
kǒnɡ zǐ xué yuàn
  • Confucius Institute
  1. 香港孔子学院院长朱鸿林(ChuHung-lam)在采访中表示,他也认为这块额匾不合常规。

    In an interview , Chu Hung-lam , director of the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong , agreed that the plaque was at odds with convention .

  2. 上个月,英国内政部(HomeOffice)没有为孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitute)项目中的两名汉语教师续签签证,苏格兰地方政府首席部长为此提出抗议。这两位教师此前已在英格兰呆了1年时间。

    Last month Scotland 's first minister criticised a Home Office decision not to renew the visas of two Mandarin teachers from China who had spent a year in Scotland as part of a Confucius Institute programme .

  3. 与此同时,北京方面已在中亚五国开办了11所孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitute),推广中国的语言、文化。

    Beijing , meanwhile , has set up 11 Confucius Institutes to promote Chinese language and culture in the five Central Asian " stans . "

  4. 中国桥项目:一万份奖学金(每年2500份,共分四年发放)将通过设在美国的各孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitutes)提供。

    Chinese Bridge Program : 10,000 scholarships ( 2,500 annually for four years ) will be available through various Confucius Institutes in the United States .

  5. UWP为什么对合建孔子学院那么积极?

    UWP why Confucius Institute jointly built so positive ?

  6. 在美国持有J-1签证的孔子学院中国教师日前得令,将不得不于6月30日离境。

    Chinese scholars and professors teaching at Confucius Institutes across the United States on type J-1 visas have been requested to leave the country no later than June 30 .

  7. 请点击下载孔子学院奖学金申请表。

    Please download the application form for MTCSOL Confucius Institute Scholarship here .

  8. 本章主要介绍了韩国孔子学院情况。

    This chapter is mainly about general conditions of Korea Confucius Institutes .

  9. 第四届全球孔子学院大会开幕已经两天了。

    Today marks the second day of the Fourth Confucius Institute Conference .

  10. 这是中国在美国开办的第十一所孔子学院。

    It is one of11 institutes in the United States .

  11. 接受孔子学院总部的业务指导,遵循其相关教学标准;

    Accept operational guidance from the Headquarter and follow relevant teaching standard .

  12. 孔子学院和孔子课堂项目在其他地方不断发展。

    The Confucius Classroom program is expanding elsewhere , too .

  13. 孔子学院去年开设了首个语言课程,共收学员40人。

    It launched its first language course last year for 40 people .

  14. 院长们一致认为,制定好规划是确保孔子学院可持续发展的关键。

    A sound plan is essential to the sustainable development of the CI .

  15. 孔子学院的汉语师资队伍具有专业化、高学历的特点。

    The Confucius Institute has a team of highly educated and capable teachers .

  16. 非洲孔子学院落户肯尼亚。

    The college has found its niche in kenya .

  17. 多半设在大学校园里的孔子学院,推出了对学校颇具吸引力的激励措施。

    The institutes , mostly on university campuses , offer schools compelling incentives .

  18. 以孔子学院的视角看韩国中国语学院的教学

    A Confucius Institutes ' Observation of Chinese Teaching in Korea 's Language Institutes

  19. 欧洲瑞典建首家孔子学院。

    The first college of the study of Confucius has been founded in sweden .

  20. 孔子学院在斯里兰卡和尼日利亚等地迅速出现以推广汉语。

    Confucius Institutes appear quickly to promote chinese language in Sri Lanka and Nigeria .

  21. 孔子学院的活动,在这个意义上说,可能是至关重要的。

    The activities of Confucius Institutes , in this sense , might be crucial .

  22. 孔子学院通过语言教育、文化推广和经济交往途径产生影响。

    Confucius Institutes exert influence through language teaching , cultural spreading and economic communication .

  23. 你怎么能想像一个物理学家成为孔子学院的杰出院长?

    How could you have imagined a physicist becoming an outstanding Confucius Institute director ?

  24. 中国于2004年开始帮扶筹建孔子学院。

    China began helping establish Confucius Institutes in2004 .

  25. 当天的活动内容包括参观孔子学院、动手实验室及参加文化活动。

    The event featured tours of the Confucius Institute , hands-on workshops and cultural activities .

  26. 世界各地的孔子学院很好的说明了这一点。

    Confucius institute building in all over the world account forthe construction is very effective .

  27. 孔子学院是以教授汉语和传播中国文化为宗旨的非营利性公益机构。

    Confucius Institute is a nonprofit institute aiming to teach Chinese and communicate Chinese culture .

  28. 孔子学院现阶段的实际问题是师资和资金问题。

    The shortage of teaching staff and capital is the practical problem at present stage .

  29. 始建于2004年的孔子学院项目也是应时而生的产物。

    Confucius Institute Project , founded in 2004 , was also generated with the tide .

  30. 海外对中文学习冲击的需求,使孔子学院不断增加。

    The overseas surging demand for Chinese language learning gave rise to the Confucius institute .