

  24. 在深圳上市的子公司万达电影院线(WandaCinemaLine)也有同样快速的增长。

    Growth at Shenzhen-listed subsidiary Wanda Cinema Line was similarly racy .

  25. 用数据信号子空间分析等距线阵列分辨信号源数的能力

    Signal Subspace Approach for Array Resolution Capacity Analysis

  26. 本文给出球形导体倾斜赫芝振子辐射场的线极化与圆极化分量表达式,并进行计算,示出典型剖面内的各分量方向图。

    Expressions for the linearly and circularly-polarized components of radiation field by the oblique Hertz dipole over a conducting sphere are given and calculated , and the patterns of these components in typical section planes are shown .

  27. 钙钛矿锰氧化物的非弹性中子散射实验中发现了在低温下,晶带边界磁振子软化与磁振子谱线的增宽等现象。

    It is discovered that there exist broadening in the magnon line-width and magnon softening on the zone-boundary in the perovskite structure manganese oxide inelastic-neutron scattering experiment at low-temperature .

  28. 发现在布里渊区边界区域磁振子谱的软化和磁振子谱线增宽最明显。

    It is concluded that at the boundary of Brillouin Zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening .

  29. 比较纵向声子与横向声子对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响,并讨论各项参数的变化对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响。

    The influences of longitudinal phonon and transverse phonon on the softening and broadening in the magnon linewidth are compared , and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated .

  30. 三层交换是路由功能和二层交换的技术集成,基于三层交换的VLAN划分使网络以子网内线速交换和子网间的线速路由来达到线速通信。

    Layer 3 switching is integrated by the layer 2 switching and routing technology . Base on layer 3 switching to configure VLAN , the transfer speed will be improved by the wire speed switching in a VLAN subnet and the wire speed routing between VLAN subnets .